Mereke’s parents treated him especially warmly. At first, Muhit was embarrassed by it but later he started treating them more warmly and heartily. Often, when they met this way, Muhit tried to recollect his parents who passed away untimely. Recollecting some moments of his life, he attempted to parallel some moments of his life involuntarily. He compared her parents with his if they had been alive. He will remember for a long time the road tragedy which occurred and took the lives of his parents. He will remember it so well that he will stop discussing it with anyone altogether. Even his wife Mereke who tried to ask for details once, had made sure that it was useless. Later on she would stop those attempts. He was adopted by his uncle right away. He was almost sixteen years old back then. He will hide in the depth of his soul the pain of loss of his parents. The pain which occurs when there are so many words for your closed ones but you cannot tell them because they've already been gone. He will hide it as deeply as possible so that he begins living in a new reality. He did this so he could give his kids everything which he unfortunately lacked. Family life of Muhit and Mereke hadn’t always been as harmonious as now. Before the birth of the children they rarely had fights. Mereke went to her parents here in Aktau several times. He didn’t like it but could do nothing. So, each time he was living him after those fights, she always wanted to get divorced with him and start a new life. But her mother, a wise woman, always helped her daughter with a piece of advice. And sometimes she was criticizing her fairly. She was giving her an example by telling her different stories which happened in her own life. Explaining different moments of life, she taught her daughter to be persistent in her life and in overcoming problems and circumstances. Also she taught her not to make reckless decisions which could have spoiled her life in the future. She taught her, as she could, to rethink all situations which had occurred. Mereke would be always thankful to her for that. She was an only child. Her parents wanted to have other kids as well. Although circumstances of life, in particular, sicknesses of her mother which were going one by one, didn’t let her get pregnant again. Her mother explained it by the environmental situation, and Mereke didn’t have any other choice but to support her, listening to her rare excuses and giving her tight hugs. Of course, she felt lonely growing up in a family with no siblings but her parents, especially her dad, tried hard to put their souls in her.
When she was young, she could leave her peer friends and stay with her dad. She was interested in everything he was doing. She was helping her dad to repair his motorcycle named IZH-Planet, she was looking at him with her enchanted eyes, listening to his stories which happened to him while fishing or hunting. While even giving him necessary tools, she felt more important than her peer friends who were playing with dolls or jumping ropes… Even checking back some details of his stories, she wanted to remember and carry them in her heart as long as possible.
He was the most loved and, of course, an ideal man for her. Trying to date her peers in school years, she inevitably attempted to introduce to her dad and compare them to each other. Later on, this bond was noticed by their mom and she never was offended. Just rarely, when she was angry with her about her disobedience or different tricks, she would say “it is your daughter…” In such cases her husband and daughter looked at each other and smiled pleasantly in understanding. The time flew inevitably fast and not looking at anything, it didn’t dare to stop. Mereke was growing and turned into a normal girl from a little princess. Adored by her parents, now she was the one trying to ease their routine. Eager to get a medical education after school and become a doctor, she wanted to be devoted to this noble job and to care about her parents better in the future. But her desires and wishes were not destined to come true. She lacked only one point to get attended to Aktybinsk Medical university broke her will. She was crying for a couple of days. Afterall she realized that she needed to come home with some results and attended a medical college. To her surprise, she passed all exams easily and entered there. Now, when she saw her parents, memories of her life appeared and she couldn’t control her emotions anymore and burst into tears.
– Mereke, why are you actually crying? We are old people but we still control ourselves. Cut it out, daughter- her dad said.
– Yes, dad, sorry that your daughter is such a crybaby… I have been missing you. Dad, I’m so glad seeing you safe and sound!– she said to her dad, wiping her tears off.
– Karlygash, Kanat, my sweet grandkids! Come here again and let me kiss your faces again. Mereke, haven’t you taught them to give their faces for grandma and grandpa’s kisses? Where have you gone? – laughing and willing to catch them said Mereke’s mother, looking at Muhit.
– Why are we standing here? Daughter, why are you actually standing? Ask our grandkids to get inside. Let’s come in. You will tell all your news there,– she decided to get in the house first.
Everyone was getting inside but Mereke was willing to find the kids in the yard, stayed outside. The thing that she saw in the backyard made her stop in surprise. Kids were standing before the swings which their favorite grandpa made for them quickly. Karlygash was trying to persuade her little brother but he was still trying to climb up on them.
– Mom, Kanat doesn’t want to obey me and wants to climb the swings,– she addressed to her mom tearfully, still trying to pull her little brother’s hand off.
– Kanat, you need to always obey your sister. And you, Karlygash, well done for looking after him. That’s how it is supposed to be. He is our little one. Let’s get in. Everyone has been waiting for us,– she said it to both of them, picked up Kanat and all of them got in, having the house walked around.
In the middle of the room there was a table which seemed huge for Mereke when she had been a child. It was full of treats and it inspired children who were tired of the journey. Mereke sat by her mother and set Kanat on her knees. Karlygash was trying to place herself comfortably at the chair and stretched for a spilled glass of stewed fruit. In the middle of the table, a big bowl of fried fish was placed.
– Eat, Karlygash. Have a nice meal my sweet grandkids. Muhit, tell me, how is your job going? So you are saying that medicine has nothing to offer to the kids who have such a diagnosis for now? Is it possible that modern science is powerless to do something? I feel sorry for little kids,– he asked his son-in-law thoughtfully, looking at the clock.
– Well yes, even though science always moves on and flies further fast but unfortunately it can only ease the course of the disease, not cure it. Dad, subtle matter is involved here. Here, there are no answers but more likely there are many questions…. However we are trying not to lose our faith. I have some drafts and plans but we still need some time… And it is never enough for all of us now, as it’s said. That’s how it is… It’s not complicated because it’s hard to find the best approach and way. They are a common knowledge. I think I still need to evaluate everything. Evaluate all circumstances of his condition and choose that only way which might really help him. Now he said that to his father-in-law giving an empty cup to his wife.
– Karlygash, Kanat, help yourselves. Why aren’t you eating anything? Isn’t it tasty, your grandma cooked it for you? Oh, our grandkids have grown… I have noticed it right away. Especially our Kanat has changed. Karlygash, what are your achievements at school? And still, you’ve made the right decision to come here. The sea will be very helpful for children,– saying that, Mereke’s father moved some plates with treats to his grandkids.
– Yeah, of course, dad. The kids have grown. Unfortunately, time flies. Dad, how are you doing yourselves? Does anything bother you? Mom told me on the phone that you are suffering from backache. You don’t tell me anything. Just mom tells me something from time to time. And still involuntarily. Let me give you a massage tomorrow. Deal, dad? Karlygash, Kanat if you are done eating, let’s go, I’ll make beds for you and you’ll have a rest,– she said looking at her sleepy children. She got up and hugged her father.
– Mereke, I’d like to show you something,– said her mom and got up walking to the furthest room.
– Sure. What’s that, mom? Muhit, I’ll be right back, and put kids into beds right away,– she said following her mother.
– Mereke, I’m sorry for asking you away from the table. Let the men talk face to face. Recently your father’s changed much. He always raises the topic of his grandson. Muhit is a doctor and his opinion means much to him. Let them talk. Okay, Mereke?,– she took her by the hand.
– Sure, mom. I got you right away. I understand all of you. How about me, mom? Seeing my son this way and realizing that his condition won’t change in the future. I understand that it’s hard to see him this way to you as well… Why do I have this retribution, mom? I can’t even imagine my son’s future. Mom, I’m scared of this unknown future,– told her Mereke sadly.
– Mereke, it’s wrong! We have to accept life as it was given to us. Always thank God and don’t you dare to complain! You are stronger than any other one. I am your mother and I know how hard it’s been for you. If you don’t want us to be offended by you, don’t complin about your fate. It is a challenge, daughter. And all of us will get it through with dignity. Whatever happens, we are next to you, my girl. Is it so, Mereke?,– eager to hear the proof, her mother looked her in the eye. Yes mom, you are right. I am not complaining, these are just emotions breaking… Yes, of course, I feel Muhit’s got my back and I am infinitely happy about it. I know, mom. What you wanted to tell me. And whatever happens, I’d like to tell you one thing. I’m happy with my wonderful husband, next to my wonderful children,– she said, adjusting her dress.
– That’s good then. Okay. We’ll talk about it later about it again. Mereke, which room are you taking? Go ahead and get settled. I will make a bed for Muhit here, on the couch. He is probably exhausted by the journey. Mereke, take the bedsheets here in the wardrobe. I’m going then. Good night to you all, my dear. She kissed her grandkids and daughter, and she left them.
– Left alone, Mereke’s father wanted to ask Muhit for details. Trying to formulate his questions well, he decided to raise questions about his grandson first.
– Muhit, tell me about yourself. I’m sorry that I’m not letting you rest now. How’s everything? How’s your job going? Kanat’s grown and I’m glad for all of you. Soon he’ll become a big boy. How’s his treatment going?,– asked Muhit, his father-in-law with a sigh.
– I have no major changes. I still have the same job. We are working hard, as it’s said. The hospital moved to a new building built by the city. We are getting used to it now… Yeah, I agree, Kanat is not the same. And yes, I understand that you’d like to learn some details about him. We’ve never talked about this yet. What shall I say… I don’t even know. First of all, cerebral palsy is a set of disorders which affect human ability to move and hold a spine. Most importantly, I’ d like to mark right away, it’s a problem of condition concerning the brain. It comes from the word “cerebral”. And “palsy” means troubles with muscle control and it leads to the weakness of the whole body. Manifestations of this disorder are different and undoubtedly they correspond to the severity of condition of the kid who suffers from this disorder. Shorty, the help will be necessary throughout the whole lifetime period. Until the ability of walking independently, even using special tools, in the future. Well why would I tell you all of this? But on the other hand I know gow loving you are to your beloved grandson. We are trying to treat him as best we can. I suspect that Kanat has an atactic form. These words, of course, are not telling you anything. It is a disorder of balance and coordination. They are expressed by problems while walking and fast movement or action which needs to be controlled and needs concentration. I’ve been studying kinesiotherapy1 for this case. I might say that I’m already done with it. Of course, we were taught this at university but it is forgotten with the time. Actually it is a massage, medical physical education and usage of special medical equipment. Speaking in simple words, it is a simple bandaging, however obvious it might sound. I am trying to get into the problem deeper and learn different materials. My friend and colleague, Pasha, recently puzzled me. I never even thought about not becoming isolated and searching for answers for my questions outside. And his simple advice was like a cold shower for me… From his words, as he claims, there are some authorial complex integral methods of rehabilitation. There is acupuncture and many other methods. Don’t be scared of such complex definitions. Actually, everything I'm telling you seems to be simple. If, of course, you want to understand. Oh, I’m so sorry I didn’t have to think about it earlier. Although I’ll try to find something best for my son. By the way, we are not here for nothing. I forgot to tell you that there is an aqua therapy2 which takes place in special places and pools. That is why I want to check the effect of his contact with water, staying here. Because the sea is not a pool… Mereke and I were happy for such a chance. I hope that our staying here will do good for us. Because children have a very high potential of their brains and the treatment of cerebral palsy should be started as soon as possible in our case. Definitely I don’t lose my heart. I know it’s a hard work but I’m not scared of it. Well, okay, why am I talking only about myself. How are you doing? Weren’t you suffering because of your knees? I brought you one gel which will definitely help. By the way, where are our bags?,– asked Muhit. He looked around, got up quickly and started looking through his found road bag.
– Thank you son. Thank you for telling me a lot. My worries have calmed down a little when I listened to you. Even if I’m not a specialist, I understand you like anyone else. Just tell me and I will do what I can, Muhit. I really wish God will make your plans true and give my grandson back to the others… So he can laugh and run like any other child. How tough is life sometimes. Leave that gel, go lie down. You are tired of your journey. You’ll show it tomorrow. Son, I’m glad for you that you are in your search and let Allah give you everything you are seeking for. Now I can understand the way you feel. How much work you have ahead. I will pray for you, son,– sadly said Mereke’s father. He took out of his pocket a handkerchief and wiped off his tears. Muhit looked at him and said quietly:
– No, it’s here. We will read a manual together tomorrow. I will try to explain everything there in simple words. Thank you for your sincere wishes and for listening to me. I cannot tell much to Mereke. She is a mother and reacts to my explanations badly. And what can I tell her? Do you understand me? Good night to you then, dad,– he told his father-in-law and noticed that he was upset by their conversation.
He turned off the light in the hallway, set himself on the couch comfortably and before falling asleep he wanted to feel happiness for him and his family. He felt that an upcoming meeting with the sea will help them for sure. That the sea with its salty waters will affect his son in a good way.
He was thinking about it again and again swaying in his dreams until sleep got him in its tight embrace.
In the morning he heard some noise next to him and a murmur. He opened his eyes slowly and saw Mereke and Karlygash next to him. Mereke was murmuring something to her daughter and both of them were setting dishes on the table carefully. Karlygash put something wrong and dropped the plate on the floor and cowering in fear and looking at the sleeping besides her father. She didn’t want to wake him up that much that her frozen pose scared her mother. Muhit opened his eyes smiled and winked at her.
– Daughter, why are you so clumsy? You’ll wake up your dad,– Mereke said outrageously.
– Mereke, everything’s fine, don’t blame her. Well, good morning to you!,– he said stretching and getting up.
– Dad, how are you? Good morning to you! I knew you were not sleeping. I noticed a movement of your eyelids,– said Karlygash, smiling.
– My daughter is very attentive. It’s not good to sleep long… Wow, how comfortable that couch is. You sleep in it and see everything. Karlygash, come here, I’ll give you a kiss, a little mom’s helper,– he kissed her and let her go back and help her mom.
– Darling, how did you rest? Lay down some more time until everything is ready. Or have you slept enough?.– asked him Mereke, wiping the table with a wet tissue.
– Of course, my beauty. And I’m still glad that we decided to come here. Aktau is an unusual city. The city is appealing with its sea and magnificence. Mereke, how’s your mood? I see in your eyes that you are happy to be close to your parents. Aren’t you?,-he asked his wife, still looking at the window.
– Sure, my darling,– she answered shortly, came up to him and hugged him from behind.
– I am glad right now as ever. And I want it to always be this way. I hope everything will be fine for us,– he patted her palms,not turning around.
– I’m also glad as ever, darling. Thank you for all of this. Thank you for finally having a chance to enjoy these places together, as a family. I would like to show the most special ones. I hope we will be able to find some time for that. And how about my parents, don’t you think they are happy as well? They are the ones who will not find the place in delight because we are here… Of course, their happiness is special, isn’t it, Muhit?, she asked him not letting him go.
– How could I not agree with you, love? What do we have for breakfast?, asked Muhit.
– We will start our meal in a couple of moments, darling. My mom has been making something since early morning. Something tasty. Do you smell it?,– she asked him, smiling, still hugging.
– Have you been snuggling since an early morning, my sweethearts? How are you doing, son? Was it comfy here? Perhaps, I should have made your bed in some other place, Muhit? Have you had enough sleep? Let’s sit at the table, kids. Where are my sweet grandkids? If they are still sleeping, let them sleep. Mereke, where is your father?,– she asked, putting in the middle of the table huge pieces of fried fish with sauce. She questioned her daughter eith a glance.
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