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You can say so. In this country, whether due to the blood-bearing unity, or still a religious community, people trust each other. Some groups are united in interest groups… occupy a piece of land, build a settlement surrounded by a wall, with a tower in the middle, and whisper about something. In the disunited and weak-willed (we’ll think up such a word), Russia will immediately be startled by special services, FSB, FSO, who else is there? all different, as the siloviki say. How so? Without us, who is doing something really efficient? Without supervision, supervision, supervision, registration and accounting? It is necessary to put your nose there, frighten, interrogate and disunite. It is very good, if in the lured, or just near-minded media, there will be some articles about the exposure of the sect. Confirm the stupidity of people who decided to do something without coordination with the state apparatus – this is for the current rulers – just a balm for the soul.

Mistrust. Lack of love for the people. Here, in fact, the woes of Russia.

We have already said that, to some extent, Little Love is connected with the fact that Russia has too many adopted children in the family of nations. Sometimes even without their consent. Without counting the votes of many members of the established family. Imagine, in the family, without notice, conversations, etc., some people (nominally – the heads of the family) populate the foster child. The novice is whimsical, selects your toys, the most delicious food, attention… surreptitiously beats you, and does not bear a well-deserved punishment. Will there be peace and harmony in such a family? If you reject the bigotry – most likely not. Moreover, your love for brothers, sisters, and even ancestors will depreciate. If you learn that, behold, there is your brother in the distant lands, who suffers deprivation, and wishes you return, you most likely will not want to take part in his fate.

…And therefore the process of repatriation of Russians from Abroad is slowed down, or, more correctly, does not work. If something unpleasant happens with our compatriot, Russian diplomats, employees of travel agencies, etc., will most likely show inertia, and will be inclined to blame the very victim of a combination of circumstances in all the misfortunes.

Let’s confess again, only honestly: we do not love each other. And because the nation is not defined, is composed of heterogeneous fragments, and because of the multitude, the set of constantly constantly hanging household trifles. Look, the taxi driver parked the car in three meters behind a public transport stop, sits in it, waits for clients for hours. Buses stop three meters from the sidewalk, and the people are getting to them on the highway. A man smokes at a stop, in a crowd, releasing a puff of smoke, as if burping his lungs… His head is busy with his own, not a glimpse of the fact that, here, someone might not like it. Here the music lover listens to music, at such amazing loudness that even through his skull you can hear all around on the bus. And he understands, it’s all the same, that it is unpleasant for someone. A man is walking a dog… He does not care if she urinates in the elevator, defecates on the sidewalk, twenty times for a walk to mark the territory. What kind of bags, responsibility to people… children? Here, an unknown compiler of advertising throws out images of parasites, worms, papillomas, fictitious creatures, bared dentures to millions of computer monitors. You, perhaps, reading some serious text, are forced each time to stumble at a glance at this abomination. Programmer-IT also does not care. He just scratch your nerves, without any benefit… and you can not get to it. No feedback.

And there is no love.

And there is no economy.

And those who somehow got into the government, maximum in eight years, cease to love and cherish Russia. And the state budget becomes just a safe for the elect, those whom the ruler loves, knows with whom he engaged in sports or ascended the career ladder. Money, that is, power, good, energy, flows where there is Love. Yes, this intangible substance has the power of attraction. It has already been said that 75% of the Russian budget (according to the estimates of an independent American organization) flows into the unknown. But, we know for sure that hundreds of billions of dollars are also invested in US securities.

Money is not just paper. In the US, it can be so, there dollars are printed, and displayed on monitors in unlimited quantities. In Russia, money is earned. Every dollar or euro (in the EU also hundreds of billions of «our» money work) is equivalent to the produced goods, mined and transported metals, minerals, gas, oil, fodder grain.

What does it mean to invest in paper? This means, friends, «give them to the owner,» that is, if with pathos, the beneficiary, the beneficiary. The top of the United States, Britain, these, the hidden holders of the Central Bank, the Rockefellers, the Morgans, the Rothschilds, etc., can all eat it, with all their appetites can not. And it is not accepted there in general, to draw caviar with a ladle, to spend money on elite «ladies of support», to make gold toilet bowls. This money… such a huge amount of money to be used by just a few hundred ruling families, it would be necessary to build each of them according to the «Golden House» in the style of Emperor Nero. Yes, these are dachas, a kilometer and a half, with a swimming pool, where there can be yachts, and sliding ceilings, from where flowers come crashing down on the guests. No, our means, that is, the material blessings eventually spread over the people of England, Old and New. This fertile energy is attracted to where there is trust and love.

…I will now make an unusual digression. Have you read the book «Mummy Troll and the Comet» by Tuve Janson? Friends – nice trolls go to the observatory to learn from scientists something important about the comet. In the way they are ominous, or simply mysterious signs. And, everywhere, the water goes away. Meleut lakes, streams, canals. The ocean itself turns into a marshy desert, with skeletons of ships and dried up algae dunes. Eventually, trolls and their acquaintances take cover in a cave (unstable chance of salvation), well, and the comet passes by the Earth.

Some interesting allegories are felt here. Water is love. Russia is like the Earth before the fall of a comet. Everywhere – invisible lakes, rivers, springs of love dry up. People huddle together, strive for cities, where, they think, the probability of finding the desired moisture above. But, it seems, this is not quite true. We walk with stone (wooden) faces, do not help each other (materially), we curse, we curse, we expose long lists of demands for love. And, very little is obtained here. Wells, boreholes, even hidden pots dry up. Water, love is life. It seems, it is still a lot, it is free, but without it everything ends.

In this book (and other texts of the author) portraits of some influential persons of the Russian Federation are presented. Here, Elvira Nabiullina, the formal head of the Central Bank. Look at this face. Do you see the imprint of love for the Russian (or, indeed, the Russian) people? This person day and night reflects on how to make all of us happy? Does she wake up with the thought of low-income, orphans and seniors? Probably not. The state, that is, the enforcement machinery in Russia is not the head of the family, distributing the blessings in the beloved family, but the capitalist in the worst sense of the word. This owner day and night thinks only of his own profit. Pensioners, children, disabled people, people without their own homes for decades, for him – ballast, subject to write-off. Do not drop this load only because, in principle (when there is not even a pasta), people can go out into the streets. And, yes, it can affect the reputation of owners abroad – where they have families, real estate, fixed capital. There is no love – only a cold, like a toad, calculation.

Here, Veronika Skvortsova, Minister of Health. It seems to be a good person. At least it was. But there is no live work with people, feedback – and the face imprinted the image of an accountant who is indifferent to the objects of calculation. Approximately such an expression was available, I’m sure, figures who count how much fat, leathers are made, hair can be obtained from people killed in Dachau, Buchenwald, and other concentration camps. The bureaucracy of the Russian Federation, lure security officials, the beneficiaries of the Central Bank require large profits – and the performer of their evil will obediently fulfills the task. With considerable help from Rosstat, living people turn into obedient, handy numbers for manipulation. «Optimization» of medical institutions is introduced. Cities and villages are deprived of thousands of hospitals and polyclinics. Tens of thousands of doctors are declining (even in Moscow). At the same time, the joyful Skvortsova says that thanks to electronic terminals, queues to polyclinics are disappearing. With electronic figures, you can do everything. The queues do not disappear, they are smeared in time… people unwillingly refuse to visit state polyclinics, go private, or die. Mortality rises by 22 thousand people a year. But, the face of the medical accountant, confident in his rightness of the zaznayki-excellent pupil, remains the same, as you would know… well, how is it still to say correctly? think up that word yourself.

And so on, throughout the apparatus of the Russian Federation and the circle of persons close to the President.

Why does the water leave?

Much has been said about this, but more remains unsaid.

The present government, and, in general, part of the people, leads the country, as it was said, to another territorial squeeze. It’s not good, it’s bad, but, nevertheless, you need a layout for this variant of events.

The Soviets are newly formed countries, or the new, even if diminished, Russia.

1. Immediate relocation of the Government from the Kremlin to a complex of buildings convenient for interaction with the people (reception rooms, forum, parking places, etc.). Even with Ivan the Third (on the whole, who founded this structure), the Russian state was going somewhere not quite there. His main ideas, alas, are militarization, autocracy, centralization… enslavement of people. At the same time, total militarization does not contribute to victories over the enemy with a devastating score, the formation of a galaxy of great generals (with rare exceptions) capable of organizing order in the occupied territories in the Pax Romana style. It often turns out that Russia is waging wars in the interests of other states (such as the first coalitions against Napoleon). For sure, the Russian people do not enjoy the fruits of victories. Centralization is given as «sobornost». Sobornost, it’s something religious-mystical. State apparatus, the leader assigns the meaning of the word in its own mercenary purposes. Soborostnost too often means «enslavement by the state apparatus». Well, the state itself in this context means «A handful of ambitious, greedy people interested in slavery.»

The authorities of New Russia do not need to rule the country from the residence of the kings. Somehow this is in their minds, as if the thought «I’m not like everyone else, the great monarch, and the rest are my servants» leaks out of the walls. Well, you know, such a poison, like phenol from houses with wrong seals. For a long time you can not be here.

We release the ancient Kremlin from the government, we give it to museums and excursionists from all over the world. The buildings built in the 20th century are rebuilt into colorful hotels, libraries (branches of the RSL), etc. In general, access to the territory becomes free, now it is a favorite place for walking, a recreation area and a positive mood. The Kremlin is beginning to benefit.

Reconstruction of the building of the Cheka-NKVD-FSB in the Lubyanka. A complete demolition is not excluded. This is the only way to get rid of the relapses of seizure of power by the "siloviki" over the country, by all of us. The people need a clear message: the era of mistrust of people, extortion, secret and obvious murders of its best representatives ended. The tumor is removed.

Streets bearing the names of the organizers of terror, the majority of the rulers of the Bolshevik era, are renamed.

2. General reform of prisons. Former «correctional» institutions are subject to demolition. In new buildings, everything is automated (the minimum number of security guards, this kind of service breaks down the psyche), cameras for one, or, hardly two people. Prisoners communicate with each other through an internal electronic network. No parole, «warming» of the zone from the side, and labor activity. Labor is the privilege of a free and honest person.

For all that, naturally – normal nutrition, providing decent living conditions.

Prisoners should not form new criminal communities, influence the mores of adolescents. A man who has transgressed the law, and the condemned, must return to the Law. The fact that he is deprived of his liberty by a court decision does not mean that he falls into a zone of lawlessness, violence, risk to health and life itself.

3. All-round, maximum simplification of the tax system. It is better not to collect tax than to push a person away from his Cause. It is also clear that this money will not go to feed the army of siloviki, officials, or any kind of state distributors, but without losses in the way they go to develop production, feed children and help their parents.

Tax declarations are written once a year (as in North America), practically, in an arbitrary form. Then the tax is paid. For large enterprises, the system is only a little more complicated.

Trust is one of the names of Love. And, as we have shown, without it no great country or strong economy is possible. By and large, in a decent society, people control each other themselves. A person who does not contribute, is revealed in conversations, deeds, is deprived of trust, support and becomes an outcast.

4. Freedom of demonstrations without any agreement. Up to 20 people can take part in demonstrations in cities, anywhere. Moreover – in privately equipped places for rallies. These places become cult (like the Old Arbat of the early nineties). It is possible to trade paintings, like art objects, food of own preparation, handicrafts without any permits and inspections. All the checks here are a matter solely for sellers and buyers. So, it’s crowded, there are TV cameras, where everything happens immediately gets to the web, and (provided a neat kind and normative vocabulary) you can say anything that comes to your mind.

6. Reducing the number of inspections, inspections of something, etc., at least ten times. All must be checked by the people themselves, the initial interested persons. At present, we recall that any state of emergency in the country causes, first of all, the unhealthy revival of the siloviki inspectors. «Now, you can not do without us.» At the same time, an emergency is always due to the inertia of the people themselves – as owners of any enterprises, and their customers. What additional state control, gospriemki, all new inspectors do not appoint, everything will only get worse. State inspectors act on abstract schemes. They are not interested in the real state of affairs, security, convenience, expediency. Only – the execution of another unintelligent decision. Even the best of them, without the control of «ordinary people» eventually come to the conclusion that the main value is money. For example, year after year, for very large sums, «measurements of insulation resistance of wires in the walls of schools and kindergartens, the speed of operation of automatic switches» are carried out – according to the same scheme, quite formally. This is generally no use to anyone. While real problems that can lead to a fire, and which can be eliminated on the spot, for very small «living» money – and remain.

7. We cover the doors for the Caucasus and Central Asia – we open wide the gates for Europeans from classical Europe. Exhausted by immigration from African countries, half-ruined Arab states, white Europeans have long dreamed of their America, where, to some extent, one can openly talk about one’s convictions. This is not a reservation. Russia in what is still quite a free country. Yes, there is a certain freedom of speech here – and therefore, by the way, dear friends, you read these heartfelt lines. In Europe, for posing the question of crime among immigrants, you can be fined for a non-child amount, planted, or deprived of prestigious work. In Ukraine, for the criticism of the war in the Donbass, a journalist-blogger-a common citizen, militants of semi-legal groups of nationalists, who act at the domestic level, are most likely to be killed.

Also, in Russia for white foreigners there is some kind of reserve of novelty. The freshness of perception is very important to man. To a large extent, all this fuss with the refugees from Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq is due to the fact that people want to do something important. It is hardly possible to call such an important trip to the store, to bored work, to the theater, or to the exhibition. Saving people, manifesting themselves, straining all mental and physical strengths is very important for the development of a person, some kind of his spiritual tone. This is used by some political circles, such as in the US… perhaps they are helping financially volunteers, equipping rescue vessels, etc. The united Europe should not become too strong… But, in the first place, in itself it’s all not so really bad, secondly, such assistance would be useless without the initial interest of ordinary Europeans.

Do you think they want something bad for Russia? I suppose not. And, if they open the gates, they could help in the fight against corruption, on the household, and the upper levels, with the development of the economy, the conduct of business. I do not think that from the flow of white migrants, tourists (with unlimited extension of the visa, with a work permit), Russian society may suffer as a result. Yes, for migrants with a residence permit it is important to know at least 200—300 words in Russian, the absence of problems with the law (here), preferably – the investment of certain funds in the Russian economy. More generally, nothing.

We need white Europeans. They are interested in the novelty of discoveries. I think, this may be some kind of productive love.

At the same time, the flow of migrants from the South-East should be rigidly, at least not completely, limited. Russia is the place where the West and the East meet? Maybe that makes sense. But so far, the Russian authorities are opening the way to the East or, frankly, cheap labor, terrorism, the concept of lawlessness and submission to fate.

8. In a new country, any registration at the place of residence is canceled. The metastasis of serfdom (slavery) and the Stalin era of state terrorism are removed once and for all. Where do you live? You live there. We do not have to inform anyone about our place of residence.

In addition, the health insurance system is changing. At present, in fact, residents are attached to «their» polyclinics. This order of things generates medical separatism. When a person with a permanent residence in, say, Kazan, can not take timely treatment in Moscow, and a Muscovite in Tatarstan, at least without tedious documentary red tape, and this is a direct government sabotage.

In addition, it is necessary to adopt the system of Western countries (USA), when the medical policy operates in private medical institutions. It seems that Russian citizens, for the most part, do not even know that everything is normal in this way. The people from Russian medicine divide the medical institutions into «private» and «state» ones. In the latter, a significant part of the services is covered by the MHI policy. In fact, the MHI should, somewhere partially, in some and all, pay for the services of private clinics. In many developed countries (therefore, they are developed, that there is love, and not immediate benefit), the services of private medical institutions are paid for by compulsory medical insurance in full.

So, trust and all-round care of a person instead of medical separatism and web of documents.
