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…I hope that in the solution of consciousness presented to the good reader, sooner or later wonderful crystals of the New Reality will be formed.

…In the fifteenth century, the most active Europeans emigrated to America. Two large continents are free for settlement. At about the same time, the Middle Ages, sometimes called the Dark Ages, end.

In physical isolation from the old forms of social life, people are building a new civilization. Europe has the opportunity to look at itself from the outside.

A new country is being built by representatives of secret, united societies – Illuminats, Masons, who fully imagine ways of effective organization of people.

And we need your own America…

Together with people trained within a certain productive organization, people (NKVD, KGB, and other terrorist communities, their successors – are not counted) – one could try…

Where, friends, we are looking for a continent, at least a piece of territory for Russians… Israel for Russians, the Holy Land, in which one can hide from oak laws and legislators to build life, as we need, and not as it pleases another Russian monarch?

A long-standing Russian dream… Here – the inhabitants of villages and towns talked, where somewhere in the North, in the Ocean, in Siberia, or beyond the Urals there is such a wonderful Belovodie inhabited by the right people. Everyone lives there in truth.

Therefore, our people stretched to Siberia, and further, to the East and North. Not so much for the skins of various forest animals, but just to get the opportunity to create their own, free, wonderful life.

However, the same, the beaten path without any physical break, they were followed by servants of state officials. They established state orders on new lands. Everything again and again was done at the will and whim of the «supreme ruler» remote, sitting behind the stone walls.

Due to religious principles and inherent gentleness of character, the Russians never cleared the occupied land of local residents, as did the Anglo-Saxons, and to a lesser extent the Spaniards. There was assimilation, the adoption of native, at times even barbaric customs.

The Russians reached Alaska. Bering Strait, the physical division of land by a water obstacle – this is important. These vast new territories began to take shape of an independent state. There was not any police here, everything was built on effective self-government. Perhaps, in addition to the desire to fill the unchecked currency with the pockets of the Tsar’s relatives, the monarchical elite simply did not want to give the enslaved people such a wonderful social mirror.

What will be the new Russia? All by itself, from one initiative of the current government to the next, goes to the next territorial squeeze of the country, the emergence of new states in its place. Some people think that, here, friends, you should not even think about it. But how is it? Let’s remember the catastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Firefighters did not have special suits, no insulating breathing apparatus (only gas masks), no remotely controlled equipment, no distinct action plan. Heads of the station, and all the others, up to the ministers, dismissed: «Oh, this can not be because it can not be ever». As a result – victims, which could not be so many.

First, disobedience of local authorities to the Center may manifest itself. Yet they, how much then, but closer to the people. There are no FSO fighters, unimaginable privileges, insane arrogance and open to any excavations, the state budget. On the ground people are used to making money, and not just to take them in any fund.

To begin with, the mayor’s offices will stop portraits of the president in the offices. Establish rigid boundaries between regions. Protection of goods produced in «their own» territory is already being carried out in some way. Then everything will be just tougher. Although not the fact that it is so linear.

Maybe some regions are consolidated.

First of all, some of Moscow’s resolutions will be canceled, such as checking anything on any occasion, fines, levies, excises.

Local authorities will set restrictions for foreign people entering the territory of the region.

The overlapping of automobile and railway highways starts. But, it’s only in extreme cases. Only when the critical number of people do not remain in stock even pasta. There are still at least notorious chicken thighs on Sundays, and how many grammes of flour products, mass performances should not be expected.

Most likely it will not be the outskirts. It is «their» central regions. The center will be thrown at the Cossacks, as well as by the fighters of the Internal Troops, who are now thought of with a rather elegant name «rogvardeytsy».

But, in fact, power structures depend on the working people, which they guard, in much the same way as they guard the chosen herd of deer (quite ready to do without such counselors) – the indigenous inhabitants of the Polar region, the Chukchi. If we stop working with you (the option is to die), their usual high level will go down. Some oil money for feeding this crowd is not enough. The same can be said about the «infantrymen» of the current President. While the flow of money earned in the Tula, Krasnoyarsk, Voronezh, Kaluga, Kemerovo, and other regions is flowing into the well-known national republics, they will certainly be loyal to the Center.

And, at first, actively «help» him.

Let us recall, however, from what a hundred years ago the real, October Revolution began. General Kornilov, in order to take control of Petrograd, sends to the northern capital of the Caucasian Native Corps. The workers, having learned that, here, they are being pacified by the Dagestanis and Chechens, smashing military depots, and armed. The Wild Division stopped… no, not the order of the Commander-in-Chief, but the order of one of the influential elders (who decided that the mountaineers had nothing to do in Petrograd).

The workers, having received their rifles, did not stop there. Less than six months later, there was a large-scale, great and terrible October revolution.

If the current leaders had studied the history better, they would not have counted so much on helping the South. Everything is repeated in the same form as before, but still, quite similar.

Will it be possible, even now, namely, the starving workers… employees, to get arms in their hands? So you, for example, the reader, do you know where the nearest warehouse is located? Probably not. Even in conventional military units, now you will not find it. Fearful of the state of emergency with weapons, more precisely – the unpleasant possibility of losing high-paid, quiet work with a variety of benefits, the current commanders simply removed machine guns-cartridges from weapons rooms in the unknown where the hangars are located.

In addition, even if there was a weapon, what to do with it? To beat cars? Meaning? The Russian economy is not that weak, but bleached. Money – the blood of the economy flows to an unknown destination. To be precise, 75% of the budget, through the Bank of Russia (private ownership since 1990) sail into nowhere, friends, unknown to us, the beneficiaries. More details about all this, with figures and facts – in the following parts of the text. One can say firmly: people are afraid of a catastrophically rapid fall in the standard of living, which will necessarily come when mass, especially armed, demonstrations are launched. The meaning is, if there was an agreement, a plan of action, an Organization. So far, the Russians have avoided each other’s presence as much as possible, have remained unfamiliar with their neighbors for years… a staircase, they rarely see their relatives. Unity, communication schemes are often not even on the kinship level.

Europe of the early 17th century was bogged down in a series of devastating, no longer ritualistic knightly, vast civil wars. The catalyst for the resettlement was the Thirty Years’ War of 1615—1645, which claimed half of the population in some regions of Europe. The only way out for many in the Old World was to «dump» from England, Germany, France, Holland, Spain… into the alluring overseas territories.

Between the metropolis and new people is now, hindering the blows of the Old, the Ocean…

And again we have the same question – where to find Russian America, Israel for Russians… Belovodie, which can only be accessed through a watery or sandy desert, free from oppression? We will not get rid of common phrases. In the north? Maybe it’s the New Earth archipelago? Taimyr? The land of Franz Josef? Alas, everywhere there, between the ruins of the Gulag are already ponatykany military bases, protected areas, submachine gunners, dogs, and then. It’s boring. Everywhere they will get it, they say, you have to pay a fine, give business, not live, and live, be checked, controlled, served, curved and obeyed. It’s the same in the East, somewhere in Siberia, in Kamchatka, in the South, in the West… Wherever fields, forests, vacant lots, abandoned villages and unoccupied monotowns are now stretching, everywhere, it turns out, there are masters. It only seems that they are not. Start something here to do – they will appear (so untidy and unpleasant), and they will say that in fact, everything is their property.

As you know, the American… Australian, New Zealand, other Anglo-Saxon colonists declared the lands «Terra Nulius», that is to say, tied territories, they mastered. After that, according to Gomstead, these large pieces of land, marked by settlers, were given to them in perpetual possession at the end of the five-year period of a completely sparing lease. Indians, other people… the government could not claim them. To redeem, lure (during the Great Depression) – yes, but no longer take it «because we so suddenly wanted» – already.

Sometimes the land was bought from the leaders, who are in considerable alcoholic intoxication. For the beads, knives, mirror and alcohol. Already forever. After this symbolic act, the Indian tribes could be evicted, like the tenants from the apartment they sold. The White colonists of North America were not interested in Indians as citizens of a new country. For life aborigines were allocated reservations – territories with a special status, which are considered, perhaps, not quite America. If necessary, the boundaries of these settlements could be revised.

In the Russian Empire, the tsar was always happy to acquire territories – Siberia, Asia, already quite densely populated. The colonial movement of the Russian people was carried out insofar as. The reason for this is the primordial alienation of power from the people. The first princes, the ruling elite, according to historiography – «Varangians», aliens, warriors-plunderers of Scandinavia. The most famous Rurikovich, Ivan the Terrible, in conversations with foreigners, sometimes identifies himself with letters only with them… sometimes with the Germans, but does not want a Russian (except in the official title).

The second and last Russian dynasty ceases to be Russian with Peter the Great. The Tsar emperor communicates only in German… marries an uneducated Lithuanian or German woman, concludes the first, Russian wife Yevdokia Lopukhin in a monastery, etc. In essence, the accomplishments of the predecessors – the kings of Mikhail, Fedor, Alexei – the annexation of Ukraine, quite successful wars with Poland, Turkey (Chigirinsky campaigns), regiments of the new system, not a weak economy, developing cooperation with countries of Western Europe, its chroniclers are artificially obscured. With Peter III Russia ruled the German dynasty Holstein-Gottorp. Having defeated Crimea from the Ottoman Empire, Catherine II inhabits it with those who did not deserve the Russians (for example, retired soldiers, as was practiced in ancient Rome), but related ethnic Germans. These people arrange a semblance of paradise on the peninsula… plant luxurious gardens… do not pay taxes, enjoy freedom of trade, movement. Again, unlike the inhabitants of Central Russia, 95% of whom are now slaves. In the same Ancient Rome, slavery was often a test, for forging citizens who could fully appreciate the taste of freedom. Here, with a less sophisticated government, this is not so.

Inside Russia, rulers can not find a couple for a formal marriage. Empress Elizabeth Petrovna secretly crowned with Alexei Razumovsky… the son of the Dnieper Cossack, but the fruit of their love, the notorious Elizaveta of Vladimir perishes in the casemate of the Peter and Paul Fortress. The daughter of the secret marriage of Catherine II and Grigory Potemkin, or their son, Alexei (Bobrinsky) become bastards, courtiers of the second echelon. The dynasty is impregnated with foreign blood, and has no inflow of Russian blood.

In Central Europe, Russian princesses marry monarchs, princes, counts of principalities and middle-kingdoms, merge with the environment, and Russia’s interests do not represent. And, it is hardly possible to remember the Russian prince, who became the king of at least a dwarf European monarchy.

Starting with Peter the Great, Russia participates in European wars without the slightest benefit for itself (the people), or even soldiers. The apogee of the insane waste of blood reaches under Alexander the First, fighting with Napoleonic France for the interests of Britain and the German principalities, outside of Russia.

Joseph Dzhugashvili, a Caucasian, indifferently meets the news that millions of Russian (Ukrainian, Kuban, Transcaucasian, Kazakh) farmers, and their children, are dying of hunger. The main thing for him, and many people in the near-term circle of communication – his own greatness, militaristic aspirations, abstract schemes of world governance, and not the voice of the people. The native Georgians remain outside the collective farm system… in contrast to 80% of Russians have passports and freedom of movement. Thanks to the high purchase prices for agricultural products produced by the Center, they are the most prosperous group of the population of the USSR.

Approximately the same applies to another ethnic group, natives of Russia once, but almost always hostile to Poland.

Blood, genetics, defining the spirit, the style of communication, preferences… axiomatic love is important.

How, perhaps, to buy from the unfriendly to the Russian Federation land for Our America, so that we, simple people, «pour» there? And, how do you define the concept of «Russian»?! How much is it generally speaking ethical and acceptable for us – to distinguish people according to biological, hereditary characteristics? This seems very strange.

Nevertheless, a clear division into one’s own and another’s exists in modern, democratic and developed countries. If you, according to the necessary set of documents – ethnic (Volga) German – welcome to the Federal Republic of Germany. Here, social benefits, if you do not want to work right away, housing, language courses, a pension, and so on. But of course, Russian, Kazakh, Evenk, no matter how good they are, nothing like this is proposed.

The Jews. The state organization for repatriation is satisfied with your documents, name, eye color, lip line, nose shape, certificates of sponsors? Can you pronounce the faith in Hebrew? Shalom Aleichem Israel!

Also, throughout the world there are specialized kindergartens, schools, where children are accepted exclusively on this national basis. Other boys and girls are not allowed to enter these institutions. Does the international community regard this as nationalism or Nazism? No.

As you know, in Russia it is considered shameful to allocate Russians. Who is «Russian»? A citizen of Russian Federation? A Europe? Well, and Eskimos, Evenks, Buryats – they are not worthy of aliyah within the Russian Federation? So this will violate the unity of the Russian people and interethnic harmony?!

On the one hand, the high inclination of Russians to interethnic marriages is good. The composition of the people is, as it were, leveled. Something similar is in China, where genetically, people are homogeneous (and this is not particularly complex). Certainly, although there are special economic zones in the Middle Kingdom, there are, in principle, two seemingly incompatible systems of national republics. Just like, and in another country with a strong economy – the US. And Europe is completely homogeneous. The notion of a «European» as a citizen of social education from Gibraltar to the borders of Russia or Poland is born in the time of Caesar, fairly smoothed the national composition of Italy and Gaul, or Charlemagne, at the beginning of the Middle Ages. Many small tribes are forcibly, or under the influence of serious social institutions, they are deprived of their «own» lands and are pouring into a kind of heterogeneous, but still unified community.

So much has already been written, but we have not approached the main question. Is it necessary to distinguish and strengthen the core of the nation «Russians» in terms of biological characteristics, style of behavior (which, as we have shown, can be productive), or as before, without preference to anyone, to live in an averaged state with national republics? And yes, where is that territory on which it would be possible to build Russian America?

There is an option, here, remember, the community «Anastasia». Invented by a certain venerable writer, an intelligent woman preaches life in nature, far from civilization, in patrimonial estates. And, some people, since the late nineties of the last century, they are developing abandoned villages, building wooden houses, live without registration, medical care («from all hurts – a hot bath»), education for children. Now this movement is almost not heard. Some believe that this is a kind of deception, for buying up land and reselling afterwards. It is more correct, probably, to think about the rather massive, albeit clumsy impulse of many people of Russia to some kind of internal emigration.

But, you see, it’s not quite right to live without decent work, in neo-paganism, apart from the big world and global problems. Such settlements can exist as long as their inhabitants seem too pathetic, weak and impractical for the current government.

In principle, one can think about this.

For example, in autonomous settlements, kibbutzis, Israel, which has been repeatedly mentioned here, effectively produces agricultural and high-tech industrial products. In the course of tourism, educational projects. Live in kibbutzi people united by ideas of equality and freedom (first of all, fiery youth). Practice is not downshifting, «return to nature», but a developed production scheme, and an equitable distribution of benefits. In addition, yes, the settlements are in a fairly wide framework of the laws of the country, established religious traditions, etc. There is medical assistance, perhaps the best in the world, the education system, and much more…
