Scene —Upper deck of the Rhine Steamer, König Wilhelm, somewhere between Bonn and Bingen. The little tables on deck are occupied by English, American, and German tourists, drinking various liquids, from hock to Pilsener beer, and eating veal cutlets. Mr. Cyrus K. Trotter is on the lower deck, discussing the comparative merits of the New York hotels with a fellow countryman. Miss Maud S. Trotter is seated on the afterdeck in close conversation with Culchard. Podbury is perched on a camp-stool in the forward part. Near him a British Matron, with a red-haired son, in a green and black blazer, and a blue flannel nightcap, and a bevy of rabbit-faced daughters, are patronising a tame German Student in spectacles, who speaks a little English.
The British Matron. Oh, you ought to see London; it's our capital – chief city, you know. Very grand – large – four million inhabitants! [With pride, as being in some way responsible for this.
A Rabbit-faced Daughter (with a simper). Quite a little world!
[She looks down her nose, as if in fear of having said something a little too original.
The Germ. Stud. No, I haf not yet at London peen. Ven I vill pedder Englisch learn, I go.
The Blazer. You read our English books, I suppose? Dickens, you know, and Homer, eh? About the Trojan War – that's his best work!
The Stud. (Ollendorffically). I haf not read Diggins; but I haf read ze bapers by Bigvig. Zey are vary indereshtin, and gurious.
A Patriotic Young Scot (to an admiring Elderly Lady in a black mushroom hat). Eh, but we just made a pairrty and went up Auld Drachenfels, and when we got to th' tope, we danced a richt gude Scots reel, and sang, "We're a' togither an' naebody by," concluding – just to show, ye'll understan', that we were loyal subjics – wi' "God Save th' Queen." The peasants didna seem just to know what to mak' of us, I prawmise ye!
The Black Mushroom. How I wish I'd been one of you!
The Young Scot (candidly). I doot your legs would ha' stood such wark.
[Podbury becomes restless, and picks his way among the campstools to Culchard and Miss Trotter.
Podbury (to himself). Time I had a look in, I think. (Aloud.) Well, Miss Trotter, what do you think of the Rhine, as far as you've got?
Miss T. Well, I guess it's navigable, as far as I've got.
Podb. No, but I mean to say – does it come up to the mark in the scenery line, you know?
Miss T. I cannt answer that till I know whereabouts it is they mark the scenery-line. I expect Mr. Culchard knows. He knows pretty well everything. Would you like to have him explain the scenery to you going along? His explanations are vurry improving, I assure you.
Podb. I dare say; but the scenery just here is so flat that even my friend's remarks won't improve it.
Culch. (producing his note-book ostentatiously). I do not propose to attempt it. No doubt you will be more successful in entertaining Miss Trotter than I can pretend to be. I retire in your favour. [He scribbles.
Podb. Is that our expenses you're corking down there, Culchard, eh?
Culch. (with dignity). If you want to know, I am "corking down," to adopt your elegant expression, a sonnet that suggested itself to me.
Podb. Much better cork that up, old chap – hadn't he, Miss Trotter?
[He glances at her for appreciation.
Miss T. That's so. I don't believe the poetic spirit has much chance of slopping over so long as Mr. Podbury is around. You have considerable merit as a stopper, Mr. Podbury.
Podb. I see; I'd better clear out till the poetry has all gurgled out of him, eh? Is that the idea?
Miss T. If it is, it's your own, so I guess it's a pretty good one.
[Podbury shoulders off.
Culch. (with his pathetic stop on). I wish I had more of your divine patience! Poor fellow, he is not without his good points; but I do find him a thorn in my flesh occasionally, I'm afraid.
Miss T. Well, I don't know as a thorn in the flesh is any the pleasanter for having a good point.
Culch. Profoundly true, indeed. I often think I could like him better if there were less in him to like. I assure you he tries me so at times that I could almost wish I was back at work in my department at Somerset House!
Miss T. I dare say you have pretty good times there, too. Isn't that one of your leading dry goods stores?
Culch. (pained). It is not; it is a Government Office, and I am in the Pigeonhole and Docket Department, with important duties to discharge. I hope you didn't imagine I sold ribbons and calico over a counter?
Miss T. (ambiguously). Well, I wasn't just sure. It takes a pretty bright man to do that where I come from.
An Old Lady (who is sitting next to Podbury, and reading a homeletter to another Old Lady). "Dear Maria and dear Madeline are close by, they have taken very comfortable lodgings in Marine Crescent. Dear Madeline's frame is expected down next Saturday."
Second Old Lady. Madeline's frame! Is anything wrong with the poor girl's spine?
First Old Lady. I never heard of it. Oh, I see, it's fiancé, my dear. Caroline does write so illegibly. (Continuing.) "Um – um, – suppose you know she will be maimed – " (perhaps it is her spine after all – oh, married, to be sure), "very slowly" (is it slowly or shortly, I wonder?), um, um, "very quiet wedding, nobody but dear Mr. Wilkinson and his hatter."
Second O. L. The idea of choosing one's hatter for one's best man! I'm surprised Maria should allow it!
First O. L. Maria always was peculiar – still, now I come to look, it's more like "brother," which is certainly much more suitable. (Continuing.) "She will have no – no bird's-marks …" (Now, what does that – should you think that meant "crows-feet"? Oh, no, how stupid of me —bridesmaids, of course!) – "and will go to the otter a plain guy" – (Oh, Caroline really is too …) – "to the altar in plain grey! She has been given such quantities of pea-nuts" – (very odd things to give a girl! Oh, presents! um, um) – "Not settled yet where to go for their hangman" – (the officiating clergyman, I suppose – very flippant way of putting it, I must say! It's meant for honeymoon, though, I see, to be sure!) &c. &c.
Culch. (to Miss T.). I should like to be at Nuremberg with you. It would be an unspeakable delight to watch the expansion of a fresh young soul in that rich mediæval atmosphere!
Miss T. I guess you'll have opportunities of watching Mr. Podbury's fresh young soul under those conditions, any way.
Culch. It would not be at all the same thing – even if he – but you do think you're coming to Nuremberg, don't you?
Miss T. Well, it's this way. Poppa don't want to get fooling around any more one-horse towns than he can help, and he's got to be fixed up with the idea that Nuremberg is a prominent European sight before he drops everything to get there.
Culch. I will undertake to interest him in Nuremberg. Fortunately, we are all getting off at Bingen, and going, curiously enough, to the same hotel. (To himself.) Confound that fellow Podbury, here he is again!
Podb. (to himself, as he advances). If she's carrying on with that fellow, Culchard, to provoke me, I'll soon show her how little I – (Aloud.) I say, old man, hope I'm not interrupting you, but I just want to speak to you for a minute, if Miss Trotter will excuse us. Is there any particular point in going as far as Bingen to-night, eh?
Culch. (resignedly). As much as there is in not going farther than somewhere else, I should have thought.
Podb. Well, but look here – why not stop at Bacharach, and see what sort of a place it is?
Culch. You forget that our time is limited if we're going to stick to our original route.
Podb. Yes, of course; mustn't waste any on the Rhine. Suppose we push on to Maintz to-night, and get the Rhine off our hands then? (With a glance at Miss Trotter.) The sooner I've done with this steamer business the better!
Miss T. Well, Mr. Podbury, that's not a vurry complimentary remark to make before me!
Podb. We've seen so little of one another lately that it can hardly make much difference – to either of us – can it?
Miss T. Now I call that real kind, you're consoling me in advance!
The Steward (coming up). De dickets dat I haf nod yed seen! (examining Culchard's coupons). For Bingen – so?
Culch. I am. This gentleman gets off – is it Bacharach or Maintz, Podbury?
Podb. (sulkily). Neither, as it happens. I'm for Bingen, too, as you won't go anywhere else. Though you did say when we started, that the advantage of travelling like this was that we could go on or stop just as the fancy took us!
Culch. (calmly). I did, my dear Podbury. But it never occurred to me that the fancy would take you to get tired of a place before you got there!
Podb. (as he walks forwards). Hang that fellow! I know I shall punch his head some day. And She didn't seem to care whether I stayed or not. (Hopefully.) But you never can tell with women!
[He returns to his camp-stool and the letter-reading Old Ladies.
Scene. —Garden of the Hotel Victoria at Bingen, commanding a view of the Rhine and the vine-terraced hills, which are bathed in warm afternoon sunlight. Under the mopheaded acacias, Culchard and Podbury are sitting smoking. At a little distance from them, are a Young Married Couple, whose honeymoon is apparently in its last quarter.
The Bridegroom (lazily, to Bride, as she draws another chair towards her for a foot-rest). How many more chairs do you want?
Bride (without looking at him). I should think you could spare me one – you can hardly sit on three at once!
[After this interchange of amenities, they consider themselves absolved from any further conversational efforts.
Podb. (to Culch., resuming a discussion). I know as well as you do that we are booked for Nuremberg; but what I say is – that's no earthly reason why we should go there!
Culch. No reason why you should go, unless you wish it, certainly. I intend to go.
Podb. Well, it's beastly selfish, that's all! I know why you're so keen about it, too. Because the Trotters are going.
Culch. (colouring). That's an entire mistake on your part. Miss Trotter has nothing to do with it. I don't even know whether she's going or not – for certain.
Podb. No, but you've a pretty good idea that she is, though. And I know how it will be. You'll be going about with her all the time, and I shall be shunted on to the old man! I don't see it, you know! (Culch. remains silent. A pause. Podbury suddenly begins to search his pockets.) I say – here's a pretty fix! Look here, old fellow, doosid annoying thing, but I can't find my purse – must have lost it somewhere!
Culch. (stoically). I can't say I'm surprised to hear it. It's awkward, certainly. I suppose I shall have to lend you enough to go home with – it's all I can do; but I'll do that with – er – pleasure.
Podb. (staring). Go home? Why, I can wire to the governor for more, easily enough. We shall have to stay here till it comes, that's all.
Culch. And give up Nuremberg? Thank you!
Podb. I rather like this place, you know – sort of rest. And we could always nip over to Ems, or Homburg, if it got too slow, eh?
Culch. If I nip over anywhere, I shall nip to Nuremberg. We may just as well understand one another, Podbury. If I'm to provide money for both of us, it's only reasonable that you should be content to go where I choose. I cannot, and will not, stand these perpetual interferences with our original plan; it's sheer restlessness. Come with me to Nuremberg, and I shall be very happy to be your banker. Otherwise, you must stay here alone. [He compresses his lips and crosses his legs.
Podb. Oh, that's it, is it? But look here, why not tit up whether we go on or stay?
Culch. Why should I "tit up," as you call it, when I've already made up my mind to go? When I once decide on anything, it's final.
The Bride (to Bridegroom, without enthusiasm). Would you like me to roll you a cigarette?
Bridegroom (with the frankness of an open nature). Not if I know it. I can do it better myself.
Bride (coldly). I see.
[Another silence, at the end of which she rises and walks slowly away, pausing at the gate to see whether he intends to follow. As he does not appear to have remarked her absence, she walks on.
Podb. (to Culch., in an undertone). I say, those two don't seem to hit it off exactly, eh? Seem sorry they came! You'll be glad to hear, old fellow, that we needn't separate after all. Just found my purse in my trouser-pocket!
Culch. Better luck than you deserve. Didn't I tell you you should have a special pocket for your money and coupons? Like this – see. (He opens his coat) With a buttoned flap, it stands to reason they must be safe!
Podb. So long as you keep it buttoned, old chap, – which you don't seem to do!
Culch. (annoyed). Pshaw! The button is a trifle too – (feels pocket, and turns pale). Good Heavens, it – it's gone!
Podb. The button?
Culch. (patting himself all over with shaking hands). Everything! – money, coupons, circular notes! They – they must have fallen out going up that infernal Niederwald. (Angrily.) You would insist on going!
Podb. Phew! The whole bag of tricks gone! You're lucky if you get them again. Any number of tramps and beggars all the way up. Shouldn't have taken off your coat – very careless of you! (He grins.)
Culch. It was so hot. I must go and inform the Police here – I may recover it yet. Anyway, we – we must push on to Nuremberg, and I'll telegraph home for money to be sent here. You can let me have enough to get on with?
Podb. With all the pleasure in life, dear boy – on your own conditions, you know. I mean, if I pay the piper, I call the tune. Now, I don't cotton to Nuremberg somehow; I'd rather go straight on to Constance; we could get some rowing there.
Culch. (pettishly). Rowing be – (recollecting his helplessness). No; but just consider, my dear Podbury. I assure you you'll find Nuremberg a most delightful old place. You must see how bent I am on going there!
Podb. Oh, yes, I see that. But then I'm not, don't you know – so there we are!
Culch. (desperately). Well, I'll – I'll meet you half-way. I've no objection to – er – titting up with you – Nuremberg or Constance. Come?
Podb. You weren't so anxious to tit up just now – but never mind. (Producing a mark.) Now then, Emperor – Constance. Eagle – Nuremberg. Is it sudden death, or best out of three? [He tosses.
Culch. Sud – (The coin falls with the Emperor uppermost.) Best out of three. [He takes coin from Podbury and tosses.
Podb. Eagle! we're even so far. (He receives coin.) This settles it. [He tosses.
Culch. (triumphantly). Eagle again! Now mind, Podbury, no going back after this. It must be Nuremberg now.
Podb. All right! And now allow me to have the pleasure of restoring your pocket-book and note-case. They did fall out on the Niederwald, and it was a good job for you I was behind and saw them drop. You must really be careful, dear boy. Ain't you going to say "ta" for them?
Culch. (relieved). I'm – er – tremendously obliged. I really can't say how. – (Recollecting himself.) But you need not have taken advantage of it to try to do me out of going to Nuremberg – it was a shabby trick!
Podb. Oh, it was only to get a rise out of you. I never meant to keep you to it, of course. And I say, weren't you sold, though? Didn't I lead up to it beautifully? (He chuckles.) Score to me, eh!
Culch. (with amiable sententiousness). Ah, well, I don't grudge you your little joke if it amuses you. Those laugh best who laugh last. And it's settled now that we're going to Nuremberg.
[Miss Trotter and her father have come out from the Speisesaal doors, and overhear the last speech.
Mr. Trotter (to Culchard). Your friend been gettin' off a joke on you, Sir?
Culch. Only in his own estimation, Mr. Trotter. I have nailed him down to going to Nuremberg, which, for many reasons, I was extremely anxious to visit. (Carelessly.) Are we likely to be there when you are?
Miss T. I guess not. We've just got our mail, and my cousin, Charley Van Boodeler, writes he's having a real lovely time in the Engadine – says it's the most elegant locality he's struck yet, and just as full of Amurrcans as it can hold; so we're going to start out there right away. I don't believe we shall have time for Nuremberg this trip. Father, if we're going to see about checking the baggage through, we'd better go down to the depôt right now. [They pass on.
Culch. (with a very blank face and a feeble whistle). Few-fitty-fitty-fitty-fa-di-fee-fee-foo; few – After all, Podbury, I don't know that I care so much about Nuremberg. They – they say it's a good deal changed from what it was.
Podb. So are you, old chap, if it comes to that. Tiddledy-iddlety-ido-lumpty-doodle-oo! Is it to be Constance after all, then?
Culch. (reddening). Er – I rather thought of the Engadine – more bracing, eh? – few-feedle-eedle-oodle —
Podb. You artful old whistling oyster, I see what you're up to! But it's no go; she don't want either of us Engadining about after her. It's Charley Van Stickinthemud's turn now! We've got to go to Nuremberg. You can't get out of it, after gassing so much about the place. When you've once decided, you know, it's final!
Culch. (with dignity). I am not aware that I wanted to get out of it. I merely proposed in your – (Podbury suddenly explodes.) What are you cackling at now?
Podb. (wiping his eyes). It's the last laugh, old man, – and it's the best!
[Culchard walks away rapidly, leaving Podbury in solitary enjoyment of the joke. Podbury's mirth immediately subsides into gravity, and he kicks several unoffending chairs with quite uncalled-for brutality.
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