European subsidiaries are not in a position to provide technical support;
the student is prohibited by law from U.S. support (including troubleshooting).
Therefore, the student will be in possession of products for which there is no available support whatsoever.
Furthermore, Cheryl rightly pointed out that there might be downstream policy reasons to retard the sale and use of Datamax in Malaysia. Revelations of the availability of Datamax in that country could cause negative publicity for the company, especially in the US.
Краткое выражение сожалений
Although the student may fulfill the conditions required to matriculate into the course, we want to steer clear of any future complications. I regret I didn’t have this information earlier.
Подтверждение доброй воли
I’ll let you know if the situation changes.
Sharon Farmer
Cross-Border Oversight
Vector, Inc.