(Igor, 23 years old, less than one year of experience)
We decided that cryptocurrency trading is the most suitable specialization for Arseniy. It closely resembles the operations of traditional exchanges – currency, stocks, or commodities – by combining psychology, analytics, and computer technologies. I believe the success and rapid growth of cryptocurrency platforms can be attributed to this similarity. What fundamentally distinguishes trading oil futures from trading bitcoin? In both cases, there is no actual supply, the price is determined by the balance of supply and demand. The timelines, tasks and profits are similar as well. It is also important to note that the skills required trade successfully in the cryptocurrency market are the same as those required of a trader in the stock market or Forex.
In other words, becoming a holder can make you rich but it won't give you a new career. By becoming a trader, you are learning one of the world's most exciting and highly paid professions, and you can eventually move on to trading securities or traditional futures.
Interestingly, there is also a reverse movement – many successful crypto traders came to this market from the traditional segments. They started their careers on Forex or stock exchanges, gradually accumulated knowledge of successful trading and understood how exchanges work and how to make money on global events. Then, they transferred their skills to a similar field – the cryptocurrency market.
Many market participants come from scientific and engineering backgrounds and tend to apply the methods of the 'exact' sciences. For example, they try to filter out market noise to get a clear signal about the beginning of a new trend. Such approaches can be helpful, but they cannot be used to build an automatic trading system since the market does not obey the laws of physics. Prices reflect the psychology of the crowd, which is subject to entirely different, much less precise laws.
Elder Alexander. “Trading with Dr. Elder. Encyclopedia of the stock exchange game”
A significant advantage of trading is its accessibility. To start trading, you don't need to invest much money, pass exams or get approval from any regulator. As in chess, knowing and following the rules is enough, but no one cares how you end up at the chessboard.
I came to the trading field probably like many others: through advertising. I saw an offer to buy a robot that would make money for you on Forex. My friend bought a working algorithm and convinced me to make a deposit. That meant, while we are engaged in other business, the algorithm would earn us money. And in the end, we lost everything for sure. As I watched the robot drain my deposit for three months, I began to wonder why it was happening. I thought about what needed to be reconfigured in the algorithm and what could be done differently. And I started to delve into this area, study the market, read books. And then I started trading myself.
(Nikolai, 30 years old, eight years of experience)
From the age of 12, Arseniy became interested in understanding the workings of exchanges. He browsed websites, analyzed charts, and tried to figure out how everything worked. By the age of 13, he already had his accounts on three exchanges – Binance[1], Bitfinex[2] and Bybit[3]. This was the start of Arseniy's trading career.
Enjoying one's job requires more than just a high-income. It is essential for a person, especially a young one, to pursue their passions: mathematics, physics, and programming (in Arseniy's case). It's worth noting that trading has had only a positive impact on his academic performance. And this is not surprising, since he's constantly applied his school knowledge while practicing exchange trading.
In any business you start, the most important thing is motivation. It must be there. For students, the motivation to take up trading usually consists of three parts. First, they have a favorite school subject – mathematics – and they love, say, mathematical analysis. Second, at this age there are usually no alternative sources of income, and this might become one if they are not lazy. And third, they get a new profession in which they can find themselves later.
(Arseniy, 17 years old, five years of experience)
Perhaps the interest for something like programming determined the choice of the first teacher – D[4]. In practice, trading cryptocurrencies the way D did meant using algorithms he developed, the basis of which he did not disclose. The training included working on Bitfinex, where we went through all stages of registration and transactions on the exchange platform.
Of course, many technical issues seem obvious to an experienced trader – they would not even consider it necessary to discuss them. However, everyone has been a beginner once and has gone a long way to their first trade, which is fraught with dangers and difficulties. You need to choose a trading platform without falling for scammers who prey on novice traders and regularly create clones of the largest exchanges. After that, you'll need to go through the stages of registration and identification, set up trading accounts, deposit funds into your exchange account, and finally get the opportunity to make your first trade.
In this book, for obvious reasons, I will use professional terms, but I will try to give everyone an explanation. An experienced reader knows all this, but a novice trader or someone who is just looking at cryptocurrencies will benefit from basic information. D helped Arseniy take the very first steps in trading, and he also gave him initial knowledge of stock exchange terminology:
A position is an open transaction in any direction. It can be long or short. For example, buying Bitcoin for digital dollars (USDt) is going long on BTC If the BTC rate rises against the dollar, you profit: if it falls, you lose.
Open a short position on BTC means selling bitcoins you do not yet have – in anticipation of a fall in the BTC price. This is one of the features of the exchange – you can sell what you still need to get if your deposit covers a potential loss.
To close a position means to make a reverse transaction and bring the previously opened position to zero. Closing a long position means selling previously purchased BTCs; closing a short position means buying previously sold ones. At this stage that the result, profit, or loss, is “locked in”.
A candlestick or Japanese candle is a method of displaying the price dynamics of a traded asset over a certain period. While a regular line chart only shows the price of BTC every minute, a candlestick chart gives some idea about the reasons for the change. (See img. 1, 2)
The body of the candlestick, i.e., the rectangle itself, is limited by the opening and closing prices. The longer the candlestick, the more actively the exchange rate has changed in each period. A rising candlestick, when the closing price is higher than the opening price, is usually green or blue. A falling candlestick is usually red.
If the price has changed little over the period, the candlestick is very short and is called a doji. The upper shadow and lower shadow of a candlestick are represented as its wicks at the top and at the bottom and show the maximum and minimum prices for the period. The longer the wick, the more active the price has been.
Liquidity is the ability of an asset to be sold quickly at a price close to the current market price. It is believed that the higher the capitalization of an investment, the more funds are invested in it on the website, and the higher its liquidity.
We quite quickly learned what limited liquidity means. Bitfinex is a relatively small exchange, so trading could have been more active for many coins. You can perfectly predict the movement of the exchange rate, calculate your future profit and rush to buy an interesting coin. But no one wants to sell it to you in the quantity you want: there is simply no such offer. And you can see a nice long candlestick on the chart.
One could say I saw my personal candlesticks there – I closed the position and immediately a long red candlestick appeared. Five to ten thousand dollars in a single lot would drive the price of the coin down or up, because the exchange had little liquidity. This is how I learned an important rule: in case the exchange has too little turnover in a particular coin, a beginner will lose money right at the start, if he wants to spend a hefty sum on coins at the market rate. It doesn't work that way. It seems obvious that if you want to open a position, you should write, for example, '10,000' and click the Buy button. But instead of the position you want, you will get a 'personal candlestick' – the rate will jump, and you will pay much more than expected. Experienced traders refer to this as 'liquidity gathering', where beginners effectively give their money to the market. Besides, you will draw the same candlestick in the opposite direction if you want to close the position in one lot and sell everything. Experienced traders enter and exit the market much more carefully.
(Arseniy, 17 years old, five years of experience)
The experience with personal candlesticks came in handy for Arseniy a few years later – when he became an experienced trader and started working with large deposits. Although the Binance exchange had sufficient turnover and good liquidity, entering a position with a single order of this size would have meant losing money immediately. Therefore, at the beginning of his career, Arseniy opened and closed positions gradually so as not to excite other participants too much.
During the training, D also taught him the fundamentals of technical analysis. For example, the concepts of support and resistance levels – price levels that arouse interest among market participants. In this case, we are talking not only about analytics but also about market psychology – trading participants, for various reasons, decide that the coin rate definitely will not go above or definitely will not go below a certain price. This collective opinion triggers a self-fulfilling prophecy mechanism: if everyone believes a coin should cost a certain amount, it often will.
The cornerstone of the philosophy of technical analysis is that the price chart contains all the data an analyst needs to predict market movements. This implies that the market price considers or reflects all the information that could ultimately cause it to change.
John J. “Murphy Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets: A Comprehensive Guide to Trading Methods and Applications”
However, the most valuable part of D's course was the lessons learned from negative experiences. In seven or eight months, it became clear why trading on small exchanges is not worth it, and why trading algorithms are useless – they don't work. As a result, we chose to work with Binance. (See img. 3)
Img. 1. The color of the candle shows whether the rate is rising or falling, and its height shows how fast it is changing. Very long candles indicate dramatic events in the market. TradingView. Platform and social network for traders and investors [Electronic resource] – London, England: TradingView UK Ltd., 2024 – Access mode: https://ru.tradingview.com/.
Img. 2. The color of the candle shows whether the rate is rising or falling, and its height shows how fast it is changing. Very long candles indicate dramatic events in the market. TradingView. Platform and social network for traders and investors [Electronic resource] – London, England: TradingView UK Ltd., 2024 – Access mode: https://ru.tradingview.com/.
Img. 3. Binance trader’s workplace. TradingView. Platform and social network for traders and investors [Electronic resource] – London, England: TradingView UK Ltd., 2024 – Access mode: https://ru.tradingview.com/.
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