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On the Crypto D.A.T. channel. RUS channel Arseniy Tsyro always broadcasts analytics of traders of our company
I would like to thank Anna Safonova, my favourite and reliable life partner, for her invaluable help in working on this book. For her patience, kind criticism and faith in our projects, the success of which is largely due to her.
I thank Arseniy, my son and trusted colleague, for his trust, openness and calmness during any market fluctuations. And for his successes, which as a father I am as proud of as I am of my own.
I am sure that his journey as a cryptocurrency trader is just beginning, and the skills and personal qualities he has developed over the years will ensure his success at every stage of his growth.
One of the hallmarks of our time is the availability of education. Today's students are taught skills in school that their parents could only acquire after college. Thanks to advanced technologies, we can learn at any age and study several disciplines at the same time in different educational institutions without leaving home. The duration of study has also been shortened, and specialization has become narrower. You can acquire the necessary knowledge and choose the best teachers in a specific field within a year or two. This means that after a few months of training, the knowledge can already be turned into income: earning money in a new career field and gaining experience.
However, there is a problem: we are not changing as fast as the technologies around us. A schoolchild can learn several professions and earn a living even before entering a university, but he is still a teenager with a fragile mental state, little life experience, and a great desire to succeed. That's why schoolchildren need the help of adults, especially their parents, during their studies and choosing a future career.
My goal is for my son Arseniy to grow up being a self-sufficient and independent person with universal life skills, independent of employers, politics, and government, so that he will have a job that will feed him from anywhere in the world with Internet access and a computer. That is why we chose crypto trading – a skill that is easy to monetize.
But it's not all about the money. Studying trading involves gaining knowledge in various fields – analytics, programming, and statistics. During training, a lot of attention is paid to the development of relevant psychological qualities – endurance and speed of decision-making, professional hygiene, and self-control.
Today I can sum up the progress we achieved. Arseniy is 17 years old, he is still in high school but has already become financially independent, i.e., he supports himself by trading. Three years ago, I would have called him a newcomer to the cryptocurrency market. Two years ago, he was quite a successful trader but kept learning. A year ago, he mastered scalping, the toughest and most lucrative specialization in trading.
At the same time, he began to host his own training programmes and streams from trades in English. Now Arseniy manages clients' funds through CopyTrading exchange instruments, practices scalping and other trading strategies, works remotely and face-to-face in the dealing center, teaches beginners and continuously develops his professionalism. Let me remind you that he is only 17 years old and still studying at school.
When I decided to write this book, I set two goals for myself. First, as a father and mentor with extensive experience, I want to help everyone who chooses a career for themselves or their children. Step by step, Arseniy and I have come a long way, and now, together, we will tell you how to learn crypto trading, what dangers you need to avoid, and how to maintain a healthy mind in such a turbulent market.
Secondly, I would like to talk separately about scalping – the most exciting trading strategy in a relatively stable market. To truly understand the beauty of scalping, we must know how the cryptocurrency market works and how to cultivate the necessary emphasis-willed qualities of a trader.
The one thing worse than being wrong is staying wrong. Lose your opinion, not your money.
Steve Nison. “Japanese Candlesticks Charting Techniques”
A famous chess legend says that one day two adventurers put the great Alekhin in a difficult position. They convinced him to play two simultaneous games – one with the black pieces, and one with the white. A draw or loss by the world champion on either board would mean paying out a large sum to his opponents. At the beginning of the game, it became clear that Alekhin was playing against himself – his moves with the white pieces on the first board were repeated by his opponent on the second, and his countermoves with the black on the second board were repeated on the first.
The situation seemed hopeless. Then the world champion deliberately made a gross chess mistake that seemed to lead to an inevitable defeat. His opponents consulted with each other and decided not to repeat the obviously wrong move and try to win both games. In the end, of course, Alekhin beat both.
The great chess player came out of that difficult situation with honor, but let's look at it from the point of view of his unfortunate opponents. All they had to do was follow their great plan. If they, as initially intended, had repeated all Alekhin's moves, including the most serious mistakes, they would have walked away with the money. But they lacked an essential ingredient for success: discipline.
While chess is complex game, the cryptocurrency market is infinitely more complicated. It involves dozens of trading strategies, hundreds of combinations of factors and many thousands of participants. And I have seen many novice traders who had an excellent trading strategy, a perfect market situation, clear work instructions, but lost their deposits because they could not follow the plan. And the market is smarter than any genius alone, even one like Alekhin, and does not forgive mistakes.
Arseniy was not at all intimidated by the complexity of the cryptocurrency market. At 12 years old, he was passionate about everything related to analytics, graphics, and programming. From the age of four or five, Arseniy would ask for gifts like complex LEGO Technic construction sets; from the age of nine he became interested in programming, and a little later, 3D modeling. All this gave him the skills to understand the structure of complex systems, to build models, and complete tasks instead of abandoning them halfway.
I found what I was looking for in trading. Everything related to IT is my hobby and part of the required modules at school. In our classes we study 3D modeling and programming; even our English course is based on IT terms. Crypto trading and programming have obvious interdisciplinary relationships. For example, if you need to use the built-in language to write your indicator for operation in the TradingView program, you need to get familiar with it. It means you trade and make money, but at the same time you program.
(Arseniy, 17 years old, five years of experience)
As a father and a teacher, it has always been clear to me that learning is always much better under the guidance of experienced teachers. That is why Arseniy got tutors when he first became interested in programming, and trading coaches a little later – we will discuss them later. Self-study would have never produced such results. But before turning to teachers, we both had to figure out how the cryptocurrency market works, what opportunities and careers there are, and what is worth learning. Which of them is suitable for a 12-year-old boy?
To the casual observer, the cryptocurrency market may seem like one big hot pot where everyone is doing everything and making money somehow. But even at first glance, it is clear that there are divisions and specializations within it. For example, the rapid growth of the cryptocurrency market has largely been driven by hodlers – those who invest for the long term. Hodlers buy and hold promising coins for months or even years, betting on their future growth. It's a fairly easy task if you can afford to freeze a certain amount of money for several years and have a lot of patience. Between 2017 and 2023, Bitcoin managed to rise in price to $20,000, fall to $4,000, rise again to $60,000, and then sink again. But in any case, this is not a way to make money for a young man – the pace of trading is too slow.
With the development of the cryptocurrency market, more and more exchanges have appeared where you can buy or sell certain coins or make money by changing their rates. Crypto exchanges usually operate independently of each other, so, from time to time, arbitrage situations arise – when quotes for the same currency pair on different trading platforms differ significantly. Therefore, you can buy a coin on one exchange, sell it simultaneously on another, and make a profit without any exchange rate risk.
You can also resell funds deposited on the exchange – a practice called P2P arbitrage. Unfortunately, in real life, everything is more complicated than in theory: you can easily lose money during the technical stages.
When I came back from the military, my friend told me about crypto and suggested getting into arbitrage. I didn't understand what kind of work it really was at the time, but I agreed. In short, it involves buying, say, a dollar for a cryptocurrency cheaper on one website and selling it for a higher price on another. The difference is your profit. Technically, it is not trading, but a routine – transfers, processing payments, withdrawing, and depositing funds on exchanges, unfreezing blocked funds, and checking for erroneous payments. This kind of work is exhausting, although it gives an excellent understanding of how exchanges and payment systems work. I quit arbitrage when I lost almost all my earnings to scammers. I understand it was inevitable in such a business, but it was morally and financially challenging.
(Kirill, 21 years old, less than one year of experience)
Another way to make relatively easy money in the cryptocurrency market is called ambassadorship. In simple terms, this is an attempt to take advantage of the promotional efforts of new projects. When a new coin enters the market, its organizers try to maximize the number of users literally handing out free coins to everyone under certain conditions. Some people monitor announcements of new projects, collect coins, and try to sell them later. In some ways, such a business is like collecting samples in perfume stores – it's free, but with a lot of fuss and little benefit.
In 2018–2019, my friend and I set up a small 'farm' of a hundred accounts – we tried to make money off new projects. When a new cryptocurrency project comes out, the organizers recruit 'ambassadors', handing out coins for promotional purposes. We were about to become such ambassadors. But the income turned out to be law, and my friend and I had completely different views on this work – I took it more seriously, and he saw it as a hobby. We parted ways, but I remained interested in crypto. At the same time, I was biased towards traders – how do they make money? They look at their charts and do something, but what exactly? besides, there is a lot of advertising in the market for 'info gurus' who just pretend to make money and sell their products which they do not understand themselves. How do we understand where the honest profits are? And then I saw a vacancy for a 'trader', which means they would train me and hire me – why not try it?
На этой странице вы можете прочитать онлайн книгу «The journey of a Cryptocurrency Trader. Trading on futures markets», автора Дениса Цыро. Данная книга имеет возрастное ограничение 12+, относится к жанру «Финансы». Произведение затрагивает такие темы, как «рынок ценных бумаг», «сделки». Книга «The journey of a Cryptocurrency Trader. Trading on futures markets» была написана в 2024 и издана в 2024 году. Приятного чтения!
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