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The Scriptwriter’s temperament type is phlegmatic.

The primary activity of the Scriptwriter is thinking. His approach to life can be described in the words of the Roman philosopher Cicero: “I am speaking of a clever and learned man, for whom to live is to think.”

The Scriptwriter can ponder on various problems from morning to night, and the need to interrupt this fascinating process for the night’s sleep makes him feel uneasy. As it is said in a famous song of a British rock band, “The Show Must Go On!” For the Scriptwriter, “The Show” is an endless stream of his own thoughts.

Waking up in the morning, he lies in bed with his eyes open, and looks at the ceiling. He doesn’t seem to care that the beautiful, intelligent, gentle woman lying next to him has also woken up, and that she would like to hear something like “Good morning, gorgeous! Did you sleep well?” She sighs, yawns, and stretches herself to attract his attention. No reaction! Is he cold-hearted?

Not at all. At this very moment, the turmoil of passions might be raging inside him: discontent, hope, despair, joy… What could cause this? Virtually anything!

For example, he may be worried by a change in the fur seals’ migration route, which he was told about in yesterday’s news. And it doesn’t matter that before the news release, he had no idea where the seals migrated, and whether they migrated at all. Information pops up in his head as soon as he wakes up. He is wondering what the reason was for this change in their lives, and begins looking for a solution. Where? In his own head, of course, using logic, his main tool for exploration of the world. And his emotions depend on how successful the process is!

If the Scriptwriter cannot make out why the seals changed their route, he is discontented. If he has a plausible assumption about the causes, such as Greenland snow melting, an oil spill in the ocean, or the impact of a meteorite, which was also mentioned in the newscast, he becomes more optimistic. If he considers his own solution correct and clever, he is filled with joy!

You may ask yourself why he cares about this. Is he a fool?

By no means, he is not. The Scriptwriter is not worried about the seals; he wants to get to the truth. He might just as well ponder on what tactics and strategy could lead Napoleon to victory in the Battle of Waterloo if he watched a relevant historical film the day before. Or perhaps, what are the chances for the Argentinian national football team to enter the America’s Cup playoffs this year. Or possibly the likelihood of scientists creating of an artificial spleen in an advanced medical lab by the beginning of the next decade…

What he will hardly think about is whether the ceiling that he is looking at requires whitewashing. The reason for this is that he does not actually see the ceiling. His mind’s eye is directed much farther. He analyzes events in the past, present and future, not the quality of the ceiling surface! Household chores are not in his sphere of interest.

However, there are exceptions.

For example, the Scriptwriter deals with household problems professionally, as for example, an interior or furniture designer. That is, he makes something new in the area. He invents and creates!

Another exception: the Scriptwriter perceives a domestic problem as a challenge to his mental abilities. For example, a switch socket he bought does not fit in the recess in a wall. How will he insert it? Is it better to redo the outlet or expand the recess? He can fiddle about with the socket for a few hours, but he will not regret the time spent if he succeeds.

The third possible exception is when he raises a routine task to the level of artwork. For example, instead of repairing a broken chair, he makes a new one, with carved legs and a special shaped seat. This might take him a month, but he will soon proudly ask a guest to sit on this masterpiece, and state, “Feel the difference”, and wait for praises of his talent.

Domestic chores are of interest to him only if he has to strain not only his muscles, but also his brain, and to do what he has never done before.

The Scriptwriter’s creative approach is evident in any sphere. Who else can he work as?

Perhaps an excellent accountant who can find the best and fastest way to make calculations and balance debit and credit? Or an outstanding programmer who can work alone to create a useful application for a smartphone, or in a large team to develop a new operating system? Or a valuable engineer who will surely identify the cause of an assembly line shutdown and come up with an effective means to fix the problem? Or a scientist dreaming of a Nobel Prize – and receiving it one day? Or a Scriptwriter in the literal sense of the word, that is, a person whose thoughts are embodied on a real stage by real actors!

Unfortunately, not all Scriptwriters achieve such impressive results. For some, the pinnacle of achievement is the self-made chair with carved legs.

This means that they directed their thinking in a wrong way. They gave too much thought to things that were irrelevant to them – such as migration of fur seals – and too little to the proper use of their talents. Or that they chose a wrong field of activity – for example, they obtained the position as a head of a programming team, only to cease writing code themselves. They should have taken into account that not everyone is born to be a Steve Jobs.

Before taking on the burden of responsibility for others, the Scriptwriter should ask himself, “Do I have leadership skills? Do I really want to be a boss?”

The Scriptwriter should remember that his advantage is the ability to analyze and create. Before diving into something else like directing a theater, playing on stage, or becoming a regular spectator, he needs to ask himself, “Why? Is it right for me?” An honest answer could be, “I don’t want to be a boss” or, “I don’t like performing on stage”, or, “It is not enough for me to watch other’s plays, I want to write one myself!”

So what’s the problem? Let him write or do other suitable work! He may not be a billionaire like Apple founder Steve Jobs or a movie star like Charlie Chaplin, but he will like his job, earning a decent income. This is much better than being under a constant stress in pursuit of other people’s goals!

What about love? Can the Scriptwriter develop deep feelings for a woman?

Oh yeah! He, like any other healthy man, has sexual desires inspired by nature. But he is not a primitive male who will act according to the principle “I came, I saw, I conquered.” He is an intellectual. And he does not simply react instinctively to the look and smell of a female, but tries to analyze and control his reaction.

How does he analyze and control it? First of all, he tries to find out if his sexual reaction is justified.

Imagine that you have a spectacular hairstyle and make-up, while also wearing your sexiest dress, stiletto heels and a diamond necklace. This will of course attract the Scriptwriter’ attention and make him admire your beauty. But do not rush to celebrate your victory. You are not a goddess in his opinion just yet. To become one, you must seem to be perfect to him in all respects, including the way you walk and laugh, and what you say and do.

In this regard, everything depends on what he considers to be an ideal woman. Can a “goddess” smoke? Is she allowed to drink wine, brandy, and vodka? May she use bad language? Must she be able to cook lasagna, write poetry, do the splits, dance hip-hop, sing a song in tune without a single false note? At last, does she treat him well enough?

The Scriptwriter will evaluate everything.

To truly fall in love, he needs to acknowledge you as Miss Perfection!

If the Scriptwriter finds some flaws in your character that seem to be incompatible with the status of a “goddess,” his feelings will conflict with his mind. Hormones urge him to make advances to you, but his brain begins to murmur in response, “She is a slob, she has a nasty laugh, she makes lots of errors in her messages, she does not respect me,” and the like.

If the Scriptwriter is not already head over heels in love with you, he will be able to subdue his passions, and leave you. Then he will look for another “goddess,” perhaps endlessly.

If his passion is too strong, he may give in to the onslaught of hormones and reveal his feelings to you. But what will happen next, when the hormonal storm ends and the infatuation passes? Will you be able to build a lasting relationship with him?

Everything will depend on how well you understand the character traits of each other and whether you both want to adapt to shortcomings.

The Scriptwriter can be a great life partner. He is not a leader, but he is able to get a good wage if he chooses the right profession to implement his creativity.

He is a responsible and reliable person who always strives to fulfill his promises.

He can do any work at home like repairing electrical sockets, gluing wallpaper on the walls or upholstering furniture, even if he has never done it before.

It is interesting to talk to him as he always has some fresh information from the most diverse areas – politics, economics, culture, sports, astronomy, which he does not mind sharing.

He is able to think logically and at the same time outside the box.

His patience and sense of humor will appease your tantrum and make you laugh.

He will select the best weight loss method for you, help you learn a foreign language, and forgive culinary mistakes.

The Scriptwriter is an attentive and romantic lover, and gives sex exclusively for love.

The Scriptwriter has a good set of qualities, and your task is to use this set properly!


The Director’s temperament type is sanguine.

The purpose of the Director’s life is making life comfortable.

You will forget about warped window frames, sticking of a front door lock and a leaking tap in the bathroom. He will fix everything. To do this, he always has all the required tools in a special case: a hammer, a screwdriver, an adjustable wrench, and whatnot.

The director has a high opinion of himself, maintains his dignity, and is always well dressed – he can wear stylish white clothes even at home.

He never talks nonsense. If he is not familiar with a topic, he would rather stay silent.

In a professional field, this type does not necessarily become the director of an organization, but he certainly performs some functions associated with management or control. He can be a chief accountant, a personnel department head, a restaurant chef, an auditor, a crew foreman, a luggage room manager…

Whoever this man is by training and position, he probably understands something related to building construction, car repair, and banking operations – at least to the extent that no one could cheat him in these important spheres of life.

The Director behaves the way he does because he wants to live in decent conditions, to drive without breakdowns or accidents, and to have financial reserves!

If you’re married to such a person, congratulations! Financial problems are unlikely to bother you. However, you may hear about them all the time from your husband – the Director.

The Director is usually impressed by grand-looking people riding in expensive cars, especially if they have bodyguards around them. This can be used by swindlers. Fake businessmen or state officials can pull the wool over his eyes so that he will agree to give them a large sum of money in exchange for a lucrative contract or a high position in the city administration. The more brazen the lie, the more credible it seems to be to him!

Why? The Director’s weak point is poorly developed intuition. He is not used to digging into his own emotions or scrutinizing other people’s ideas. He has no free time for that! The man is too busy to pay attention to someone’s facial expressions, gestures and intonation. Other people are important to him from the functional point of view, as they help or hamper in achieving his goals. If their actions seem to be logical and useful to him, he is eager to cooperate. He does not feel that he might be fooled! However, to achieve success, the swindlers must be experts in their field, because the Director has a habit of rechecking any information. He sorts out data much better than emotions!

His health comes first. Nobody likes to be ill, but the Director considers any illness a big inconvenience, because he not only has to incur additional expenses for treatment, but also has to change his work plans. It depresses him even more than high temperature. Therefore, he tries to avoid diseases by eating healthy food and doing sports regularly.

The Director only pays attention to practical information that is useful not for the world in general, but personally for him, his family and work.

Unlike the Scriptwriter, he will not think over the migration of seals, discovery of new galaxies, breakthroughs in robotics or elections in Venezuela if all of this has no direct connection with his life.

But he will definitely watch the South American Football Championship if his boss is interested in football. This will allow him to make small talk with the man during his lunch break. He remembers very well that friendship with the boss is a prerequisite for a successful career!

What about a relationship with a woman?

At first, the Director may seem to be a bright, friendly and generous person who can do many impulsive things to attract your attention, and even risk his life for no actual reason. That is a wrong impression. He just knows how lovers behave. He read about it in books, saw it in movies and on TV. He does what he must, in his estimation, to meet a woman’s expectations.

The Director has real passions, but they do not make him irrational. He just lets himself express his feelings when he considers it appropriate. He is willing to pay a high price for the happiness of being with you – but not too high.