Цитаты из книги «Very bad English / Очень плохой English» Яны Варшавской📚 — лучшие афоризмы, высказывания и крылатые фразы — MyBook. Страница 1

Цитаты из книги «Very bad English / Очень плохой English»


I see huge eyes and hear incessant conversations.
26 октября 2020


Actually, I love to walk. This is one of the few things I really love. I cross familiar streets, adjusting myself and getting used to the idea that I will hardly be able to change anything in this city. After all, there is nothing more boring than the work of an engineer. Well, let me clarify… An engineer of a laboratory. © Y. Varshavskaya, 2019 © International Union of Writers, 2019 Yana Varshavskaya Ve
26 октября 2020


At the same time, fate creates a different chain of coincidences, oddities, mystical events or simple surprises. The magic of numbers, the magic of general books, the magic of words – as if all the secret forces of the other world set the goal of connecting two pairs. They are led to each other to meet the «inexplicable secret», «the whisper of the Lord». Led to a happy ending and pairing.
21 октября 2020


helping me to accurately follow her instructions
6 октября 2020


Nick's measured and planned way of life.
29 сентября 2020


It seemed to her that it was the most wonderful river in the world.
24 сентября 2020


I only had to show a hint of interest
2 июля 2020


Our plane, desperately flapping its wings, tried to cope with strong gusts of wind and
1 июля 2020


We were going down, and I could swear I already saw the tops of the trees and the signal lights of the landing strip
1 июля 2020


We took off fine, gained altitude, and the whole flight went well.
1 июля 2020
