Peop le h aveal way swan tedtole arn an ds hare inf ormat io n. Atdif fe r enttime sth eyIu sedd ifferen t m etho dst o exch ang e ne ws. Th eymade fir esan db e at d rumsto si gna li mpo rtantev e nts. La ter, t heyinven te dlet terswhic hwe re c arr iedbys peci alpeop lecal le d run ne rs. T heyhadto cov erlo ngdis tanc estodel ive rin for mat ion. T he us eo fho rs esand bi rds ma det hedel iver yquic ker. Thes tatepos tin Rus si aapp eare dinth e 17th centu ry. Itwa srat hers lowb utquite re li able. In 1851, th e po stst artedtou sethera il way. Sinceth enth esp eedo finfor mat i on exch ange ha sb ee ngr owingcon stant l y.
.yltnatsnoc gniworg neeb sah egnahcxe noitamrofni fo deeps eht neht ecniS. yawliar eht esu ot detrats tsop eht,1581 nI. elbailer etiuq tub wols rehtar saw tI. yrutnec ht71 eht ni deraeppa aissuR ni tsop etats ehT. rekciuq yreviled eht edam sdrib dna sesroh fo esu ehT. noitamrofni reviled ot secnatsid gnol revoc ot dah yehT. srennur dellac elpoep laiceps yb deirrac erew hcihw srettel detnevni yeht, retaL. stneve tnatropmi langis ot smurd taeb dna serif edam yehT. swen egnahcxe ot sdohtem tnereffid desu I yeht semit tnereffid tA. noitamrofni erahs dna nrael ot detnaw syawla evah elpoeP
.y l tnats nocgniwo rgn ee bs ah egna hcxe no i tam rofnif odee pse htne htecniS. yaw li arehtes uotdetra tsts op e ht,1581 nI. elba il er etiuqtu bwol sreh tars awtI. yr utnec ht71 e htnid erae ppaa is suR nit sopetat sehT. rek ciuqy revi ledeh ted am sdr ib dnase sr ohf oe su eh T. noi tam rof nir evi ledotse cnat sidgn olre voc otdahyeh T. sr en nur d el lacel poepla icep sybdei rra c er ewh cihwsret teld et nevniyeh t, ret aL. stn e vetnatr opm il ang is otsmur d ta e bd nase rif edamye hT. sw en e gna hcxe o tsd ohte m t nereffi ddes uIye hts emittne r ef fidtA. n oi tamro fni erah sd na nra elotdet naws yaw laeva h el poeP
Text 5
Making weather forecasts is hard, complicated, scientific work. 70 per cent of its success depends on the accurate analysis of air pressure. Areas of pressure up to 9 kilometers above the Earth are measured by computers. Devices also record the vertical movement of air that can cause clouds, rain and snow. If the air goes down towards the Earth, it destroys the clouds and we can enjoy the blue sky. A front in the atmosphere is another important factor for predicting the weather. The fronts may stretch for thousands of kilometers and can be clearly seen from space. It’s interesting that cold fronts move faster than warm ones.
Making rehtaew forecasts si drah, complicated, cifitneics work. 70 rep cent of sti success sdneped on the accurate analysis of ria pressure. Saera of pressure pu to 9 sretemolik above the Earth are derusaem by computers. Secived also record eht vertical tnemevom of air that nac cause sduolc, rain and wons. If the ria goes nwod towards the Htrae, it destroys eht clouds and ew can yojne the blue yks. A tnorf in the atmosphere is rehtona important factor for gnitciderp the weather. The stnorf may stretch rof thousands of kilometers and nac be clearly nees from ecaps. It’s interesting that dloc fronts move faster naht warm seno.
Mak ing weat her f orec astsish ard, c ompl ica ted, s cien tifi cwork. 70 perc ento fits s ucc essd epe ndson t hea cc uratea nalys is o fair pres su re. A reasofpres su reupt o 9 kilo meter sabovet heE art hare m easu red b ycompute rs. D evic esals orec ordth everticalmove men tof air th at c an ca u seclo uds, ra in an dsn ow. Ifth eai rgoe s do wntowardstheEarth, itdestroyst he cloudsandw e canen joy th eblue s ky. Afront int heatmosphere i sanotherimporta nt fa ctorfo rpredi ctingthe wea t her. Thefro ntsma ystret chfo rth ousan dsof ki lometersand canbe cl earlyseen fromspa ce. It’sint erest ingthatco ldfr ontsm ove f asterth anwarmones.
seno mraw naht retsaf evom stnorf dloc taht gnitseretni s’tI. ecaps morf nees ylraelc eb nac dna sretemolik fo sdnasuoht rof hcterts yam stnorf ehT. rehtaew eht gnitciderp rof rotcaf tnatropmi rehtona si erehpsomta eht ni tnorf A. yks eulb eht yojne nac ew dna sduolc eht syortsed ti, htraE eht sdrawot nwod seog ria eht fI. wons dna niar, sduolc esuac nac taht ria fo tnemevom lacitrev eht drocer osla seciveD. sretupmoc yb derusaem era htraE eht evoba sretemolik 9 ot pu erusserp fo saerA. erusserp ria fo sisylana etarucca eht no sdneped sseccus sti fo tnec rep 07.krow cifitneics, detacilpmoc, drah si stsacerof rehtaew gnikaM
.senomrawna htretsa f evo mstno rfdl octahtgni tsere tnis’tI. ec apsmorf neesylrae lc ebnac dnasretemol ik fosd nasuo htr ofhc tertsy amstn orfehT. reh t aew ehtgnitc iderpr ofrotc af tn atropmirehtonas i erehpsomtaeh tni tnorfA. yk s eulbe ht yoj nenac e wdnasduolc eh tsyortsedti, htraEehtsdrawotnw od s eogr iae htfI. wo nsd na ni ar, sdu olces u ac na c ta ht ria fot nem evomlacitreve htdro cero slase cive D. sr etupmocy b der usae m erah tra Eeh tevobas retem olik 9 o tpuer us serpfosaer A. er us serp riaf o si sylan aetaru cc aeh t nosdn epe dsse ccu s stif otne crep 07.krowc ifit neic s, det aci lpmo c, dra hsistsa cero f reh taew gni kaM
Text 6
Scientists have long been working on new orbital technologies for growing plants. They tried to grow different plants on the International Space Station. Then the plants were sent back to the Earth for further study. This year, for the first time, astronauts could eat green leaves grown in space. Space farming is extremely important for the future space missions planned to Mars because it gives fresh food and vitamins. The new plant growing system is very smart. It informs humans when the plants need water. Special sensors measure the thickness of the leaves. If they become too thin, detectors send signals. This technology helps save water in space and grow a good harvest.
Scientists evah long neeb working no new latibro technologies rof growing stnalp. They deirt to grow different stnalp on the International Ecaps Station. Then the stnalp were sent kcab to the Earth for rehtruf study. Siht year, for eht first emit, astronauts dluoc eat green sevael grown in ecaps. Space gnimraf is extremely important rof the future ecaps missions dennalp to Mars because it sevig fresh doof and vitamins. The wen plant growing metsys is very trams. It informs snamuh when the plants deen water. Special srosnes measure the thickness fo the sevael. If they become oot thin, detectors dnes signals. Siht technology spleh save water in ecaps and worg a good tsevrah.
Scie ntis ts h avel on gbeenwor king o nn eworb italte chno logi es forgro wing p lan t s. Th yet ried t o growdif ferentplant son theInt ernatio nal Sp ace St at ion. Thenth e p lantswere sent b ack tothe Ear th forfurt herst udy. Thi syear, fort he f irstt ime, astro na ut scoul deat g re enleavesg ro wnin sp ace. Spacef armingi s ext remelyim portantfo rthefu turespa cemissio nsplan nedtoMa rs becau se itgiv esf reshf oo dand vitam in s. Then ewpl ant g row in gs ystemi sverys mart. Iti nformshuma ns wh enth eplants needwa ter. Specials ensors me a sure t hethic kness o fthel eaves. Ifthe ybe comet oo thi n, de tectorss ends ig nals. Th istech no logyhe lpssav e w aterin spa ceandgr owag oo dharv est.
.tsevrah doog a worg dna ecaps ni retaw evas spleh ygolonhcet sihT. slangis dnes srotceted, niht oot emoceb yeht fI. sevael eht fo ssenkciht eht erusaem srosnes laicepS. retaw deen stnalp eht nehw snamuh smrofni tI. trams yrev si metsys gniworg tnalp wen ehT. snimativ dna doof hserf sevig ti esuaceb sraM ot dennalp snoissim ecaps erutuf eht rof tnatropmi ylemertxe si gnimraf ecapS. ecaps ni nworg sevael neerg tae dluoc stuanortsa, emit tsrif eht rof, raey sihT. yduts rehtruf rof htraE eht ot kcab tnes erew stnalp eht nehT. noitatS ecapS lanoitanretnI eht no stnalp tnereffid worg ot deirt yehT. stnalp gniworg rof seigolonhcet latibro wen no gnikrow neeb gnol evah stsitneicS
.tse vrahd oo gawo rgdnaec aps nireta w e vasspl ehygol on hcetsi hT. slan gi sdne ssrotcet ed, n iht oo temoc eby ehtfI. sevae lehtf o ssenk cihteh t erus a em srosne slaicepS. ret awdeen stnalpe htne hw sn amuhsmrofn itI. tram syrevs imetsy sg ni wor g tna lpwe nehT. s ni mativ dnad oo fhser fse vigti es uaceb sr aMotden nalpsn oissimec apserut ufehtr oftnatrop miylemer txe s ignimra fecapS. eca ps ninw or gsevaelne er g taed luocs tu an ortsa, emi ttsri f eh trof, raeys ihT. ydu tsreh trufrof ht raE ehtot kca b tnes erewstnal p e htnehT. noi ta tS eca pS lan oitanre tnIeht nos tnalptneref fidworg o t deir tey hT. s t nal p gniw orgrof se igol onhc etlati browe nn o gnik rowneebg no leva h st sitn eicS.
Text 7
Within the next hundred years or so, people will have to get energy from alternative sources. Alternative sources are also needed to put a stop to pollution. There are different alternative sources that are already successfully used in many countries. One example is the Dead Sea, which produces electricity. When the sun heats the surface of the lake, the hotter and heavier layers of salty water sink. At the same time, the colder and lighter layers rise. The hot water can be stored at the bottom of the lake or piped away. It can be used to heat many buildings or to generate electricity. It costs only a third as much as oil heating.
Within the txen hundred sraey or os, people lliw have to teg ygrene from alternative secruos. Alternative secruos are also dedeen to put a pots to pollution. There are tnereffid alternative sources taht are already yllufsseccus used in many countries. Eno example is the Daed Sea, hcihw produces electricity. Nehw the sun staeh the surface of eht lake, the rettoh and heavier sreyal of salty water knis. At the same emit, the redloc and lighter layers esir. The toh water can eb stored at eht mottob of the lake or depip away. It nac be used to heat ynam buildings or to etareneg electricity. It stsoc only a third as hcum as oil gnitaeh.
Wit hinth en ext hund red y ears o rs o, pe oplewil lh ave t ogetenergyfro malter nativesou rc es. Altern ativesou rcesareal so n eed edto puta st optop olluti on. The reare di fferent a lternat ives ourc esthatar ealr ea dysuccess full yus edinm any cou ntr ies. O neex ampleist he De ad Se a, wh ichpr odu ceselectri city. Wh enthesu nheat sthe sur faceof t helake, thehot terandhe av ierlayerso fsalty wa ters ink. A tt hesa meti me, t he cold erandlight erlay ers ri se. Theho t w aterca nbest oredatthe bot tomoft he lak eorpi pedaw ay. Itc an beus edtoh eatm anybu ild in gs o rt o g en erateele ctr icity. I tcostson ly athi rdas m ucha soil he a ting.
.gnitaeh lio sa hcum sa driht a ylno stsoc tI. yticirtcele etareneg ot ro sgnidliub ynam taeh ot desu eb nac tI. yawa depip ro ekal eht fo mottob eht ta derots eb nac retaw toh ehT. esir sreyal rethgil dna redloc eht, emit emas eht tA. knis retaw ytlas fo sreyal reivaeh dna rettoh eht, ekal eht fo ecafrus eht staeh nus eht nehW. yticirtcele secudorp hcihw, aeS daeD eht si elpmaxe enO. seirtnuoc ynam ni desu yllufsseccus ydaerla era taht secruos evitanretla tnereffid era erehT. noitullop ot pots a tup ot dedeen osla era secruos evitanretlA. secruos evitanretla morf ygrene teg ot evah lliw elpoep, os ro sraey derdnuh txen eht nihtiW
.gnit a eh lios ahcu m sadr ihta yl nostsoct I. ytici rtc eleetare ne g o tr o sg ni dli ubyna mtae hotde sueb na ctI. ya wadep iproe kal eh tfomot tob ehttadero tsebn acreta w t ohehT. es ir sre yalre thgildnare dloc eh t, em item aseh tt A. kni sret aw ytlasf osreyalrei va ehdnaret toheht, ekaleh t foecaf rus ehts taehn usehtne hW. ytic irtcelesec udo rphci hw, a eS da eD eh tsielpma xeen O. sei rtn uoc yna mnide suy lluf sseccusyd ae rlae ratahtse cruo sevi tanretl a tnereff id eraer ehT. no itullo potpo ts atup otde dee n os laerasecr uosevita nretlA. se cr uosevitan retlam orfygrenetego t eva hl liwelpo ep, o sr o srae y der dnuh txe ne htnih tiW
Text 8
The first linguistic theories appeared around the 5th century B.C. in India, Greece, Rome, and China. In order to understand texts better, the first linguists studied different aspects of the language, philosophy, and culture. Most early studies in India were based on ancient songs. For the first time, ancient linguists distinguished words as nouns and verbs. This is how parts of speech appeared. Grammar and phonetics were later developed in Greece and Rome. Chinese linguists wrote the first dictionaries of synonyms. The first dictionary of the English language appeared much later, in 1755. It had 40,000 words.
Eht first citsiugnil theories dereappa around the 5th yrutnec B.C. in Aidni, Greece, Emor, and China. Ni order to dnatsrednu texts retteb, the first stsiugnil studied different stcepsa of the language, yhposolihp, and culture. Tsom early seiduts in India erew based no ancient sgnos. For eht first time, tneicna linguists distinguished sdrow as nouns and sbrev. This is how parts of hceeps appeared. Rammarg and scitenohp were later depoleved in Greece and Emor. Chinese stsiugnil wrote the first seiranoitcid of synonyms. Eht first dictionary of eht Hsilgne language deraeppa much later, in 1755. It dah 40,000 sdrow.
Thefirs tlin gui sticth eo riesapp eare darou ndth e5t hcentu ry B.C.inI nd ia, G ree ce, Ro me, an dChina. Ino rder tounders tandte xts b et ter, t hefi rstl ing uis tsstudi eddiffe rentaspe ctso fthelan gua ge, phil osop hy, andcultur e. Moste arlystu diesin Indiawe reba sedonan cients on gs. Fort he f irstt ime, ancie ntl ing uistsdistingu ishedwo rdsasn ounsan dverb s. Thisishowp artso fsp ee ch a pp ear ed. Gr amm arandph on eticswe rel aterde velope dinG reec ea ndR ome. C hine seli ngu istswro teth efir std ictiona riesofsyn onym s. Thef irstdic ti onar yo fth eE ng li shlangu ageappe aredmuchla ter, in 1755. Ith ad40,000 wo rds.
.sdrow 000,04 dah tI.5571 ni, retal hcum deraeppa egaugnal hsilgnE eht fo yranoitcid tsrif ehT. smynonys fo seiranoitcid tsrif eht etorw stsiugnil esenihC. emoR dna eceerG ni depoleved retal erew scitenohp dna rammarG. deraeppa hceeps fo strap woh si sihT. sbrev dna snuon sa sdrow dehsiugnitsid stsiugnil tneicna, emit tsrif eht roF. sgnos tneicna no desab erew aidnI ni seiduts ylrae tsoM. erutluc dna, yhposolihp, egaugnal eht fo stcepsa tnereffid deiduts stsiugnil tsrif eht, retteb stxet dnatsrednu ot redro nI. anihC dna, emoR, eceerG, aidnI ni. C.B yrutnec ht5 eht dnuora deraeppa seiroeht citsiugnil tsrif ehT
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