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Viktoria Raidos
The Cult of Ancestors. The Power of Our Blood

Raidos Viktoria

THE CULT OF ANCESTORS. The Power of Our Blood

Translation by Benjamin Hugh De Courcy Jones

© OJSC Ves Publishing Group, 2017

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Наш замечательный коллектив с большим вниманием выбирает и готовит рукописи. Они вдохновляют человека на заботливое отношение к своей жизни, жизни близких и нашей любимой Родины. Наша духовная культура берёт начало в глубине тысячелетий. Её основа – свобода, любовь и сострадание. Суровые климатические условия и большие пространства России рождают смелых людей с чуткой душой – это идеал русского человека. Будем рады, если наши книги помогут Вам стать таким человеком и укрепят Ваши добродетели.

Мы верим, что духовное стремление является прочным основанием для полноценной жизни и способно проявиться в любой области человеческой деятельности. Это может быть семья и воспитание детей, наука и культура, искусство и религиозная деятельность, предпринимательство и государственное управление. Возрождайте свет души в себе, поддерживайте его в других. Именно это усилие создаёт новые возможности, вдохновляет нас на заботу о ближних, способствуют росту как личного, так и общественного благополучия.

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Пётр Лисовский


Ghosts come to me.

That is just what I do – I see them and hear them.

But they also come to each of you. There is not one person to whom this has not happened, considering all our dearly departed are in fact with us nearby. They might even be here with you now as you read these lines.

My job is to see them and hear them and, as their trusted person, to pass on to people what they want to say. Remember that these ghosts were once living people, parts of whom you are carrying around in your genes – your ancestors.

And they need one thing, which only the living can give them – memory.

“Can give” and, really, must give.

Memory is even a mark of respect that we all should give to those who brought us into this life.

Those who gave us our character traits, talents, patterns of behaviour, complexion, eye color, and hair.

In many ways – our fate.

They are nearby in order to give us strength. Teach us to overcome difficulties, save us from mistakes, help us to achieve what we – and they – want.

What happens when we push away their help? When we do not think that there were millions of years of successive lives and loves of these people who led to our appearance into the world?

In a case when descendents cannot draw strength and experience from previous generations, they have no strength left for carrying on the family line. This can happen for various reasons. Sometimes a person can start considering themselves more successful, smarter and more educated than his ‘illiterate’ ancestors. Sometimes ancestors are forgotten as the result of revolutions, civil wars or catastrophes. Sometimes it might even be frightful to have an ‘undesirable’ relative or ancestor. So they get forgotten, or – to be more precise – disowned.

Disowning one’s roots is the most harmful thing a living being can do.

What happens if one disowns half (a quarter, an eighth, or even all) of one’s genes?

Imagine a tree that rejects its roots!

This is a common problem for modern civilisation. Taking the side of material possessions, pleasures and joy, people turn their backs on their history, in other words – on themselves, creating a great thirst in their souls. A thirst for AUTHENTICITY, a thirst for confidence and the righteousness of their present and future lives – their own and their children’s that can only be based on solid foundations.

We try to quench this thirst with countless adventures, travels, exotic cultures, other worlds, strange and fascinating fates, passions, fashions and ‘spiritualities’.

But to nourish a living being can we really substitute simple, real water for anything else?

When strength, flowing for millions of years from ancestor to descendent, becomes unclaimed or meets an obstacle, it is like a dam in a river. There is as much water as you need, but you feel like you are in a desert. Your garden that you have been cultivating while neglecting yourself, dries out. And if the water pressure becomes too high that the dam breaks, the torrent will be so strong that you will most probably drown.

This thirst of the modern human can only be quenched by a mother’s milk, a father’s guidance, a grandmother’s blessing and a grandfather’s advice.

By the force that comes from the soil, through the roots.

This is the knowledge, intuitively known to all living creatures, that ‘homo sapiens’ dares to ignore.

Knowing this tribal system, how a person can draw energy from their family and how to act correctly so this bloodline link does not break – but rather strengthens – with time, is useful to anyone.

Because the bloodline can give not only a strong family and good children, but a career, money, social status and successful self-fulfilment.

Or the other way around – the family line can take away and destroy, make one repeat the mistakes of one’s ancestors or pay for their debts. It is often hard to abstain from something that has been forced onto you by the blood of your ancestors – especially when you do not even realize what is happening. Frequently, it is actions that are difficult to explain with common sense that are easily explained by problems that you have to solve as the inheritor of a particular bloodline. This task, of course, becomes more difficult – or even impossible – if its preconditions are not understood. If negative information encoded into the family line does not get reprogrammed, it will affect all of the upcoming generations. There is always something that was just ‘written into one’s family line’, but in every family line there is always the first one.

A family line, like every living thing on Earth, should change and transform to stay alive. And these changes should benefit the members of a given family line. Conditions under which a person exists are heavily dependent on the actions of his ancestors. But how you act, which life choices you make and in which direction you take your family line depends entirely on you.

In any political regime, any economic situation and cultural environment there is one solid, unchanging truth – you are someone’s descendant. And someone’s ancestor.

Ask yourself – What kind of ancestor will I be for my descendants? Are you going to be the one whom they will try to forget, considered to be the reason for all the misfortunes in the family? Or will you be the one whom everyone will thank and be proud of, whose actions they will carry on? To whom your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will want to be similar? In which conditions will those who come after you find themselves?

But to change the course of fate you need a lot of strength. And also a lot of understanding and compassion.

Human life and fate itself – the relationships we have with others, work, wealth, health, – is all closely connected to that almost ephemeral state that we call ‘psychology’. And psychology itself is tightly connected to family (upbringing) and the whole bloodline system (genes).

It is not by chance that many psychological movements of the twentieth century (for example, psychoanalysis, systemic family constellations and psychogenealogy) are based on connections of an individual with their whole family and ancestors, with many modern psychological techniques being closely related to shamanic practices. With all our beliefs in scientific research and evidence, modern humans cannot completely abandon the traditions refined by generations, so that one’s life and the lives of one’s children are not distorted or disharmonized.

In this book there will be a lot of references to folk customs and various traditional cultures. This not only pays respect to the cultures of past generations, it is also an effective tool. I tend to trust experience that is many thousands of years old. A human in tradition is a human in harmony with the universe, with nature and all of existence, capable of absorbing energy from the world around, as well as from within.

People who have kept their connection with nature (as well as with their own nature) also maintain a connection with strength. Traditionally, all individuals were in regular contact with the sacral, turning to their ancestor’s spirits and holding ceremonies to influence their present realities.

To understand the mechanism of how the family line influences humans is important for everyone, especially those who have any ambitions and abilities with magic. In shamanic traditions, the first thing you must do is to make amends with your ancestors’ spirits, because they become a conductor to the spiritual world in general. It is also better to get familiarized with the whole system of how energy circulates among humans and how the forces of life and death operate with something that you can observe closely – your own family line. This is especially important in the modern world where the inheritance of magical traditions in many cases has been interrupted and a whole host of various and often contradictory traditions prevail. In this case, great individual power combined with ignorance can lead to serious mistakes that are harmful, not only to the individual but also to his descendants.

My name is Victoria Raidos, and I am a Priestess of the Cult of Ancestors.

I cannot transmit to everyone on Earth what their ancestors want to specifically tell them.

But I can transmit to everyone what our ancestors want to tell all of us, through this book. I can remind people what they often forget, that humans always have enough strength to solve any problem – even the scariest and seemingly unsolvable. All we need to know is how to find that strength and where to draw it up.

Real strength can only be found within. You really must value this magical power that you already have and carry inside you.

Your power is in your blood.

Blood that you got from your ancestors.

На этой странице вы можете прочитать онлайн книгу «The Cult of Ancestors. The Power of Our Blood», автора Виктории Райдос. Данная книга имеет возрастное ограничение 16+, относится к жанрам: «Эзотерика, оккультизм», «Практическая эзотерика». Произведение затрагивает такие темы, как «изменение судьбы», «жизненная энергия». Книга «The Cult of Ancestors. The Power of Our Blood» была написана в 2017 и издана в 2020 году. Приятного чтения!