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Chapter 4

It had been a long time since Vera had seen the second Tiffany gift box in his bag.

She decided to teach her lover a lesson how to be more attentive and did not pick up the phone for several days. But it turned out that she tortured herself, sobbed and relieved the pain with wine. On the third day, Oleg rang the doorbell and picked up the emaciated, half-fainting, and drunk Vera in his arms. She was barely breathing, and the pulse in her neck was visible next to the blue vein through the tissue paper of her skin. There was almost no blood in the pallid face, Oleg grabbed his mistress in his arms and called the doctor.

– Oleg, who is this?

His friend and simultaneously family doctor was looking at his classmate's scared face.

– Today, this is a friend, uh, a good friend of mine, – Oleg paused, he did not know what else to say. This was the first time he found himself in such a situation. Wincing at the unnecessary difficulties and problems, the man feverishly thought about how to get rid of these painful relationships, which have acquired a completely different turn from what he had expected.

The previous Larisa, he called her Lala, had been lived his mistress for three happy and love years, she parted with Oleg easily and quietly with no emotions and it took them one day. Lala was a tall, slender brunette with a sense of humor and a great mind. She understood that she could use Oleg's connections to the maximum, so giving him her body and experience in bed, Lala at the same time received a credit line for her own beauty salon without collateral and at a minimum interest rate. He still congratulated her with happy birthday for old times' sake, and she jokingly sent him photos of her bare breasts and butts. Deeply in his heart, Oleg missed Lala and her easy virtue, but then when he met Vera, he completely forgot about the sexy cougar. Vera was an elegant, thin and fragile girl. Those who did not know her origin and simple roots took her for a lady of high society, a girl of noble blood.

Oleg at first was so carried away with their relationship that he moved her to the apartment that he had rented for Lala…

But fainting, starvation, and unconsciousness were not part of his plan.

"Man, I don't want to spoil your mood, but your friend is pregnant.

Oleg's temples throbbed.

"Tolik, what do you mean?"!

Are you sure she is pregnant

"Are you kidding me?" You don't know how to get pregnant?

– No, you're kidding! Maybe you are wrong with your diagnosis?

– Oh, shit! You bring to me an unconscious girl with signs of alcohol poisoning, starvation, dehydration, and a nine-week period and yell at me. My shift ended three hours ago, at exactly 21: 00. Can I go home, and the nurse will write a referral for tests and registration?

– Stop! Roofing! What are you doing? WTF? Registration?! Sorry! Sorry, friend, – Oleg began to stutter and drawl words, – I can't register it, Arina is not going to find out, I'm done, Arina and I are done.

The doctor took off his robe and sat on the leather sofa in the office. He rubbed his tired eyes for a long time, then sighed and asked:

– Oleg, what do you want meto do?

The Oleg hesitated only for a moment then said quickly:

"Give her the pill." The term is small. It's okay, she won't notice. I can't. I don't love her. She is just a young fresh body. A good woman, especially after Lala got married, – Oleg sighed, thinking about something on his own.

– So, good-bye, Oleg.

– Stop, please! Help me, save me. It’s for me and Ara.

The doctor weighed it for a few seconds and said wearily:

"Don't involve me in crime. I will not spare anyone from anything. Tell her. She will decide what to do. This is her body and her life.

– If she wants to give birth? That's from me. Ara will not forgive me, she barely forgave me Lala. The man grabbed the doctor’s hands there were tears in his eyes.

– My friend, now she is under a drip with vitamins and saline, I leave her here at night, I need to saturate the body with liquid and trace elements and wash the alcohol. You should talk to her. If you want, convince her that you don't need a child, especially since Ara is infertile. Discuss it and decide together. What happens between you is your own business. This does not concern me if it does not pose a threat to life or physical discomfort.

Oleg entered the room, wiping his sweaty palms on his suit. At the creak of the door opening, the girl opened her eyes and tried to smile faintly.

– Oleg, hi, my love…

"There, there baby. Don't worry, everything is fine. You're with me, you're safe. Everything will be fine.

– I love you darling – She held out her little white hand to the man.

– And I you, honey, listen, the doctor said, that you are pregnant…

"I – I wanted to tell you, but later, later," she said, her eyes filled with the bitter tears of a hurt girl.

"Babe, you have to do an abortion. No objection. You and I have just started our relationship. You've moved into a nice place, you've got a career, you're not even twenty-five. Besides, I don't need children. I'm dating you to love you with benefits, and you're giving me these tricks.

Vera lay there, silently swallowing her tears. She crumpled the sheet that covered her with icy hands.

– Babe, if you want to be with me there isn’t time for a child, – the last words Oleg spat out with such anger in the face of his mistress that she stopped crying, and just nodded.

In the morning, Vera went to the doctor and asked for a referral to a gynecologist to sign up for an abortion.

"Vera, are you sure?" Are you sure you've weighed everything? the doctor asked the question softly, but it hurt her ears.

"Doctor, yes, thank you," the girl murmured uncertainly.

– Vera, you are young, strong, the fact that you drank wine and weakened will not affect the child in any way. I can assure If you are worried about it. A child is formed by many factors, the main of which is heredity and the absence of genetic diseases, and not a glass of wine at an early stage.

"No, that's not why I'm here. Oleg just said that he would leave me…

"Do you want a baby?"

– I love and want Oleg, if he leaves, I have no reason to live.

The doctor gave her a long, searching look.

– It is your body, your life, and your decision to make. If that's what you want, I can't stop you.

She breathed a sigh of relief and even smiled.

– Thank you, Yes. I'll have an abortion at your clinic. Where do I go now to get tested and sign up?

Oleg was so happy about the abortion that he decided not to leave Vera yet. He treated her with care and attention, and when she recovered, he took her on a two-week trip to Europe. They skied, drank mulled wine, and made love in front of the fireplace, where the wood crackled. The girl was so in love that she never thought about those terrible days before the hospital and after.

The relationship more or less took a stable character, she saw Oleg almost every day during his breaks, they had lunch, sometimes managed to stay in her flat, sometimes just chatted in the restaurant. A couple of times a week he stayed overnight and these were the happiest days and nights in the whole world.

Vera looked at the sleeping lover with tenderness and reverence. She stroked his hands and hair, hugged him and touched his skin. Trying not to look at the wedding ring on her right hand, she looked at her hand, at her empty ring finger, and dreamed, dreamed, dreamed…

– Hello, Vera. Hello, can you hear me?

Vera froze holding the phone at the kitchen window. She knew that voice; she would have recognized it from hundred thousand of voices. She had heard that voice from his phone for almost nine months, when she made him coffee, when she vacationed with him abroad, when she lay in bed with him, and each time two snakes somewhere deep inside raised their heads and hissed furiously.

There was no point in hanging up; Vera knew it was Her.

– Yes. Hello, I can hear you.

– This is Arina, Oleg's wife. Can we meet and talk?

Chapter 5

Vera was sitting at a table in a restaurant and nervously surfing her page in Instagram. She caught herself thinking she could not concentrate at celebs’ lives, pop idols, gossips and similar kind of social network rubbish plus particularly today she was more than average annoyed with pictures of the ugly off-springs from her not less irritating overweight classmates. Her photo from Courchevel received a huge number of likes and positive comments. At first she was pleased, even flattered that so many acquaintances from her town were jealous of her luxurious and posh life, but it didn’t bring any relief. The tormented soul was suffering the great stress down the night before the conversation with His wife.

"Good afternoon, Vera. My name is Arina. I’m sure you know.

She was beautiful woman in her mid-thirties, a striking brunette sitting at the other side of the table. She was really beautiful, the features of her face were regular and black bob of hair accentuated high cheekbones and almond-shaped eyes while pear-shaped diamonds glittered on long fingers. Arina represented wealth and luxury. The white blouse revealed a chic cleavage that was barely contained by lace and sexy as hell bra.

Vera had never felt so pathetic in her life. She did not understand why Oleg started dating her. She was totally outclassed by His wife.

– Good day, Vera! Nice to meet you! – Arina’s so sincere and radiant smile dashed Vera a bit. In other situation, she would have admired the woman and tried to win her trust. But it wasn’t the case.

Suddenly Vera felt acute pain in her lower belly it hurt so much that she thought about her period. Ah, no, it was a week ago, there were no problems after the abortion, and the tests were excellent. But a twinge of pain cuffed Vera.

"Is there something wrong?" Arina raised an eyebrow, feigning sympathy.

– No… Vera, barely breathing, got up from the table and hobbled to the toilet with her legs half-bent.

Down below there was dark and cool air. The concept of light on the walls made the lighting near the toilet mysterious, even mystical. Vera vomited the tomato juice and vodka and took a deep breath. Her heart was pounding. After flushing the water, she went to wash basin and turned on the tap. The water running down the wash basin turned red. For a split second her face, hands and body were covered with blood

– Ahhh! Vera yelled, stepped back and leaned against the wall. Empty bathroom answered with an echo. There was nobody to help around.

The girl went back to the basin, the pain in the lower abdomen did not subside, there was a fire as if someone had impaled the uterus and fried all its sides.

She rubbed her eyes and made sure that the water was not crimson tide color. The girl had been washing her face with cold water for a long time, and then raised her head towards the mirror. Instead of her face, a three-month-old fetus with no visible organs or body parts stared back at her, as if a medicine atlas image had been placed in her head. The embryo nodded at her and seemed to shake something that had a relative semblance of ahead.

Vera woke up in a familiar clinic. The drawing of the white walls would not be confused with any drawing in the world. The doctor opened the familiar door and said Hello.

– Well, Vera, how are you feeling?

– Good day, doctor! What happened?

"Should I ask you why you've been brought unconscious for the second time?"

"I, I don't know.

– Fortunately, Arina called me and we saved you in time.

When mentioned the name of Oleg's wife, Vera had had a painful spasm in the lower abdomen and fainted again. Her mind played games with her showing a delirium movie about a tall and devilishly beautiful brunette with a bob caressing the doctor, passionately hugging, kissing him and hurrying to take off his medical robe.