Читать книгу «Учись учить английскому: упражнения» онлайн полностью📖 — Олега Владимировича Белоусова — MyBook.

Yes, we are. No, we are not.

Are we having breakfast or dinner (fishing…playing computer games…)?

Are we having breakfast in the kitchen or in the dining-room (living-room…under the bridge…)?

Are we having breakfast in the big or in the small kitchen?

What are we doing?

Where are we having breakfast?

What kitchen are we having breakfast in?

Мы делаем утреннюю зарядку в темном дворе

We are doing morning exercises in the dark yard.

We are not doing morning exercises in the dark yard.

Are we doing morning exercises in the dark yard?

Yes, we are. No, we are not.

Are we doing morning exercises or trying to get up (sleeping…eating…)?

Are we doing morning exercises in the yard or in the room (in the park…in the hale…)?

Are we doing morning exercises in the dark or in the light yard?

What are we doing?

Where are we doing morning exercises?

What yard are we doing morning exercises in?

Они гуляют в темном парке.

They are walking in the dark park.

They are not walking in the dark park.

Are they walking in the dark park?

Yes, they are. No, they are not.

Are they walking or running (sleeping…dancing…)?

Are they walking in the park or in the garden (in the yard…in the forest…)?

Are they walking in the dark or in the light park?

What are they doing?

Where are they walking?

What park are they walking in?

Они бегают под старой машиной.      They are running under the old car.

They are not running under the old car.

Are they running under the old car?

Yes, they are. No, they are not.

Are they running or going (jumping…drinking…)?

Are they running under the car or under the sofa (in the bookcase…in the fridge…)?

Are they running under the old or under the new car?

What are they doing?

Where are they running?

What car are they running under?

Они растут в красивом стакане.

They are growing in the beautiful glass.

They are not growing in the beautiful glass.

Are they growing in the beautiful glass?

Yes, they are. No, they are not.

Are they growing or dying (developing…disappearing…)?

Are they growing in the glass or in the garden (park…water…)?

Are they growing in the beautiful or in the ugly glass?

What are they doing?

Where are they growing?

What glass are they growing in?

Exercise 4

1.      переведите предложение

2.      сделайте из него один специальный вопрос

3.      второй специальный вопрос

4.      третий специальный вопрос

5.      четвертый специальный вопрос


Девушка спит на большом диване.

1.      A girl is sleeping on the big sofa.

2.      What is she doing?

3.      Where is she sleeping?

4.      What sofa is she sleeping on?

5.      Who is sleeping on the big sofa?

Now, at the moment, right now

Сейчас, в данный момент, прямо сейчас

1. Я стою на большой дороге.

I am standing on the big road.

What am I doing?

Where am I standing?

What road am I standing on?

Who is standing on the big road?

2. Я медленно иду в кино.

I am slowly going to the cinema.

What am I doing?

Where am I going?

How am I going to the cinema?

Who is slowly going to the cinema?

3. Я читаю интересную книгу.

I am reading an interesting book.

What am I doing?

What am I reading?

What book am I reading?

Who is reading an interesting book?

4. Ты сидишь на большом стуле.

You are sitting on the big chair.

What are you doing?

Where are you sitting?

What chair are you sitting on?

Who is sitting on the big chair?

5. Ты идешь по широкой улице.

You are going along the wide street.

What are you doing?

Where are you going?

What street are you going along?

Who is going along the wide street?

6. Ты пьешь светлое пиво.

You are drinking light beer.

You are not drinking light beer.

What are you doing?

What are you drinking?

What beer are you drinking?

Who is drinking light beer?

7. Ты читаешь интересный журнал.

You are reading an interesting magazine.

What are you doing?

What are you reading?

What magazine are you reading?

Who is reading an interesting magazine?

8. Она ест большое яблоко.

She is eating a big apple.

What is she doing?

What is she eating?

What apple is she eating?

Who is eating a big apple?

9. Она курит в темной комнате.

She is smoking in the dark room.

What is she doing?

Where is she smoking?

What room is she smoking in?

Who is smoking in the dark room?

10. Она пишет большое сочинение.

She is writing a big composition.

What is she doing?

What is she writing?

What composition is she writing?

Who is writing a big composition?

11. Он работает в красивом саду.

He is working in the beautiful garden.

What is he doing?

Where is he working?

What garden is he working in?

Who is working in the beautiful garden?

12. Он играет в футбол в парке.

He is playing football in the park.

What is he doing?

What is he playing?

Where is he playing football?

Who is playing football in the park?

13. Он поет песню в гараже.

He is singing a song in the garage.

What is he doing?

Where is he singing?

What is he singing?

Who is singing a song in the garage?

14. Мы танцуем на большой сцене.

We are dancing on the big stage.

What are we doing?

Where are we dancing?

What stage are we dancing on?

Who is dancing on the big stage?

15. Мы завтракаем на большой кухне.

We are having breakfast in the big kitchen.

What are we doing?

Where are we having breakfast?

What kitchen are we having breakfast in?

Who is having breakfast in the big kitchen?

16. Мы делаем утреннюю зарядку в темном дворе.

We are doing morning exercises in the dark yard.

What are we doing?

Where are we doing morning exercises?

What yard are we doing morning exercises in?

Who is doing morning exercises in the dark yard?

17. Они гуляют в темном парке.

They are walking in the dark park.

What are they doing?

Where are they walking?

What park are they walking in?

Who is walking in the dark park?

18. Они бегают под старой машиной.

They are running under the old car.

What are they doing?

Where are they running?

What car are they running under?

Who is running under the old car?

19. Они растут в красивом стакане.

They are growing in the beautiful glass.

What are they doing?

Where are they growing?

What glass are they growing in?

Who is growing in the beautiful glass?

Exercise 5

1.      переведите предложение

2.      сделайте из него максимальное количество специальных вопросов в соответствии с информацией, заложенной в предложении


Красивая девушка спит на большом диване.

1.      A beautiful girl is sleeping on the big sofa.

2.      What is she doing?

3.      Where is she sleeping?

4.      What sofa is she sleeping on?

5.      Who is sleeping on the big sofa?

6.      What girl is sleeping on the big sofa?

Now, at the moment, right now

Сейчас, в данный момент, прямо сейчас

Помните, при вопросе предлоги “убегают” в конец предложения (inversion)

1. Я стою на большой дороге и жду автобус.       – I am standing on the big road and waiting for the bus.

2.      Что я делаю?       – What am I doing?

3.      Где я стою? – What am I doing?      – What am I doing?

4.      На какой дороге я стою?       – What road am I standing on?

5.      Кто стоит на большой дороге и ждет автобуса?       – Who is standing on the big road and waiting for the bus?

6.      Что я жду?      – What am I waiting for?

7.      Я медленно иду в кино вдоль по улице.       – I am slowly going along the street to the cinema.

8.      Что я делаю?      – What am I doing?

9.      Куда я иду?       – Where am I going to?

10.      Где я иду?       – Where am I going?

11.      Как я иду?       – How am I going?

12.      Кто медленно идёт вдоль по улице?      – Who is slowly going along the street?

13.      Я читаю интересную книгу дома.       – I am reading an interesting book at home?

14.      Что я делаю?      – What am I doing?

15.      Что я читаю?       – What am I reading?

16.      Какую книгу я читаю?      – What book am I reading?

17.      Где я читаю?       – Where am I reading?

18.      Кто читает интересную книгу дома?      − Who is reading an interesting book at home?

Exercise 6

Помните, при вопросе предлоги “убегают” в конец предложения (inversion)

1.      Ты сидишь на большом стуле в маленькой комнате.       – You are sitting on the big chair in the small room.

2.      Что ты делаешь?       – What are you doing?

3.      Где ты сидишь?      – Where are you sitting?

4.      На каком стуле ты сидишь?       – What chair are you sitting on?

5.      В какой комнате ты сидишь?       – What room are you sitting in?

6.      Кто сидит на большом стуле в маленькой комнате?       – Who is sitting on the big chair in the small room?

7.      Ты идешь по широкой улице и смотришь на дома.       – You are going along the wide street and looking at the houses.

8.      Что ты делаешь?       – What are you doing?

9.      Где ты идёшь?       – Where are you going?

10.      По какой улице ты идёшь?       – What street are you going along?

11.      На что ты смотришь?      – What are you looking at?

12.      Кто идёт по широкой улице?      − Who is going along the wide street?

13.      Ты пьешь светлое пиво в маленьком баре.       – You are drinking light beer in the small bar.

14.      Что ты делаешь?       – What are you doing?

15.      Что ты пьешь?       – What are you drinking?

16.      Где ты пьешь?       – Where are you drinking?

17.      Какое пиво ты пьешь?       – What beer are you drinking?

18.      В каком баре ты пьешь?       – What bar are you drinking?

19.      Кто пьет светлое пиво в маленьком баре?       – Who is drinking light beer in the small bar?

20.      Ты читаешь интересный журнал на скамейке.      – You are reading an interesting magazine on the bench.

21.      Что ты делаешь?       – What are you doing?

22.      Что ты читаешь?       – What are you reading?

23.      Какой журнал ты читаешь?       – What magazine are you reading?

24.      Где ты читаешь?       – Where are you reading?

25.      На чём ты читаешь интересный журнал?       – What are you reading an interesting magazine on?

26.      Кто читает интересный журнал на скамейке?       – Who is reading an interesting magazine on the bench?

Exercise 7

Помните, при вопросе предлоги “убегают” в конец предложения (inversion)

1. Она ест большое яблоко и смотрит на меня.       – She is eating a big apple and looking at me.

1. Что она делает?       – What is she doing?

2. Что она ест?       – What is she eating?

3. Какое яблоко она ест?       – What apple is she eating?

4. На кого она смотрит?      – Who is she looking at?

5. Кто ест большое яблоко?       – Who is eating a big apple?

2. Она курит в темной комнате и думает о жизни.       – She smoking in the dark room and smoking about the life.

1. Что она делает?      – What is she doing?

2. Где она курит?       – Where is she smoking?

3. В какой комнате она курит?       – What room is she smoking in?

4. О чём она думает?       – What is she thinking about?

5. Кто курит в темной комнате?       – Who is smoking in the dark room?

3. Она пишет большое сочинение в ее комнате.       – She is writing a big composition in her room.

1. Что она делает?       – What is she doing?

2. Что она пишет?       – What is she writing?

3. Какое сочинение она пишет?       – What composition is she writing?

4. Где она пишет?      – Where is she writing?

5. В чьей комнате она пишет?       – Whose room is she writing in?

6. Кто пишет большое сочинение?       – Who is writing a big composition?

4. Толстый мужчина работает в красивом саду.       – A fat man is working in the beautiful garden.

1. Что он делает?       – What is he doing?

2. Где он работает?       – Where is he working?

3. В каком саду он работает?       – What garden is he working in?

4. Какой мужчина работает в саду?       – What man is working in the garden?

5. Кто работает в саду?       – Who is working in the garden?

5. Длинноногий мальчик играет в футбол в старом парке.      – A long-legged boy is playing football in the old park.

1. Что он делает?       – What is he doing?

2. Во что он играет?       – What is he playing?

3. Где он играет?       − Where is he playing?

4. В каком парке он играет?       – What park is he playing in?

5. Какой мальчик играет в футбол?       – What boy is playing football?

6. Кто играет в футбол?       – Who is playing football?

6. Он поет народную песню в гараже.      – He is singing a folk song in the garage.

1. Что он делает?       – What is he doing?

2. Что он поёт?       – What is he singing?

3. Где он поёт?       – Where is he singing?

4. Какую песню он поёт?       – What song is he singing?

5. Кто поёт песню?       – Who is singing a song?

Exercise 8

Помните, при вопросе предлоги “убегают” в конец предложения (inversion)

Мы танцуем на большой сцене.      – We are dancing on the big stage.

Что мы делаем?       – What are we doing?

Где мы танцуем?       – Where are we dancing?

На какой сцене мы танцуем?       – What stage are we dancing on?

Кто танцует на большой сцене?       – Who is dancing on the big stage?

Эта большая семья завтракает на новой кухне.       – The big family are (is) having breakfast in the new kitchen?

Что делает большая семья?       – What are (is) the big family doing?

Где они завтракают?      – Where are they having breakfast?

На какой кухне они завтракают?       – What kitchen are they having breakfast in?

Какая семья (члены семьи) завтракают на новой кухне?      – What family is (are) having breakfast in the new kitchen?

Кто завтракает на новой кухне?       – Who is having breakfast in the new kitchen?

Мы сейчас делаем утреннюю зарядку в темном дворе и смотрим на наших соседей в соседнем дворе.       – We are doing morning exercises in the dark yard and looking at our neighbors in the next yard.

Что мы делаем?       – What are we doing?

Где мы делаем утреннюю зарядку?       – Where are we doing morning exercises?

В каком дворе мы делаем утреннюю зарядку?       – What yard are we doing morning exercises in?

На кого мы смотрим?       – Who are we looking at?

На чьих соседей мы смотрим?       – Whose neighbors are we looking at?

Кто делает зарядку сейчас?       – Who is doing morning exercises now?

Они гуляют в темном парке и говорят о звездах.       – They are walking in the dark park and talking about stars.

Что они делают?       – What are they doing?

Где они гуляют?       – Where are they walking?

В каком парке они гуляют?      – What park are they walking in?

О чём они говорят?       – What are they talking about?

Кто гуляет в тёмном парке?       – Who is walking in the dark park?

Они бегают под старой машиной и едят капусту.       – They are running under the old car and eating cabbage.

Что они делают?       – What are they doing?

Что они едят?       – What are they eating?

Где они бегают?       – What are they eating?

Под чем они бегают?       – What are they running under?

Под какой машиной они бегают?      – What car are they running under?

Кто бегает под старой машиной?       Who is running under the old car?

Они растут в красивом стакане и ждут начала новой жизни.       – They are growing in the beautiful glass and waiting for the beginning of the new life.

Что они делают?       – What are they doing?

Где они растут?       – Where are they growing?

В каком стакане они растут?       – What glass are they growing in?

Что они ждут?       – What are they waiting for?

Начала чего они ждут?       – The beginning of what are they waiting for?

Начало какой жизни они ждут?       The beginning of what life are they waiting for?

Кто растёт в красивом стакане?      – Who is growing in the beautiful glass?


Отработка: now, right now, at the moment, today, this week, this month, this year, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, in May, on Sunday, always.

Exercise 9

Translate into English:

Сейчас встает солнце.       – The sun is rising now.

Сейчас они открывают двери своего магазина.      – They are opening the door of their shop now.

Она не спит сейчас. Она думает о тебе.       – She is not sleeping now. She is thinking about you.

Прямо сейчас он поворачивает налево.       – Right now he is turning left.

Что ты делаешь прямо сейчас? Я думаю о тебе, дорогая.       – What are you doing right now? I am thinking about you, darling.

Я иду к тебе прямо сейчас. Ты ждешь меня?       – I am going to you right now. Are you waiting for me?

В данный момент я печатаю. А что ты делаешь прямо сейчас? А я читаю твой тест.       – At the moment I am typing. And what are you doing right now? And I am reading your test.

О чем ты думаешь в данный момент? В данный момент я пью пиво и думаю о рыбе.       – What are you thinking about at the moment? At the moment I am drinking beer and I am thinking about fish.

В данный момент Аннушка уже разливает подсолнечное масло.      – At the moment Ann is spilling sunflower oil.

Сегодня она моет свою квартиру.       – Today she is cleaning her flat.

Сегодня он идет к своему боссу.      – Today he is going to his boss.

Сегодня Сонечка справляет именины.       – Today Sonya is marking her name day.

На этой неделе я заканчиваю мой новый проект.       – This week I am finishing my new project.

На этой неделе я иду к зубному.       – This week I am going to the dentist.

Куда ты едешь на этой неделе?       – Where are you going this week?

Что она делает в этом месяце? – она делает интересную презентацию в этом
