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This can be achieved, for example, by the acceleration rotation of several disks with a wave profile (similar in W. Schauberger's repulsions) made of diamagnet material (for example, bismuth) in a closed loop, when centrifugal and centripetal interactions that are mutually exclusive in the opposite phase occur, which form standing wave fields, and the diamagnet forms its own magnetic field opposite to the external one. That is, in each atom of the disk substance, a magnetic moment is induced, directed opposite to the induction vector of the external magnetic field of the medium. In other words, the diamagnet creates its own rotating magnetic field, which neutralizes the external magnetic field of the medium in the opposite phase. Can you object that the magnitude of this field is negligible and insufficient to fully compensate for the external field? True, but it must be understood that we are dealing with standing waves, and in them, at certain frequencies, resonance phenomena arise, in which the diamagnetic field is amplified in relation to its own mass, creating the effect of losing the weight of the body, which must be made as inert as possible to the electric charges of the space medium. In this construction, several phenomena are brought together, reinforcing each other to form a gradient of charges in space to excitation of the conditions for the nucleation of levitation. An example is the properties of superconductors, when there are unquenchable currents inside them, which form an internal magnetic field opposite to the direction of the external one and compensating for it. In confirmation of this, there are many devices on magnetic levitations.

The principle of operation of disc devices for levitation or generation of electricity on gas and water-air mixtures is not fundamentally different from those considered above. Let's try to understand the functioning of one of them sequentially (see Fig. 2).

So, first, the air is sucked into the central turbine through the rough cleaning of the axial air intake for distribution and cooling by dividing the flow into small jets. The entire structure must rotate with acceleration at speeds from 8 to 14 thousand revolutions per minute (depending on the size and accuracy of assembly) to form cooled arms of vortices of matter, environment, environment (air, atmosphere). However, in small designs, with pumping charges and a certain arrangement of disks relative to the field lines of the Earth and the Sun, it is possible to trigger the phenomenon at low speeds by rotating the flywheel by hand.

Further, the curved, slotted blades of the turbine, made of paramagnet (for example, aluminum), direct the crushed, cooled and initially ionized vertical jets of air directly into the curved cutouts of the slits (exactly according to the profile and amount on the turbine), which are made in a circumference on the curved surfaces of the wave profile of the rings of the upper disk on the side of the axis of rotation. Usually, the depth of the blades of the central turbine corresponds in width to the first two full-fledged crests (with slits) of the wave profile of the upper disk. The disk itself is made of a sheet of diamagnet (pyrolytic graphite, bismuth, copper) up to 1.5 mm thick and can have from 4 to 6 ring waves. In cross-section, the profile of the curved line of one crest resembles an oncoming sea wave, approximately 55-80 degrees is the angle to the horizon of the leading front and 35-45 degrees is the line of inclination of the trailing edge (depending on the diameter). Below this disk, on a single (usually hollow for water supply) steel axis of rotation, on a common fastening hub, there is a second disk with the same number and pitch of ridges, but with a different profile from the first disk – with a shift of one quarter of the wave period to the periphery. The purpose of such manipulation is to create an uneven cavity between the surfaces of the wave profiles of the disks in such a way that in each period of the wave, with the radial movement of the air flow to the periphery, there is a compression and expansion of the volume of space. So that between the two curvilinear surfaces of the disks, an image of the cross-section of a regular complete vortex is clearly outlined – the narrowing of the equatorial zone belt and expansion at the poles in each period.

Fig. 2. Diagram of a levitating platform on wave disks

Through the slots made on the inner surfaces of the two rings of the upper disk, the air jets enter the inter disc zone, where they collide with the inner profiles of the lower disk, are compressed and, supported by the next portion of air, rotate in a vortex and slide out through a narrow slit from the compression zone to the expansion zone towards the periphery, where the gaps to the edge of the disks are critically narrowed. It should be noted that with such a sharp expansion of the volume of cooled air, a certain increase in temperature occurs and the effect of absorption (rarefaction) occurs, which accelerates the process of centrifugal movement of air from the previous zone. The higher the difference in the volume of air squeezed between the waves of the disks during centrifugal motion, the more effective the formation of numerous radially directed vortices in them. Which, with the simultaneous rotation of both disks (or separately, which is more efficient), spin with acceleration around their own axis with some derivation and move in a continuous sequence to the periphery, simultaneously rotating around the common axis of the installation, and activating the processes of formation of a single toroidal vortex. Recall that the profile of the space between the disks forces these vortices to rhythmically contract and expand, increasingly densifying the flows of strongly ionized atmospheric air from the center to the periphery. A kind of modulated wave. As a result, vortex arms are formed from twisted, rigid discrete "pigtails" of elementary particles of matter in air (or a water-air mixture), i.e. charges. More precisely, when water is supplied through a hole in the central axis, ionization processes are accelerated. In addition, in the inner cavity of the installation, there should be some roughness of the disc surfaces at the level of primary young corrosion on the surface of the iron.

Thus, the concept of alternation of events adopted by us: decrease-condensation during compression and increase-expansion during rarefaction of cooled air, which is inevitably realized here in dynamics, significantly, cyclically and constantly accelerates processes in time, breaking up and releasing both carbon and oxygen (plus hydrogen) from the flow of the medium. Thus, ionizing the flow at the outlet in the periphery of the rotating disks in order to accelerate the formation and separation of charges. Here it is important to disrupt as much as possible in the molecules and atoms of the substance of the environment of space not only electromagnetic connections, but also weak interactions between elementary particles of atoms and molecules. When this stage is reached, negative charges are formed above the disks, which are associated with the processes of temperature increase and expansion of cooled flows of the ionized medium of space, and positive charges are created below the disks, supporting the processes of temperature decrease and condensation of the gas medium.

However, this is not enough to fulfill the goal. It is necessary to achieve the occurrence of the phenomenon of resonance in standing waves by initiating centripetal actions, to make the properties of diamagnets work and, if possible, to use the effect of wing lift in the design as much as possible. Thus, there is a need for a third, support disk, rigidly fixed to the common hub of the axis of rotation from below, but with a larger diameter for 2.5 wave periods. Its profile is not only a support for the lower wave disk, but also structurally plays the role of a peripheral turbine. It is made of paramagnet (for example, aluminum), the flat surface of which to the wave disk along the edge is framed by turbine blades no higher than the outermost wave of the lower disk and one and a quarter wide of the wave period in the form of through, alternating, inclined (at an angle of 30-40 degrees) slits in the direction of rotation. The profile of each blade of the peripheral turbine resembles a plano-convex model of an airplane wing.

Please note that the upper wave disk is made in such a way that its extreme wave is followed by another wave, which coincides in profile with the "wave" of the peripheral turbine, and covers it from above by three quarters of the height of the blades. To create the rigidity of the system, this turbine shelter is fastened along the circumference with evenly spaced bolted joints (10-12 pcs.), through holes in the blades of the peripheral turbine. Let us clarify that the profile of the blades, as well as the external recesses on them, which additionally twist the flow, can be selected individually. The thickness of the support disk does not play a role and is selected from the structural rigidity. On the hub and on the periphery up to the turbine blades, all disks along the ring through holes are evenly tightened with bolts (5-6 pcs.). For this purpose, along the edge of the lower disk, after the last wave with duplication on the rest, an overlap of the base metal in the form of a fastening ring is provided. At the same time, there should be no threshold at the junction of the lower ring with the support ring and the flow outlet to the blades of the peripheral turbine. In addition, a common casing of the structure is required, dividing the spaces into zones. It is made of any diamagnet (for example, copper) in the form of a bell with a central hole in diameter equal to the beginning of the depression of the third (without slits) wave of the upper disk, with the formation of a protrusion on it with the continuation of the profile to its internal wave, as a place for support and centering in the axis of the central turbine. This is where the central turbine is installed, on which the central air intake housing is mounted and all this is pressed by a bolt screwed into a threaded sleeve in the center of the hub. The external size of the general casing should be sufficient to cover the contours of all disks, with a rounding along the outer diameter of the profile of the blades of the peripheral turbine, with an extension to the lower cut of the support disk. This entire structure is connected to a circular frame made of ferromagnet (for example, iron), in the center of which a bearing unit for rotation is made, in which the axle is fixed in such a way as to provide sufficient clearance between the bed and the support disk. The diameter of the bed should exceed the diameter of the general casing and through slots should be made in it. The bed itself is connected to the drive unit via a sliding clutch for take-off or to the generator shaft to generate power. It is also possible to trigger the phenomenon from a rechargeable battery located directly on the platform of the structure with a device for its recharging. It is important that between the discs and casings made of various materials, both on the hub and on the insulated fasteners, in order to connect them to each other and adjust the technological clearances in the area between the discs, it is necessary to install dielectric gaskets made of a layer of dense rubber or polymer.

What will happen next to the flow of rotating vortices when it meets the peripheral turbine? And then centrifugal influences direct compacted, ionized air flows directly to the blades of the peripheral turbine, where they are not only dissected and pushed down and to the side, as if from a nozzle, but also reflected back, creating centripetal effects.

This effect is calculated and tuned constructively in terms of antinodes and nodes, period and waves to achieve a stable resonance between the atoms of the diamagnetic disks, as a result of the action of the formed standing waves. In the intervals between the waves, a number of other phenomena that are interesting to us arise. For example, an increase in the effect of negative magnetic susceptibility in the material of disks, also during the creation of resonance phenomena, but in each separate wave period, as a consequence of the deceleration of the air flow during vortex compressions. In this case, part of the centrifugal flows is reflected from the frontal profile of the wave of the lower disk, forming centripetal effects with the formation of standing waves, which leads to the resonance of the disk material in different frequency ranges. The formation of vortex magnetic fields associated with electric radial and ring currents of charges in the intermediate zone should not be overlooked. As a result, fields with zero magnetic and electric strength periodically arise.

As a result of our reasoning, we are convinced of the construction of a dynamic dipole structure with all its attributes of electromagnetic interactions with the environment based on electricity and magnetism. And we confirm that the basis for triggering the phenomena of levitation or conversion of charges of matter of the environment into a current of charges (or electric current) in such systems is the excitation of a sequence of processes of cold and heat, expansion and condensation of the medium, centripetal and centrifugal influences, or the change of fields of negative and positive charges. With one goal – to destroy as much as possible in molecules and atoms of the matter of the medium of space not only electromagnetic connections, but also weak interactions between elementary particles of atoms and molecules. In all this, one can see the formation of a stable undamped oscillatory system with energy consumption from the outside. Due to this, a tension or a gradient of charge densities arises in space, which lifts the object up by the force of a stable implosion, allowing the device to rotate at a certain resonant frequency on its own, that is, to levitate.

In many other well-known constructions, such as J. Searle or V. Grebennikov, similar phenomena are activated, but with a different order, other forms and structures of matter. They are based on the same charge gradient, which is excited by various manifestations of the fields of electricity and magnetism. But there is another wonderful view of the solution to the problem voiced above, and this is the interaction of charges in different media of space. We have already drawn your attention to the fact that objects made of superconductors or diamagnets, rotating with acceleration, when they reach resonance, generate their own magnetic (in fact, gravitational) field, directed against an external similar influence, amplifying it in relation to their own mass. That is, the effect of some body weight loss is created. So, can we state with certainty that weight is proportional to the charge of the substance? That is, the matter of the space of the environment, which forms a denser and thinner medium, in which elementary particles and other clumps of matter move at speeds close to the speed of light, will displace (repel the matter of the environment of the same space, but less dense, structurally larger (although fundamentally consisting of the same thing), but moving in the medium of sound (small) speeds.

Fig. 3. Pushing 2 bodies in a dense medium

Fig. 4. Influence of charges on the motion of bodies the medium

Moreover, it can be displaced in the direction of attraction by a charge of a similar substance (see Fig. 3). Much like a lot of small air bubbles in water combine into larger ones. In the following chapters, we will analyze these interactions of objects in more detail with the matter of the structure of various media in space.

And in this case, in order to trigger the phenomenon of levitation, it is enough to neutralize the effect of the subtle matter medium on objects synchronized with the matter of the sound velocity medium itself. In other words, it is possible to influence the movement of bodies in space by acting on them with other charges, even reflected in the form of a standing wave in the opposite phase (see Fig. 4). We will consider the properties of various forms of matter during the interaction of their charges in a separate chapter, where it is important for us to understand charge as a measure of the intensity of rotation (spin).
