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Unit 2
The history of Dolby Laboratories

Text 4. Dolby Laboratories. Historical events and personalities


1. Name some words and expressions related to the subject.

2. What do you know about Dolby Laboratories? Can you answer these questions?

1) When and where was the company founded?

2) Who started it?

3) What does Dolby Labs do?

4) Name some of the company’s most significant achievements.

5) What Dolby formats do you know and use?

Dolby Laboratories (often called Dolby Labs for short) is an American company which specializes in audio encoding/compression and audio noise reduction. Dolby Labs was founded by an American Ray Dolby in London in 1965. In 1976, it was moved to San Francisco, the USA. The first issue it manufactured was a simple compander, Type A Dolby Noise Reduction. The compander was distinguished from the others of the kind by capability to process only the quiet sounds that would be veiled by tape noise. Henry Kloss (a prominent American engineer and businessman) persuaded Ray Dolby to produce a consumer version of his noise reduction. In 1968, Dolby Company made an introduction of a compounding system Type B.

Dolby also searched to develop film sound. The company’s history writes:

Upon investigation, Dolby found that many of the limitations in optical sound stemmed directly from its significantly high background noise. To filter this noise, the high-frequency response of theater playback systems was deliberately curtailed… To make matters worse, to increase dialogue intelligibility over such systems, sound mixers were recording soundtracks with so much high-frequency pre-emphasis that high distortion resulted.

A Clockwork Orange (1971) was the first film with Dolby sound that utilized Dolby noise reduction on all pre-mixes and masters, but with traditional optical soundtrack on release prints. Callan (1974) became the first film with a Dolby encoded optical soundtrack. In 1975 Dolby introduced Dolby Stereo including a noise reduction system as well as more audio channels (it could have additional center and surround channels matrixed from the left and right). The first film with A Dolby – encoded stereo optical soundtrack was Lisztomania (1975), but it was only made in an LCR (Left-Center-Right) encoding technique. The first movie containing the true LCRS (Left-Center-Right – Surround) encoded soundtrack was called A Star is Born in 1976. Having reworked the system a bit for home viewing, Dolby released Dolby Surround, which only extracted a surround channel, and the more advanced Dolby Pro Logic, which actually was the domestic counterpart of the theatrical Dolby Stereo.

Dolby engineers also developed a digital surround compression scheme for the movie. Dolby Stereo Digital (now simply known as Dolby Digital) was first encoded on the 1992 film Batman Returns. Another Dolby format, AC-3 (the film Clear and Present Danger was offered at the home theater market on a laserdisc in 1995) did not make much profit in the consumer market and eventually became part of the DVD specification. Dolby Digital was included in the High Definition Television (Advanced Television Systems Television, HDTV and ATSC respectively) standard of the USA, DVD-players, and a lot of satellite-TV and cable – TV receivers. TV series The Simpsons used the Dolby digital surround sound compression scheme.

In 2005, the corporation offered its shares on the New York Stock Exchange, claiming to become public under the symbol DLB. The same year it celebrated the 40-anniversary.

In 2007, the company presented Dolby Volume at the International Consumer Electronics Show. It provides users with an opportunity to keep up a steady volume while switching from one channel to another.

On June 18, 2010, Dolby announced the arrival of Dolby Surround 7.1, which became widespread in the world market. The first movie released with this format was Pixar’s Toy Story 3. Later 50 more releases came out using the format. In April 2012, there were 3,600 Dolby Surround 7.1 movie theaters. In the same month a new cinematic technology, Dolby Atmos, was introduced by the company.

Essential glossary

• reduction – уменьшение, сокращение

found – основать

compander – компандер, расширитель

capability – способность

process – обрабатывать (данные, информацию)

veil – скрывать, маскировать

consumer – потребитель

investigation – исследование

frequency response – частотная характеристика

intelligibility – разборчивость, отчётливость, внятность

pre-emphasis – предыскажение, предварительная коррекция

distortion – искажение, деформация

utilize – использовать

pre-mix – предварительное микширование

master – первый оригинал

home viewing – домашний просмотр

domestic – домашний

counterpart – аналог, копия, двойник

profit – выгода, прибыль

satellite – спутник

receiver – приёмник, принимающее устройство

share – акция

keep up – поддерживать



3. Scan the text to finish the sentences.

1) The first issue produced by the company was…

2) A notable American engineer and businessperson Henry Kloss talked Ray Dolby into producing…

3) The first film with Dolby sound that used Dolby noise reduction on all pre-mixes and masters, although with traditional optical soundtrack on release prints was…

4 The film A Star is Born contained the true…

5) In 2010, Dolby announced the arrival of…

4. Read the text in more detail to answer the questions.

1) What does Dolby Labs specialize in?

2) Who established the company?

3) What was the main feature that set Dolby’s compander, Type A Dolby Noise Reduction, apart from the others?

4) What conclusion was made by Dolby’s analysts of the limitations in optical sound?

5) What was the first movie that used Dolby noise reduction, though not in the final version?

6) What film was the first real LCRS soundtrack encoded on?

7) Where was the digital surround sound compression scheme employed?

8) Which system enables consumers to maintain an invariable volume while switching through program elements or channels?

9) When was Dolby Surround 7.1 introduced?

5. Find the English equivalents of the following words and expressions in the text.

Обыкновенный компандер; выдающийся американский инженер и бизнесмен; сильный фоновый шум; немного переделав (изменив) систему; не принёс большой прибыли на потребительском рынке; соответственно; выставила свои акции на Нью-Йоркской фондовой бирже; 40-я годовщина (со дня основания).

6. Match the films in the left column with the new techniques encoded on them.

Grammar revision: the passive voice 2

We use the Passive Voice to say what happens to the subject:

1) when the agent of the action is unimportant, unknown or obvious from the context:

A few new studios have been built this year.

2) if we want to sound more formal or polite:

The document hasn’t been sent. (Instead of: You haven’t sent the document.)

3) when the action itself is more important than who or what does it (in technological processes, reports, newspaper headings, manuals, instructions, regulations etc.):

Dolby Stereo Digital was first encoded in 1992.

4) to put more emphasis on the agent:

The awarding ceremony will be opened by the company president.

We form the passive voice with the verb to be and the past participle of the main verb:

be (is/was/have been etc.) + the past participle (made/ washed/done etc.)

In 2012, a new cinematic technology, Dolby Atmos, was introduced by the company. (past simple passive)

A new digital surround sound compression scheme is being developed by Dolby engineers for this movie. (present continuous passive)

See Unit 1 for more information about the passive voice.

7. Rewrite these sentences in the Passive Voice.

1) Ray Dolby founded the company in Great Britain in 1965.

2) In 1976, he moved it to the United States.

3) Henry Kloss of KLH persuaded Dolby to manufacture a consumer version of his noise reduction.

4) A Clockwork Orange was the first film that used Dolby noise reduction (though only on the pre – mixes and masters, not on release prints).

5) In 1975, Dolby Labs introduced Dolby Stereo.

6) Dolby specialists also developed a digital surround sound compression scheme for the cinema.

7) In 2010, Dolby announced the arrival of Dolby Surround 7.1.

8. Turn the sentences from Active into Passive. Omit the agent where it is possible.

1) The music company is producing a new video.

2) When did the company introduce the cinematic technology Dolby Atmos?

3) The company specialists have evolved an innovative sound scheme for the home theater.

4) The camera operator was shooting the video when the equipment failed to operate.

5) They had already built a stage for the gig in the square when we came there.


9. Choose any two Dolby formats and compare them.

10. Prepare a report on the topic «Dolby Technologies». Pick from the following options:

– Analog audio noise reduction: Dolby A/B/C/S-Type NR; Dolby FM; Dolby HX Pro.

– Audio encoding/ compression: Dolby Digital (AC-3); Dolby Digital EX; Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC-3); Dolby Digital Live; Dolby E; Dolby Stereo (Dolby Analog); Dolby TrueHD; AAC; aacPlus; Dolby Pulse.

– Audio processing: Dolby Headphone; Dolby Virtual Speaker; Dolby Surround, Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby Pro Logic II, Dolby Pro Logic IIx, Dolby Pro Logic IIz; Audistry; Dolby Volume; Dolby Mobile.

– Video processing: Dolby Contrast; Dolby Vision.

– Digital Cinema: Dolby Digital Cinema; Dolby 3D; Dolby Atmos.

– Live Sound: Dolby Lake Processor.

11. Comment on the following quotation.

«People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.»

Steve Jobs


12. Write a report on the topic «Ray Milton Dolby. Biography and achievements.»

13. Write a review of one of the films mentioned in the text: A Clockwork Orange, Callan, Lisztomania, A Star Is Born, Batman Returns, Clear and Present Danger, The Simpsons, Toy Story 3.

Follow the plan:

– Introduction (thesis paragraph, short summary plot, overview of the review body)

– Body paragraphs/analysis (cinematography, setting, acting, soundtrack, accomplishments and fails, the critic’s feelings)

– Recommendation (if the movie is worth watching)

– Conclusion (tied up with the thesis)

14. Write a letter to your friend (State Exam Writing).

This is part of the letter you have received from your English pen-friend Elizabeth:

In your next letter, please tell me about a film you like. What’s it about? Who is starring in the film? Why do you like it?
