Цитаты из книги «Приключения Шерлока Холмса / The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes» Артура Конана Дойла📚 — лучшие афоризмы, высказывания и крылатые фразы — MyBook. Страница 1
You could not have come at a better time
17 октября 2019


“Your hands, my dear sir. Your right hand is much larger than your left. You have worked with it, and the muscles are more developed.” “Well, and the Freemasonry?”
30 января 2021


Neither sickness, nor business, nor anything else will excuse you,’ said Mr. Duncan Ross; ‘you must stay there, or you lose your position.’
7 июля 2020


I know very well that he could earn twice what I am able to give him
7 июля 2020


Well, it is just as I told you
7 июля 2020


What does this mean?” I exclaimed after I had twice read the advertisement
7 июля 2020


the enthusiasm with which you chronicled so many of my adventures,” said
7 июля 2020


I know, my dear Watson, that you share my love of all that is outside the routine of everyday life. You have shown it by the
7 июля 2020


“Not at all. This gentleman, Mr. Wilson, has been my partner and helper
7 июля 2020


“I was afraid that you were engaged.”
7 июля 2020
