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749. LEP DESIGN COMPETITION 2021: Discussing the Entries & Choosing the Winners with James
749. LEP DESIGN COMPETITION 2021: Discussing the Entries & Choosing the Winners with James James and Luke discuss designs sent in by listeners, and choose the winner(s). The prize: to have your design featured in the LEP Merch Store, plus an £80 reward! Listen for plenty of descriptive langua...
748. Karl Pilkington's 3-Minute Wonders / Manchester Accent [Part 2]
748. Karl Pilkington's 3-Minute Wonders / Manchester Accent [Part 2] Understand more of Karl Pilkington's rambling as we learn about the Manchester accent and pick up vocabulary along the way. Video version available on YouTube. Episode page with transcript & video https://wp.me/p4IuUx-pyE LE...
504. My Review of Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Part 2)
Continuing to talk about the latest Star Wars film at length, going through the storyline and giving my thoughts on the characters, events and the audience backlash. Transcript available below.Episode page: https://wp.me/p4IuUx-87j Sign up to LEP Premium on Acast+ https://plus.acast.com/s/teacher...
673. Conspiracies / UFOs / Life Hacks (with James)
673. Conspiracies / UFOs / Life Hacks (with James) Talking to my brother about some click-bait topics, with stories, beliefs and a few celebrity impressions. Links, transcripts and videos available. Episode page https://wp.me/p4IuUx-bqb LEP Premium https://www.teacherluke.co.uk/premiuminfo Sign u...
672. The Rick Thompson Report: COVID / BREXIT / BLM (July 2020)
672. The Rick Thompson Report: COVID / BREXIT / BLM (July 2020) Talking to my dad about recent developments in the UK relating to coronavirus & Brexit with a cameo appearance by Gill Thompson talking about statues. Episode page https://wp.me/p4IuUx-bpr LEP Premium https://www.teacherluke.co.u...
671. Aussie English with Pete Smissen
671. Aussie English with Pete Smissen A conversation with genuine Aussie Pete Smissen, about differences and similarities between the UK and Australia, cultural and historical details, language similarities, and more. Check YouTube for the video version. Episode page https://wp.me/p4IuUx-bmv YouT...
668. LEP LIVE! Ask Me Anything / Hang Out With Luke (AUDIO VERSION)
668. LEP LIVE! Ask Me Anything / Hang Out With Luke (AUDIO VERSION) Listen to the audio version of the recent LEP Live Stream on YouTube including an audience Q&A, learning English tips, some crap 'Dad Jokes' and 3 songs on the guitar. Episode page https://wp.me/p4IuUx-bkd Watch the video on ...
503. My Review of Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Part 1)
Talking about the new Star Wars film including the audience reaction, English accents you can hear in Star Wars, and a run-through of the plot with my thoughts about the events and characters. Plot spoilers throughout the episode! Transcript available (below).Episode page: https://wp.me/p4IuUx-87...
501. Merry Christmas! / Listener Correspondence
Wishing you a Merry Christmas, giving some news and responding to some messages from listeners about vocabulary lists, pronouncing "can't" without sounding rude and more... Episode page https://wp.me/p4IuUx-86o italki offer http://www.teacherluke.co.uk/talk Sign up to LEP Premium on Acast+ https:...
500. [2/2] EPISODE 500 CELEBRATION! (PART 2)
Celebrating 500 episodes of LEP with a mega-ramble featuring lots of messages from listeners, expressions of gratitude, a cool announcement for all my listeners, some singing, some talk of becoming a dad, the future of the podcast, Star Wars, and loads of fun and good times. Thank you for listeni...
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