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How to help yourself in a difficult moment. Invitation to a new life

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How to help yourself in a difficult moment. Invitation to a new life

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2018 год


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О книге

The life experience of many outstanding people teaches that it is the overcoming of difficulties that is the key to success in life. But to overcome difficulties — you need to overcome yourself! Overcome your negative thoughts, habits and weaknesses. How to do it, when emotions cloud your mind and do not let you see the true state of things, is told in this book. As an urgent psychological help, the book is recommended to all who are in a difficult situation and do not know how to get out of it.

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Подробная информация
Год издания: 
Дата поступления: 
24 августа 2018
Время на чтение: 
1 ч.
96 332 книги
most important person in your life is yourself ! And you need to take care of yourself.
5 марта 2021


No matter how hard you are now, think about the fact that In history, there are many examples where a devotee (outcast, humiliated, insulted or the like) was selected from the swamp of experiences and, having seriously taken up any business, rose above his experiences and fears. For example, the famous French composer Hector Berlioz, who for several years sought the location of the Irish actress Henrietta Smithson and rejected it, sent all the power of her emotions and feelings to create her “Fantastic Symphony”. In this symphony, he portrayed a disgusting witch who rejected him as an abominable witch, as a result of which he got rid of his torment and stopped loving her (by the way, they later got married and after a few years divorced – although this is not relevant, just a curious fact). Take this to your notice…
5 марта 2021


only you yourself can begin to respect yourself, appreciate, understand and love .
5 марта 2021


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