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Translation by Yoanna Dobson

Vadim Zeland

Transurfing in 78 Days — A Practical Course in Creating Your Own Reality.

ISBN 978-5-9573-3471-2

This book breaks down the Transurfing principles into 78 bight-sized chunks.

Transurfing is a powerful tool for creating your own reality. When you apply these basic principles, you will gain the power to change your destiny.

Even if you are totally new to the principles of Transurfing, you can complete the course on creating your own reality in just 78 days.

The knowledge you gain from the course, will open your eyes to the illusory nature of the external world. As you apply the principles to your everyday life, you will come to understand that physical reality does not exist as a set phenomenon in and of itself.

At each moment in time, from numerous possible decisions, you will learn how to make the one that will help you achieve your goals most effectively, and create a reality in alignment with the kinds of events that you decide do or do not have a place in your life.

Materialists focus on overcoming existing obstacles, which they tend to create themselves; idealists live in a dreamworld with their head in the clouds. Neither type is capable of shaping their own reality. With this practical course in Transurfing, you have the chance to learn how to do just that.

Subject: Esoteric / Esoteric teachings

The verbal designation "Reality Transurfing" is a registered trademark.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form without the written permission from the copyright owners.

© OJSC Ves Publishing Group, 2008

If you don’t control reality, reality will control you.



Message to the Master

Reality in an unfamiliar guise

Transurfing Principles

1. Awakening

2. Hacking the Dream

3. Child of God

4. A Star Is Born

5. The World Mirror

6. The Boomerang

7. The Illusory Reflection

8. The Pink Twins

9. The Sigh of Relief

10. Release

11. Confidence

12. Balance

13. The Charismatic Soul

14. Love Yourself

15. I Am My Goal

16. Faith

17. Feelings of Guilt

18. Self-worth

19. The Master’s Credo

20. Your True Path

21. The Master’s Verdict

22. Declaring Intention

23. Resolve to Act

24. Resolve to Have

25. World Cleanup

26. Wave of Success

27. Chasing the Reflection

28. Creating an Image

29. World, Give Yourself to Me!

30. Here World, Have Me!

31. The Oyster Effect

32. The Master’s Intention

33. The Pendulum Rule

34. The Transurfing Rule

35. Dropping Importance

36. Ending the Battle

37. Co-ordinating Intention

38. My World Cares

39. Against the Flow

40. With the Variants Flow

41. The Habit of Remembering

42. Smashing Stereotypes

43. Visualising the Process

44. Slides

45. Path to Your Goal

46. Doors

47. Co-dependent Relationships

48. The Search for Love

49. Extinguishing a Pendulum

50. The Pendulum Flop

51. Incomprehensible Infinity

52. Gatekeeper to Eternity

53. Shaping Your Own Destiny

54. Spiritual Laziness

55. The Master’s Mindset

56. Dissatisfaction with the World

57. Inferiority

58. Self-sufficiency

59. Decision Making

60. The Rustle of the Morning Stars

61. Borrowed Goals

62. Your Personal Goal

63. The Boat Wheel of Intention

64. The Soul’s Sail

65. Pessimism

66. Support

67. Refining the Script

68. Box for the Soul

69. Idealisation

70. Unconditional Love

71. Polar Comparisons

72. The Unique Soul

73. The Miserly Mind

74. The Greedy Soul

75. Money

76. Comfort Zone

77. Allies

78. Guardian Angel


Message to the Master

Once, in the distant past, or perhaps it was the future (it is diffcult to say for certain), the Universe forgot itself. Nobody knows why. It is simply the nature of universes that from time to time, they forget themselves. She probably dozed off and could not remember her dream when she woke up. What existed before her dream? The dream before that Perhaps? Maybe the Universe WAS the dream. One way or another, the dream that could not remember itself was transformed into Nothing. Could it have been otherwise?

“Who am I?” Nothing asked itself.

“You are a Mirror... Mirror… Mirror...” Reflection responded in a gazillion flecks of light.

“Who are you?” Mirror asked.

“I am the Reflection in you.”

“Where did you come from?”

“I was born of your question.”

“But I cannot see you. I can’t even see myself. How can I be a Mirror? I am nothing!”

“Exactly,” Reflection answered. “Emptiness is, in essence, the most primordial and infinitely multi-dimensional mirror of all because, in the void, nothing reflects nothing.”

“What do I look like?”

“You don’t look like anything.”

“Am I big or small?”


“What do you mean, yes?”

“You are both. You are as you imagine yourself to be. You are both infinitely big and infinitely small at the same time because infinity and a dot are the same thing.”

“How strange. So, where am I?”

“Right now, you are in the variants space,” Reflection answered.

“Variants of what?”

“Anything at all. The space also appeared as a result of your question. Everything you think about comes into being, for you are an infinitely multi-dimensional Mirror. To your every question there exists an infinite number of answers.”

“Why do I exist?”

“To be.”

“What can I do?”


The world was created in the dialogue between the Mirror, which we call God, and Reflection. Welcome, dear Master. I am writing you this message because you are reading these lines, which means you intend to become the ruler of your own world and destiny.

In ancient times, everyone was a master inasmuch as they knew that there are two sides to reality: one physical, the other metaphysical. The masters saw and understood the nature of the mirror world. They knew how to create their own reality with the power of thought. Things did not stay that way for long though. With time, the masters’ attention became locked in material reality. They stopped being able to see and unlearned their power. Nonetheless, their knowledge was not lost. From the depths of time, it survived over millennia to the present day.

The sorcerers of antiquity, the knowledge carriers, were able to control reality by the power of thought because reality is primarily created as a reflection of consciousness in the Mirror of the world. Those whose consciousness is limited to a material worldview have to make do with worshipping contrived gods and turning to the services of astrologers and fortune-tellers.

If you don’t want to settle for a surrogate future, at which a fortune-teller claims they can take a sneak peek, if you intend to master your destiny according to your own will, you will certainly succeed. Transurfing, universal knowledge of how to shape reality, is designed to help you.

There is no magic to Transurfing. Magic, as such, does not exist. It is really just knowledge of the principles of the Mirror world. The knowledge itself is fairly self-explanatory. In fact, it is so simple and commonplace that it could not count as ‘magic’ by any stretch of the imagination. And still, Aladdin’s Lamp looked like it was just a bit of old tin and the Holy Grail was not made of gold. Everything truly great is unfathomably simple and has no need to show off or hide. In contrast, things that are superficial and of no real worth tend to be masked under a veil of magnificence and mystery.

When magic is stripped of its fairy tale attributes and embedded in daily life, it ceases to belong to the realm of the mystical and the unexplained. It loses its fascinating mystique because it is bang in the middle of everyday life. The beauty of the transformation is that everyday life no longer seems dull and ordinary. It transforms into a new reality that can be shaped as long as you follow certain rules.

This book outlines the set of basic principles essential to creating your own reality. The Transurfi ng principles fall into two basic categories relating to thoughts and actions. When these categories reflect in the dual mirror of our world, they give rise to their opposites. So, on either side of the dual mirror there are Reason (logic) and Soul (heart), Action (inner intention) and Passivity (outer intention).

The motivation, thoughts and actions of the subject being reflected have to be in balance with these four elements. Reason and Action relate to the physical world; Soul and Passivity relate to the metaphysical world, which is a reality no less objective than its material counterpart. If you only take one facet of the dual world into account, you will never succeed in shaping your own reality. This is why materialists busy themselves overcoming obstacles, which they have basically created themselves and idealists float about in a world of clouds and dreams. Neither can successfully shape their reality.

But you can learn how to.

Even if you are unfamiliar with the principles of Transurfing, you can complete this practical course in creating your own reality within 78 days. Each morning, read one principle and its interpretation and try to implement it throughout the rest of the day. The next day, move on to the next principle, remembering to practice the principles you have covered previously.

Continue in this way until you have assimilated all the principles consecutively. Of course, this is a relatively extended process but it is the most effective way of assimilating the principles. Creating your own reality mostly comes down to practice.

In applying the principles, listen to your intuition and trust your intuition. Good Luck!

Reality in an unfamiliar guise

Since time immemorial, people have understood that the world behaves in a dual manner. On the one hand, everything that happens on the material level is more or less clear and can be explained from the point of view of the laws of natural science. On the other hand, when we encounter phenomena originating in the subtle planes, these laws are no longer applicable. Why has not it ever been possible to unite different manifestations of reality into a single knowledge system?

Strangely, it is as if the world were playing hide-and-seek with us, not wanting to reveal its true essence. As soon as scientists discover a new law to explain one phenomenon, another appears to contradict it. This pursuit of truth is as elusive as a shadow and will go on forever. The interesting thing is that the world does not just hide its true face; it willingly takes on whatever guise we attribute to it.

This is clearly evident in all branches of science. For example, if you imagine that a microcosm consists of particles then there will be no shortage of experiments to support this supposition. If you assume that the microcosm is not a particle but an electromagnetic wave, the world won’t object, and will readily manifest itself accordingly.

You could ask the world whether it consisted of solid matter with just the same success. It would answer ‘yes’. Or maybe it consists of energy? Again, it will answer in the affirmative. As we know, micro-particles in a vacuum are constantly being created and annihilated as energy is transformed into matter, and vice versa.

It would be futile to ask the world what came first, matter or consciousness. It would change its mask just as cunningly, revealing to us whatever side of the world we wished to see. Representatives of various teachings argue with each other, each trying to prove an opposing point of view, but reality will always pass a dispassionate verdict because, in essence, they are all right.

The world agrees with us and dodges us at the same time. In other words, it acts like a mirror. It literally reflects all of our notions of reality, whatever they happen to be.

So where does that leave us? If the world always agrees with what we think about it, at the same time, constantly evading a direct answer, are not all our attempts to explain the nature of reality in vain?

The fact is everything is much simpler than that. There is no point in searching for an absolute truth in individual manifestations of a multifaceted reality. We just have to accept the fact that reality as a mirror has two aspects. A physical aspect, which you can touch, and a metaphysical aspect, which lies beyond the limits of perception and yet is no less objective in nature.

At the present time, science deals with the side of life that is reflected in the mirror, whereas esotericism tries to look at life outside the mirror. The entire debate basically boils down to a difference in focus. So what exactly does lie on the other side of the mirror?

Transurfing, like any esoteric teaching, offers one of many possible answers to this question. On the other side of the mirror glass there lies the ‘variants space,’ an information structure, that stores the scripts to all possible events. The number of variants is infinite, as infinite as the number of possible positions of a single dot on a grid. The variants space is a record of everything that ever was and everything that will ever be.

This also means that access to the variants space provides the opportunity for clairvoyance. The only setback is that because the number of variants is infinite, one can see events that will not be realised in physical reality. This is why clairvoyants often make ‘mistakes’ in their forecasts. In the variants space, you can see things that have never happened, as well as things that will never actually happen.

In this sense, you may rest assured. No one can truly know your future because no one can determine which potential version of it will ultimately be played out on the material plane. Similarly, there is no guarantee that what you see in a dream is the actual sector of the variants space that will be embodied in reality.

This is wonderful news. If the future is not predetermined, there is always reason to hope for the best possible outcome. The task of Transurfing is not to look regretfully at the past or even to peer apprehensively into a tomorrow which is yet to come but to shape intentionally your own reality.

It might seem difficult to believe. Just where is the variants space? How can this be possible? From the point of view of our three-dimensional perception of the world, the variants space is everywhere and at the same time, nowhere. It could lie beyond the visible universe, or it could be in your coffee cup. One thing is for certain; it is not in the third dimension.

Paradoxically, we visit the variants space every night. Our dreams are not illusions in the usual sense of the word. People light-heartedly attribute their dreams to the realm of fantasy, not suspecting that they reflect real events, which might have occurred in the past or might still occur in the future.

We know that people sometimes see images in dreams that do not seem to originate in this world. Or at least, it is quite clear, that the dreamer can’t have seen their dream content in real life. If a dream is our brain’s way of imitating reality, where do all these extraordinary pictures and narratives come from?

If we roughly attribute all conscious aspects of the human psyche to the mind, and all its subconscious aspects to the soul, then we could say that a dream is the soul’s flight through the variants space. The mind does not imagine dreams; it actually sees them.

The soul has direct access to the information field, where all ‘scripts and set designs’ are permanently stored like frames on a filmstrip. The phenomenon of time only manifests when the ‘filmstrip’ is moving. The mind acts as an observer and ‘ideas generator’.

Memory is also directly related to the variants space. It has already been proved that the brain is not physically capable of storing all the information a person accumulates during their lifetime. So how does the brain remember things?

The brain does not store the information itself; it stores something akin to an address to where the data is held in the variants space. The reason people don’t remember their past lives is that when the physical body dies those addresses are lost. Under certain conditions, however, the address files can be restored.

The mind is not capable of creating anything fundamentally new. It simply constructs a new version of a house from old building blocks. The material for any scientific discovery or masterpiece of art comes from the variants space and is received by the mind through the heart. Clairvoyance and intuitive knowledge come from the same place.

«A discovery in science», Einstein wrote, «is not accomplished in any logical way. It only takes on logical form afterwards, in the course of exposition. A discovery, even the very smallest, is always an insight. The solution comes from outside, as unexpectedly as if someone had whispered it in your ear.»

The concept of the variants space should not be confused with the well-known concept of a common information field, through which data can be transferred from one object to another. The variants space is a stationary matrix, a structure that determines everything that can potentially take place in our world.

When we accept the simultaneous existence of two aspects of reality, the physical and the metaphysical, then our picture of the world becomes much clearer. When these two aspects of reality come into contact on the surface of the mirror, phenomena arise that are usually attributed either to the paranormal or unexplained mysteries.

Corpuscular-wave dualism in which a microscopic object is perceived as either a wave or a particle is a vivid example of these two realities coming into contact with one another.

However, human beings are the most incredible example of this phenomenon, living creatures, who simultaneously combine the material and the spiritual. In a sense, we are living on the surface of a giant, dual mirror, on one side of which lies our material universe, and on the other stretches the black infinity of the variants space.

Finding ourselves in this unique position, it would be, at the very least, short-sighted to confine ourselves to living within the confines of the conventional worldview making use of just one aspect of reality, the physical aspect.

Given the right conditions, human thought energy is capable of materialising any sector of the variants space. In the state of being referred to in the context of Transurfing as the unity of heart and mind, an unfathomable, magical power is born, the power of outer intention.

Everything that is customarily attributed to magic is connected to outer intention. This is the power the ancient mages used to erect the Egyptian pyramids and create other miracles.

Intention is referred to as ‘outer’ because it exists external to the individual human being and, as a result, lies beyond the mind’s control. That said people are capable of gaining access to it in certain states of consciousness. Anyone who subordinates their will to this powerful force becomes capable of incredible things.

However, in the contemporary world, most people have long lost the skills honed by the inhabitants of ancient civilisations like Atlantis. Fragments of ancient knowledge have been preserved to the present day in the form of scattered esoteric teachings and practices but it is quite difficult to apply this kind of knowledge in everyday life.

Despite the intricacy of its practical realisation, the secret to mastering outer intention is fairly simple.

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