Цитаты из книги «Transurfing in 78 Days. A Practical Course in Creating Your Own Reality» Вадима Зеланда📚 — лучшие афоризмы, высказывания и крылатые фразы — MyBook.
The images in it, which are served by the intention and thoughts of God, as well as all living beings, are His manifestations.
25 января 2021


The moment the dreamer becomes conscious of the fact that it is all just a dream; they discover that they have amazing abilities. The impossible is possible in a lucid dream. You can control events in the dream by the power of intention and do incredible things, like fly.
25 января 2021


It would change its mask just as cunningly, revealing to us whatever side of the world we wished to see.
5 января 2021


The interesting thing is that the world does not just hide its true face;
5 января 2021


it willingly takes on whatever guise we attribute to it.
5 января 2021


The motivation, thoughts and actions of the subject being reflected have to be in balance with these four elements. Reason and Action relate to the physical world; Soul and Passivity relate to the metaphysical world, which is a reality no less objective than its material counterpart. If you only take one facet of the dual world into account, you will never succeed in shaping your own reality. This is why materialists busy themselves overcoming obstacles, which they have basically created themselves and idealists float about in a world of clouds and dreams. Neither can successfully shape their reality.
5 января 2021


manner. On the one hand, everything that happens on the material level is more or less clear and can be explained from the point of view of the laws of natural science. On the other hand, when we encounter phenomena originating in the subtle planes, these laws are no longer applicable.
5 января 2021


This is why materialists busy themselves overcoming obstacles, which they have basically created themselves and idealists float about in a world of clouds and dreams. Neither can successfully shape their reality. But you can learn how to.
5 января 2021


If you only take one facet of the dual world into account, you will never succeed in shaping your own reality.
5 января 2021


The motivation, thoughts and actions of the subject being reflected have to be in balance with these four elements.
5 января 2021
