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The TED AI Show: Your next best friend may be 100% AI w/ Purnendu Mukherjee

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The TED AI Show: Your next best friend may be 100% AI w/ Purnendu Mukherjee

31 мин.

57 Мбайт

2024 год


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В этом выпуске

Non Player Characters --NPCs for short-- have always been a huge part of what makes video games engaging, from Cortana in Halo to Navi in The Legend of Zelda. But interactions with NPCs were always limited to a pre-written script. Until now. Purnendu Mukherjee is the CEO of Convai, a platform that enables developers to create NPCs with human-like conversational abilities. He joins Bilawal to chat about our evolving relationship with "AI characters” and what we gain and lose when our digital relationships are so life-like, it almost doesn’t matter who (or what) is on the other end.

For transcripts for The TED AI Show, visit go.ted.com/TTAIS-transcripts   

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Дата написания: 
18 июня 2024
Год издания: 
Дата поступления: 
19 июня 2024
3 058 книг

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