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Richard Branson on saying yes now and figuring it out later

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Richard Branson on saying yes now and figuring it out later

30 мин.

41 Мбайт

2024 год


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Sir Richard Branson has spent his lifetime taking dreams and making them reality. As the founder of the Virgin Group, he's built more than 400 businesses spanning from retail to music to transport. In his spare time, he’s advocated for human rights and sustainability — and set world records for hot air ballooning and kitesurfing. Richard talks with Adam about what he’s learned about courage and risk-taking in more than half a century of entrepreneurship, unveils his distinctive view of competition, and shares what he thinks great leaders have in common. Richard’s new audiobook, "Losing and Finding My Virginity: The Full Story," is out now.

Transcripts for ReThinking are available at go.ted.com/RWAGscripts

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Дата написания: 
18 июня 2024
Год издания: 
Дата поступления: 
18 июня 2024
3 058 книг

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