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Come As You Are with Dr. Emily Nagoski: How to Improve Your Orgasms

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Come As You Are with Dr. Emily Nagoski: How to Improve Your Orgasms

22 мин.

51 Мбайт

2024 год


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Today, we're sharing a preview of a new podcast we think you'll enjoy. On Come As You Are, educator and bestselling author Dr. Emily Nagoski answers questions about sex with the latest science. You’ll get a modern guide to sexual wellbeing, backed by groundbreaking research about desire, anatomy, orgasms, and much more. In conversation with her producer, Emily debunks cultural myths and flips the script on everything you thought you knew about sex and sexuality. In this preview, Emily answers a listener's call about orgasms and debunks several myths about where orgasm happens in the body. And we hear her advice about how to work with the body and the brain to have better orgasms. Hear the full episode, and more from Come As You Are, at https://podcasts.pushkin.fm/caya?sid=normal

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Подробная информация
Дата написания: 
8 декабря 2022
Год издания: 
Дата поступления: 
21 мая 2024
3 058 книг

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