Аудиокнига «The Art of War» 🎧 — слушать онлайн книгу автора Сунь-цзы, читает John Brown
The Art of War

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The Art of War

1 час 3 мин.

21 Мбайт

2019 год


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549 руб.

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The Art of War, literally The Laws of War by Master Sun is the most famous ancient Chinese treatise, dedicated to a military strategy and policy, written by Sun Tzu.

The treatise by Sun Tzu influenced crucially on a whole military art of the East. Although it is the first treatise on the military art, it includes clearly expressed common principles of strategy as well as tactics. A special place in a military theoretical literature belongs to comments on Sun Tzu, the earliest of which appeared in the Han era (206-220 AD), and the new ones are still being created…

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Подробная информация
Дата написания: 
1 января 2019
Год издания: 
Дата поступления: 
12 марта 2021
Everard Calthrop
John Brown

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