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The Unsolved Riddle of Social Justice
The Unsolved Riddle of Social JusticeStephen Leacock The Unsolved Riddle of Social Justice I.—The Troubled Outlook of the Present Hour THESE are troubled times. As the echoes of the war die away the sound of a new conflict rises on our ears. All the world is filled with industrial unrest. Strike ...
Юмористические рассказы (сборник)
Имя канадского писателя и экономиста Стивена Ликока (1869–1944) прочно вошло в историю канадской и мировой литературы. Ликок завоевал широкую популярность, как живой и остроумный рассказчик, замечательный мастер комических ситуаций и характеров, остро ощущавший противоречия жизни. Ликок опубликов...
The Dawn of Canadian History : A Chronicle of Aboriginal Canada
The Dawn of Canadian History : A Chronicle of Aboriginal CanadaStephen Leacock The Dawn of Canadian History : A Chronicle of Aboriginal Canada CHAPTER I BEFORE THE DAWN We always speak of Canada as a new country. In one sense, of course, this is true. The settlement of Europeans on Canadian soil ...
Arcadian Adventures with the Idle Rich
Arcadian Adventures with the Idle RichStephen Leacock Arcadian Adventures with the Idle Rich CHAPTER ONE: A Little Dinner with Mr. Lucullus Fyshe The Mausoleum Club stands on the quietest corner of the best residential street in the City. It is a Grecian building of white stone. About it are grea...
Лучшие рождественские рассказы и стихотворения / Best Christmas Stories, Carols and Poems
В этом сборнике – трогательные или забавные рождественские рассказы О. Генри, Джерома К. Джерома, Стивена Ликока, Саки, берущие за душу сказки Оскара Уайльда. Тексты популярных рождественских гимнов и стихотворений создадут праздничное настроение и наполнят истинным духом Рождества. Все тексты да...
Nonsense Novels
Nonsense NovelsStephen Leacock Nonsense Novels PREFACE THE author of this book offers it to the public without apology. The reviewers of his previous work of this character have presumed, on inductive grounds, that he must be a young man from the most westerly part of the Western States, to whom ...
Further Foolishness
Further FoolishnessStephen Leacock Further Foolishness Preface Many years ago when I was a boy at school, we had over our class an ancient and spectacled schoolmaster who was as kind at heart as he was ferocious in appearance, and whose memory has suggested to me the title of this book.It was his...
My Discovery of England
My Discovery of EnglandStephen Leacock My Discovery of England Introduction of Mr. Stephen Leacock Given by Sir Owen Seaman on the Occasion of His First Lecture in London LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: It is usual on these occasions for the chairman to begin something like this: "The lecturer, I am sure, ...
Behind the Beyond, and Other Contributions to Human Knowledge
Behind the Beyond, and Other Contributions to Human KnowledgeStephen Leacock Behind the Beyond, and Other Contributions to Human Knowledge BEHIND THE BEYOND A Modern Problem Play Act I.—Behind the Beyond THE curtain rises, disclosing the ushers of the theater still moving up and down the aisles. ...
The Hohenzollerns in America
The Hohenzollerns in AmericaStephen Leacock The Hohenzollerns in America / With the Bolsheviks in Berlin and Other Impossibilities PREFACEThe proper punishment for the Hohenzollerns, and the Hapsburgs, and the Mecklenburgs, and the Muckendorfs, and all such puppets and princelings, is that they s...
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