Цитаты из книги «Speak and Write like The Economist: Говори и пиши как The Eсonomist» Сергея Кузнецова📚 — лучшие афоризмы, высказывания и крылатые фразы — MyBook.
Life is like a roll of toilet paper; the closer you get to the end of the roll, the faster it goes.
29 марта 2018


extensive count of a wild species ever attempted, suggested that about 350,000 African savannah elephants remain alive. This is down by 140,000 since 2007. If Mr Xi were a bird, he would be a swan. The body had decided that the pink dolphin, a rare type sometimes seen cavorting
10 марта 2021


состояние неопределенности, неизвестности.
3 декабря 2020


I'm on a seafood diet — I see food and I eat it.
20 февраля 2019


Sometimes when you make a step forward you step in shit.
14 февраля 2019


My watch costs more than your car… that's who I am.
14 февраля 2019


People around the world produce an estimated 6.4 trillion litres of urine every year.
13 февраля 2019


Death through overwork is considered to be such a feature of the workplace in Japan that there is a word for it: karoshi.
13 февраля 2019
