well. Thirty-forty per cent of the companies are B-pla...➤ MyBook

Цитата из книги «Конечный бенефициар»

well. Thirty-forty per cent of the companies are B-players. They will never become A-players, because you can’t change character. Unfortunately, the only way they can go is here. – Тренер указал на поле «С». – And start damaging your values. But they do a good job. So just make sure they support the company values. The B-players don’t require any time or any management[154]. Okay, what about C-players? Fire them? Immediately? – В зале стало немного шумновато от наперебой высказываемых вариантов. – Ok, let me tell some of the mistakes that we do when we fire the people. It takes too much time. We are hesitating too much. The rule is simple, if you hesitate, you are ninety per cent right. Make it fast. But while firing the people we often think we are doing them something bad. Actually we don’t. We think about this person, and we should think about the whole team. The biggest reason why A-players leave the company is because of lazybones[155]. So the A-players hire A-players, B-players hire C-players and C-players hire D-players. And if not to stop the process in six month you are surrounded by lazybones. We have a lot of excuses for not firing such people. One is: he will get better. How? He didn’t anything for two years and he will get better, how? Or – I don’t know whether I’ll find a good replacement and do it fast. On this matter Steve Jobs has a saying: «It’s better in the team to have a hole than an asshole[156].»
15 сентября 2020
