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As Tom Fisher walked down the square, everyone greeted him. “Stealing now, huh, Tom?” “Go to it, boy!” “You can do it!”
21 января 2020


“This inspector comes and meets Billy Painter, our police chief. He asks to see the jail. Then he says, ‘No prisoners?’ I answer, ‘Of course not. We don’t have any crime here.’ ‘No crime?’ he says. ‘But Earth colonies always have crime. You know that.’ ‘We don’t,’ I answer, ‘didn’t even know what it was until we looked up the word last week.’ ‘Then why did you build a jail?’ he asks me. ‘Why did you appoint a police chief?’”
21 января 2020


Television facilities are available for the total population of the world. No one, rich or poor, will miss the spectacle of the Last Battle.”
21 января 2020


“Someone told me that there is no crime on Tranai.” “None whatsoever.” “And therefore no police force or courts, no judges, sheriffs, marshals, executioners, truant officers or government investigators. No prisons, reformatories or other places of detention.” “We have no need of them,” Melith explained, “since we have no crime.” “I have heard,” said Goodman, “that there is no poverty on Tranai.”
17 января 2020
