«Almost Gone» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Ophelia Night на MyBook.ru
Almost Gone

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Almost Gone

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2019 год


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229 руб.

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О книге

ALMOST GONE (THE AU PAIR—BOOK #1) is the debut novel in a new psychological thriller series by debut author Ophelia Night.

When 23 year old Cassandra Vale accepts her first job as an au pair, she finds herself placed with a wealthy family in a rural estate outside of Paris, and all seems too good to be true. But she soon discovers that behind the gilded gates lies a dysfunctional family, a twisted marriage, troubled children, and secrets too dark to air.

Cassandra is convinced she’s finally found a fresh start when she takes a job as an au pair in the idyllic French countryside. Just beyond the Paris city limits, the Bouchard manor is a grand relic of the past, the family its picture-perfect occupants. It’s the escape Cassandra needs—until she uncovers dark secrets that prove things aren’t as glamorous as they seem.

Beneath the opulence lies a dark web of malice, one Cassandra finds all too familiar, triggering dreams from her own violent and tortured past, one from which she desperately runs. And when a grisly murder tears the house apart, it threatens to take down her own fragile psyche with it.

A riveting mystery replete with complex characters, layers of secrets, dramatic twists and turns and heart-pounding suspense, ALMOST GONE is book #1 in a psychological suspense series that will have you turning pages late into the night.

Book #2–ALMOST LOST—is available for pre-order!

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Подробная информация
Год издания: 
Дата поступления: 
11 октября 2019
Время на чтение: 
7 ч.
1 565 книг