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Hamsters Country
Nina Stefanovich

Translator Yuliya Shatova

© Nina Stefanovich, 2020

© Yuliya Shatova, translation, 2020

ISBN 978-5-0051-8995-0

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Tale about Friendship

Once upon a time in one not very small, but not very big Tale Land lived a little Hamster. His name was Ham. He got only «A’s» during study at school. In his grade he already done all tasks on Math’s, he also read all the books on other subjects. The little hamster wore glasses, because spent a lot of time looking at computer’s screen. He played different computer games, it was best thing to do. He spent hours looking at laptop screen, sometimes giggling, because of his victory on the next level of the game.

At the neighborhood of his family, lived a hamster named Khom. Khom did not study very

На этой странице вы можете прочитать онлайн книгу «Hamsters Country. Tales», автора Nina Stefanovich. Данная книга имеет возрастное ограничение 6+, относится к жанру «Книги для детей».. Книга «Hamsters Country. Tales» была издана в 2020 году. Приятного чтения!