Translated by Daniel Ruvimovich Apokorin.
Probably, many of you have wondered why in real life everything we see around us is created "this way, and not otherwise"? And could any of this not have happened at all? And, if so, what influences the course of all these global events? And do we need to know about this if we are not able to control their development or disintegration? Is it given to us, ordinary people, to understand the essence of "God's providence"? When in everyday life we rarely ask ourselves the questions of who we are, where we come from, why we ended up here and where we will go next, and is everything there as they write and speak? After all, why does so much of what we encounter from time to time not find a logical explanation for? And every time we are convinced that there are no more answers to all our questions.
It is quite obvious that in fact, nothing eternal, as we imagine, exists and everything has its time. Historically, no matter what phase of evolution this or that civilization is, as a social vibration system on a planetary scale, in the end it naturally comes to "self-destruction". As the completion of the original idea (task) of its appearance. But immediately, depending on external changes in the conditions of habitation, with the end of one period of fluctuations (goal) of its ancestral architecture, the next, more sophisticated one appears, which carries in its genome the experience of previous generations and previous structures in order to expand more and more space of the environment. Already as a new stage of mutations of physical form.
Nothing in nature disappears without a trace, because the dipole systems of the very matter of any space carry all the information of their own transformations and are capable of cyclically reconstructing past events of their environment. Again and again, as a resonant response to the control influence (request) from outside the system. When all the external conditions have been created there for "revival". For billions of years, these processes in the Universe have been running their course. Does this mean that matter based on elementary vortices has always been, is, and will always be? When the electricity of charges interacting with each other creates magnetism, as a memory of the structures of matter in the general medium of space, as long as they invariably exist in it. Therefore, it is almost impossible to destroy this "information of the Universe". It will invariably be copied, as if "from the seed" as long as this space exists. And you can see it with us here and now.
We are aware that the structure and interaction of all forms of matter in nature, both in the micro and macrocosm, are based on the energy and information components of electromagnetic fields. All known and unknown spectra of radiation in terms of frequency, amplitude, phases, modulation, packing of disturbances, density and various physical gradients of fields, the number of charges and free electrons, and much more up to the coherence of waves. Each of these fields is in a state of constant motion in its infinity. Various kinds of fusions, splits and transformations of the energy of one physical field into another, forming an unlimited number of structures and forms of matter. Not only in their constant desire for preservation and development, but also in equilibrium and balance between themselves and the entire environment.
All these phenomena create an endless variety of colors and images of the visible and invisible world. Its beauty and dynamics, constancy and changeability, the triumph of birth, growth and development of a new life in an exact duplicate of its form, adapted to external changes in the environment. And the inevitability of aging with the transition to other states of matter of any life, existing in its individual rhythms, united by a single harmony of sounds. In eternal communication "everything with everything" through impulses of omnipresent electric and magnetic fields. Which form not only ourselves, but also the entire diversity of the nature of the Universe itself. Where each particle and structure meets all the signs of a truly living form, from its inception to radioactive decay in any of its states from plasma to solid. For all this alone is the result of the interaction of "light" and matter, which is nothing but radiation of different densities of a multitude of elementary electromagnetic disturbances of fields, of which the medium of space itself consists. Created by the interaction of kinetic energy flows of numerous clumps of matter of vortex dipole formations, which build multilateral transitions of various forms of electromagnetism, as well as mutual transformations of elementary particles and atoms of matter.
In this book, you will definitely find answers to many of your questions. And I am sure that you will have many new ones. And this means that you are in search not only of the best use of your capabilities, but also of getting a real delight from everything that surrounds you. Dream, set goals, the most fantastic, think about them, strive for them and, believe me, they will definitely come true.
Nailov Nafil Nailovichmechanical engineer, inventor, researcher
It is one planet, but all societies are trying to preserve their national identity. They repel each other on any occasion, protecting internal interests. Various tensions arise many gradients are formed, which inevitably create movements of development or extinction. And this means that everything is being renewed, and other states are formed, which will again become adherents of their own interests and the circle will repeat itself again and again, as long as the planet is still alive.
More and more often, a common sense asks questions about the amazing diversity, complexity and stability of natural systems. More and more obvious understanding of the macrocosm brings us back to its basis – the microcosm. Nature persistently translates its successful experiments in the evolution of matter to its many forms, as properties of interaction with each other. The simplicity of such solutions in infinite combinations of options creates the most complex structures and forms of reality.
The generally accepted planetary model of the atom, as a picture of the microcosm, is designated in the form of a nucleus in the aggregate of electrons orbiting around it in their orbits, like planets around the Sun with speeds close to the speed of light. Such a model carries the shortcomings of various theories of gravitation and the electromagnetic field, contradictions of Bohr's postulates, etc. Let's try to reconcile all sides and find an optimal model based on the modern knowledge and experience available to us. Let us ask ourselves the question, where does the energy for such costly movements of electrons, neutrons, etc., in the structure of the atom come from? Why is it so stable and easily forms molecular compounds? This will help us to compare the plausibility of the functionality of the proposed new model of the atom in the dynamics of the ongoing processes of nature.
Let’s imagine that an atom is a generator of energy, the magnitude of which is determined by charges. The carriers of charges are matter, in this case, elementary particles. Let's leave aside the consideration of the structure or absence of it in numerous neutrinos, photons, quarks, electrons, nucleons and other particles of matter and remember that all of them are vortex formations with all their inherent properties and parameters.
In fact, these are condensations of the forms of matter of the environment surrounding space in the form of dipoles formed from one another as a result of incessant electromagnetic interaction with each other, which inevitably arises as magnetism and electricity due to the presence in them not only of charges, but also of various gradients of densities.
The heterogeneity or difference of any properties of matter in space is the gradient of matter densities. Obviously, its presence unequivocally implies the presence of motion, and the presence of any motion in the medium of space necessarily generates vortices, which involve the matter of the immediate environment into their circulation. And this is true for all environments, because we are talking about the microcosm. Then, any gradient is a difference or difference in the medium of its charges. And any difference in the charges of matter is the difference in the frequency of rotation of their dipoles, in other words, it is the energy of repulsion of vortices from each other.
Consequently, all vortices in their structure form dipoles, conditionally, like our planet or galaxy, with their poles, with the presence of positive and negative charges, with lines of force and a different arsenal of properties and tools of electricity and magnetism. Isn't this (see Fig. 1) similar to the movement of energy or the movement of charges along the lines of force of dipoles, in the form of vortex structures of objects interacting with each other?
Probably, the very mechanism of global interaction between bodies of matter in 5 space occurs as a result of the movement of charges in a spiral, as a result of translational and rotational motion, or respectively electric current and magnetism of dipoles? And if all this diversity of the microcosm consists not only of fields, but also of substances, then why not assert that all that exists in space are forms and structures of particles of matter, created by the interaction of their charges of different densities, that space is a single form of the existence of matter from elementary to highly self-organized?
In this case, the unit of charge of any particle, or vortex dipole, is adequate to the conventional quantum of the angular momentum or discreteness of the moment of the total number of vortexes of the body and its medium. The charge of an object is higher, the faster the vortex and the greater the amount of Fig.1 Relationship in space in X-ray Fig. 2 Magnetic and electric dipole. Radiation. (photoshop) of the rotation of its electric dipole in the field of the magnetic dipole. This is evident when a moving electric charge creates a vortex magnetic field, and a magnetic dipole moving at a constant speed, like an alternating magnetic field, creates a vortex electric field (see Figure 2).
Fig. 1. Relationship in space in X-ray. (photoshop)
Fig. 2. Magnetic and electric dipole. Radiation
But it should be mentioned that any vortex is also an oscillating circuit, with its own rotation frequency, amplitude, period and other parameters that can be unfolded as a sine wave of oscillations of an ordinary and long-familiar pendulum. So, when we talk about vortices, we mean both the properties of dipoles and the properties of oscillatory systems in one structure and in one form of its matter.
Suppose that space consists of vortex formations of various forms and structures of various forms and structures that are constantly changing and interacting with each other and the environment, something like nebulae and galaxies in space (see Fig. 3). At the same time, each of them is a vibration system, as a set of numerous oscillatory circuits with their own individual parameters and properties, united by virtue of certain phenomena into a single structure with a single rhythm of functioning. That is, you and I in the microcosm consist of a mutually synchronized variety of constantly changing, alternating and interacting with each other and the environment as a habitat, vortex condensations of matter. We, like all objects of nature, are constantly in fields of tension – gradients, spending and acquiring energy from the outside for our existence and adaptation to the changing environment for the sole purpose of development and procreation.
Each of us is a particularly unique synthesis of the harmony of an infinite number of moving gradients in a single shell of the form of our body. The very same gradients that are the main mechanism of exchange of all elementary particles, atoms, molecules, cells in our organs to ensure their mutual symbiosis in a single individual rhythm of life of each of us, as a result of a change in the charge density of the microcosm. For example, charges come from the outside and we feel a surge of warmth, or vice versa – and we are cold; or nutrients are absorbed into the blood through the intestinal walls; or the heart feeds on the waste products of the lungs, and the kidneys feed on the waste products of the cardiovascular system, etc. Each of our internal organs, as a separate vibrational system in the functioning of a single organism, is in a series of mutual arrangements, repeatedly worked out by evolution, depending on the need for its own source of nourishment, energy, protection, etc. Even in the event of a malfunction of any organ, which can lead to risks to the viability of the organism as a whole, such a structure of organization is fully justified in the struggle for the possibility of metabolism in such a special and territorially limited environment.
This is a fairly simple and understandable mechanism of the struggle for the possibility of existence. Thus, each form of matter tends to mutate and symbiosis with each other to create a stable and economical energy system in the ever-changing environment of space, using the same tools. Combined into a system, the total energy consumption decreases, and objects mutate to the environment.
For the sake of simplicity of understanding the mechanisms of the functioning of systems, let us designate that any field, as a medium of propagating waves, is the area of action of gradients of any form of matter as its properties to interact with each other. The degree of the gradient is adequate to the intensity of the state of matter in space, as a conventional value of the amount of energy of a certain direction of motion. For example, the charge of any object is the ability to repel or shield other objects from itself during rotation in the form of the impact of their vortices.
Fig. 3. A galaxy in space. (photoshop)
Fig. 4. Information-energy networks of the environment. (photoshop)
In this case, the higher the rotation speed, the higher the charge, and the "+" or "-" sign is determined only by the direction of their rotation. Charge is more of a conventional quantity than a physical one and does not exist separately from matter, since it is a consequence of the gradient of matter, the intensity of its fields. Everything that rotates faster is denser, it both captures and repels space in the medium or a "place" or "territory" of a less dense or slower rotating object. If there is a gradient of something: densities, temperatures, charges, etc., then there is also the intensity of the fields that are formed by the waves of these forms of matter by virtue of their own movements, oscillations, vibrations as radiations into the environment of opposition to the environment of the surrounding space.
More precisely, all bodies and objects, including stationary ones, by virtue of these very radiations emanating from their molecules, atoms, elementary particles, etc., interact with the environment, "communicate" with each other, transmitting and receiving waves of various spectra from the lowest to very high frequencies, but strictly individual parameters capable of emitting and receiving for themselves. as a single harmonious vibration system. This means that in the contact zones of numerous asymmetrical interacting fields in space, peculiar distortions and deformations of densities will be formed, and elementary particles will acquire a moment of rotation – spin. In nature, where "everything" affects "everyone", there are no absolutely straight trajectories of movement. That is, any moving matter in space is in contact with the environment of the environment, which means that it not only moves forward, but also rotates, forming vortex disturbances around itself in the form of periodic waves of condensation of the medium, or radiation. And by acquiring the moment of rotation, especially in the microcosm at enormous velocities of movement, any particle or body becomes a dipole with its own electromagnetic fields. Consequently, all radiation waves or perturbation fields in space are a consequence of the motion of material bodies, as an aggregate of numerous particles of the structure of their microcosm, in the external innumerable electromagnetic fields of the surrounding space, formed by radiations of similar forms of matter.
How is the energy so necessary for the existence of elementary particles, including atoms, produced? Energy, which can be designated as motion, as a flow of charges. To begin with, let's recall the long news in the theories of gravity about the mutual pushing of objects in space or about the forces of pushing the environment out. When bodies acquire the shape of a sphere or a drop as a result of the impact on them from all sides of the phenomena of repulsion from the innumerable vortices formed by numerous objects of the environment. A peculiar effect of the general "hanging" of bodies in space. Such energy of the external environment acts continuously and is much higher than the opposition of the radiation energy of a particular body, even taking into account the reflected waves, so the body compresses, let's say, uniformly and a sphere is formed. All matter in space tends to create spheres, and other forms are the result of the interaction of other energies depending on their mutual densities, volumes, distances, abilities to absorb, shield, transmit radiation, etc.
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