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Apocalyptic Time Jump: Girl Chasing Brother

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Apocalyptic Time Jump: Girl Chasing Brother

28 печатных страниц

Время чтения ≈ 1ч

2024 год


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О книге

One day, she stumbled upon a time machine in her grandmother’s attic and decided to take a chance and travel to the future. When she arrived, she found herself in a post-apocalyptic world where everything was dark and desolate. Margo learned that her brother Rick had been kidnapped by a dark spirit named John, who ruled over the ruined world with an iron fist. With the help of new friends she met along the way.

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Подробная информация
Год издания: 
Дата поступления: 
25 апреля 2024
Время на чтение: 
1 ч.
95 313 книг