Alices Adventures In Wonderland Chapter 1. Down the Ra...➤ MyBook

Цитата из книги «Алиса в Стране чудес / Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Алиса в Зазеркалье / Through the Looking-glass, and What Alice Found There»

Alices Adventures In Wonderland Chapter 1. Down the Rabbit Hole Alice was tired of[1] sitting near her sister on the bank of the river. She had nothing to do:[2] once or twice she looked into the book that her sister was reading. But the book had no pictures or conversations in it. “What is the use of a book,[3]” thought Alice “without pictures or conversations?” She was thinking about making a daisy-chain[4] but the day was hot and she felt very sleepy and lazy. Suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran past her. The Rabbit said to itself “Oh dear! Oh dear, I shall be late![5]”
3 июля 2020
