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303. The Battle of Britain

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303. The Battle of Britain

1 час 3 мин.

58 Мбайт

2023 год


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This year marks the 75th anniversary of The Battle of Britain, and since this is such a pivotal moment in British history, I thought it would be appropriate to cover it in some way in an episode of this podcast. Also, I was asked recently by a listener in the comments section of my website to talk about the story of the Battle of Britain, specifically the role of one particular group of Polish pilots known as Squadron #303. So, here it is - the story of one of the most important moments in modern British history - The Battle of Britain, and the contribution made by a small group of pilots from Poland. http://wp.me/p4IuUx-528

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Подробная информация
Дата написания: 
19 октября 2015
Год издания: 
Дата поступления: 
12 августа 2023
201 книга