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I have been to Paris several times

And each time it gave me plots for my work. An interesting fact but I would prefer to draw instead of painting.

2020 will be remembered for being a year of pandemic but I will remember it as a year of visiting Paris. While everyone went crazy because of new virus, destiny gave me a chance to fully enjoy this city.

When I returned home and was on lockdown I started working with ink.

Thank goodness tests for the virus were negative. And one more time I thanked life for the opportunities it gave me. I had the very real sense that I was so courageously sent to Paris as well as was returned home in time.

Fun fact was that I went to see Madonna’s concert, which was eventually cancelled, but it turned out that I flew to Paris to paint a new series of art. And that’s all that matters.

Drawings’ technique: paper, ink, brush. 41,7x29 cm

Girl’s morning

Marfa always welcomed her morning being nude.

Sun loved her delicious body so Styopa did – an artist that lived in a neighboring house. She often posed for him secretly: for the sake of art and love she wished so much.

Marfa became a character of numerous Styopa’s paintings. And indeed, the girl looked so well on lush fever bed covered with painted cloak.

Montmartre model

Free and open-minded girl could easily become a prostitute as well as a model. Marfa was inspired by the last ones while the first ones remained a mystery to her, thank God!

Once Styopa sent her a card with this drawing from France – the artist knew how to inspire his Russian model that was so fascinated with Paris.

«I can do that too», – Marfa thought and bravely undressed for the next Styopa’s painting.

Do you want?

Styopa returned from France being excited. His another travel abroad strengthened his faith in success. He had a feeling he could play a role in art. And how glad Marfa was: love is love.

That evening Styopa passionately painted unclothed Marfa with Chinese ink. She tried to warm up an artist’s creative fervor playing the role of seducer.

Marfa in a bathhouse. 2020. Canvas, oil. 80x70 cm

A passionate lover

Posing wasn't that easy. So Marfa became very tired, fell asleep and abandoned all hope of embrace. However the artist did not even want to refuse!

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

На этой странице вы можете прочитать онлайн книгу «Marfa in Paris. Journey with the artist Konstantin Prusov», автора Константина Прусова. Данная книга имеет возрастное ограничение 18+, относится к жанрам: «Книги о путешествиях», «Книги о приключениях». Произведение затрагивает такие темы, как «современное искусство», «роман-путешествие». Книга «Marfa in Paris. Journey with the artist Konstantin Prusov» была написана в 2020 и издана в 2020 году. Приятного чтения!