Цитаты из книги «Английский язык для медиков» Коллектива авторов📚 — лучшие афоризмы, высказывания и крылатые фразы — MyBook.

Цитаты из книги «Английский язык для медиков»


The formed elements of the blood include erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets.
20 марта 2014


Cells of the epidermis: keratinocytes are the most numerous and are responsible for the production of the family of keratin proteins that provide the barrier function of the epidermis.
2 марта 2014


It is a highly specialized organ that functions to protect the body from injury, desiccation, and infection. It also participates in sensory reception, excretion, thermoregulation, and maintenance of water balance.
2 марта 2014


cells which are closely approximated to each other; thus have a small amount of intercellular substance. This lining cellular layer is called epithelium.
2 марта 2014


connective tissue holds all parts of the body in Place. This can be fat, cartilage, bone or blood
2 марта 2014


A tissue is a group of cells working together to do a special job.
2 марта 2014


The most visible and essential organelle in a cell is the nucleus, containing genetic material and regulating the activities of the entire cell.
2 марта 2014


The cell membranes of a mixture of protein and lipid form its surroundings.
2 марта 2014


cell organelles. These are responsible for carrying out the specialized biochemical reactions
2 марта 2014
