Choosing a favorable time for starting an endeavor (muhurat) is a very important aspect of a person’s life, as these events will influence their fate in the future. Starting a business, beginning construction or purchasing a home, studying, holding a wedding ceremony, going on a vacation or a business trip—all these events can become auspicious thanks to knowledge. Therefore, it is so important to know where the Moon is in the horoscope. The nakshatras provide an opportunity to obtain deeper information about a person (they divide each zodiac sign into groups of stars, and each has its uniqueness), and they help distinguish which people assist in their development, and who will drag us down or even prove dangerous for us.
While the Sun’s movement is connected to the 12 zodiac signs (a solar division of the horoscope into 12 parts, with the Sun passing through all signs in one year), the Moon’s movement is connected to the 27 nakshatras (a lunar division of the horoscope into 27 parts, with the Moon passing through all signs within 27-28 days). The nakshatras are very important in Vedic astrology, as they influence a person’s thinking, character, intuition, and desires.
The word nakshatra contains three meanings: night, destruction, and protection, meaning protection from destruction at night. Nakshatras are a nighttime division of the sky into 27 houses in the zodiac, with each house containing 13 degrees and 20 minutes. If we multiply 27 by 13 degrees and 20 minutes, we get 360 degrees, which constitutes the full circle of the zodiac.
Nakshatras are groups of stars, called lunar mansions, that are used for horoscope reading and obtaining deep information about a person’s nature, inclinations, habits, and many other things. The nakshatras are divided into groups based on their directional view: looking down, up, or forward.
Adho Mukha – Nakshatras looking down, a group meant for investigating deep questions, learning something profound, delving into spiritual matters, and are also intended for meditation, grounding, and burial. Nakshatras belonging to this group include:
Bharani, Krittika, Ashlesha, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Vishakha, Mula, Purvashadha, Purva Bhadrapada.
Urdhva Mukha – Nakshatras looking up, this group is used for success in matters directed upwards (towards the sky). It’s about getting a job, increasing status, career improvement, airplane travel, planting, and financial investment. Nakshatras belonging to this group include:
Rohini, Ardra, Pushya, Uttara Phalguni, Uttarashadha, Shravana, Dhanishta, Shatabhisha, Uttara Bhadrapada.
Tiryanga Mukha – Nakshatras looking forward, meant for supporting matters that require continuation or continuity, improvement of something serious (production, creation). Nakshatras belonging to this group include:
Ashwini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Anuradha, Jyeshta, Revati.
When we combine the solar type of horoscope division with the lunar type, we get 108 parts, called Navamsha or padas. Each nakshatra is divided into 4 parts of 3 degrees and 20 minutes each. These parts are called padas. Each pada carries the characteristics of a particular zodiac sign, starting from Aries. The four padas are symbolically associated with the four goals of life: Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. The first pada is always a fiery pada, the second – earthy, the third – airy, and the fourth – watery. Likewise, the padas correspond to the goals of a person’s life. If a person has more planets in the first pada in the horoscope, then Dharma (duty, spiritual purpose) is important to them; in the second – Artha (material matters); in the third – Kama (fulfillment of desires); and in the fourth – Moksha (the end of the life cycle and death).
Each nakshatra has its sequential number and a planet that rules over it.
The energies of the ruling planet influence the characteristics of the Nakshatra. Every planet and the rising sign (Lagna, ascendant) have a Nakshatra responsible for them. In this way, it is possible to check how your Nakshatra interacts with the Nakshatras of other people and what results this may bring (something positive or negative, dangerous). Health conditions, career development, and personal relationships can be checked according to the Nakshatras.
Janma Nakshatra – the star constellation where the Moon is located at the time of birth, is the most important Nakshatra. It can be calculated separately online or received during the horoscope calculation. If you know in which sign and degree the Moon is located in the birth chart, as well as the degrees each Nakshatra occupies, you can determine in which Nakshatra the Moon is found (the same applies to the Nakshatra of the ascendant sign and the Nakshatras of the other planets). The birth Nakshatra (Janma Nakshatra) shows which planetary period the person’s life began from.
Lagna Nakshatra – the star constellation occupied by the Lagna (ascendant sign) at the time of birth. This Nakshatra is also very important. It shows the external expression of the person, how they present themselves, how other people see them. Sometimes, the Janma Nakshatra matches the Lagna Nakshatra in a person, meaning it is the same Nakshatra (the Moon is in the first house and in the same Nakshatra as the ascendant sign).
Shakti is the power, energy, that exists in every Nakshatra. We or our lives may change in the presence of a person with a certain Shakti from their Janma Nakshatra or Lagna Nakshatra. If we spend a lot of time with someone, their Shakti affects us, and our Shakti affects them. Because of this, it is also possible to choose a good time to do something. Thus, there are people who lead us to victory, and people who drag us down. The days when the Moon is in a certain Nakshatra, or a person born in that Nakshatra, can help us achieve our goals. The Shakti of our Janma Nakshatra and Lagna Nakshatra should be analyzed together with the Nakshatras of people who interest us.
Ashwini gives the power to achieve goals quickly, to obtain the necessary things in life. This applies to both material and spiritual matters. If a person begins interacting with an Ashwini personality, they will acquire the energy to achieve goals swiftly. If you must get results quickly, you should act when the Moon passes through Ashwini in the transit chart or find a person whose ascendant sign or Moon is in Ashwini (Ashwini Shakti).
Bharani – the power to take and keep moving forward. Such power takes what is unnecessary. If you want to get rid of something, put an end to something, and then move forward, there must be a connection to Bharani Shakti (help from a Bharani personality or getting rid of something unnecessary when the Moon enters Bharani in the transit chart).
Krittika – the power to burn and purify in a material sense. This is spiritual Shakti. If you talk to a representative of the Krittika Nakshatra, they will help you break free from material attachments. This helps when a person constantly worries about money, the fear of losing something. Krittika Shakti gives the opportunity to gain inner freedom, significant spiritual progress.
Rohini – the power of growth and creation. Everything that needs to grow, begin, or move from a stuck place, something that has been unsuccessful for a long time, will be helped by Rohini Shakti (starting action when the Moon passes through Rohini or interacting with a Rohini personality).
Mrigashira – the power to fulfill desires and bring joy, satisfaction. Mrigashira Shakti helps those who cannot get what they want and do not feel satisfaction from their actions.
Ardra – the power to apply effort and ability to achieve. If there is not enough willpower, Ardra Shakti can help. At first, it removes something that hinders the person, and afterward helps to begin something new or start something new, as well as achieve what is desired through opportunities and efforts.
Punarvasu – the power of accumulating wealth and assets. It is beneficial to be around such individuals in order to acquire and accumulate. Partnering with them in business will be successful – it will bring profits, and the business will be well-preserved. The Moon in this nakshatra helps with accumulation.
Pushya – grants the Shakti for creative power, spirituality, and also the power to manage (for example, a spiritual teacher – a Pushya personality). The Shakti of this nakshatra enables significant development in these directions.
Ashlesha – the power to destroy harmful forces, disarming them through poison. It is the power to neutralize enemies (not literally). Ashlesha personalities can help with this by neutralizing adversaries with their energy.
Magha – the power to gain opportunities to avoid attachments to the body and to understand opportunities to leave the body. The Shakti of this nakshatra is suited for highly spiritual matters and can partly aid in healing. Suffering from illnesses often happens due to a strong attachment to the physical body (such as fear of death). Magha helps to understand that this suffering is insignificant in comparison to spiritual life, which is our true essence. A Magha personality can help in realizing this.
Purva Phalguni – the power to create something new and unite opposites. This nakshatra is auspicious for renewal, to start everything anew, and change one’s life. The power of this Shakti can give the understanding of how to unite what seems un-unifiable and to find mutual understanding with someone.
Uttara Phalguni – the power to thrive through marital connections. This Shakti brings prosperity in all areas, especially in love. Consulting a Uttara Phalguni personality can be helpful in these matters.
Hasta – the power to receive what one seeks, to place the object of desire into one’s hands. It provides the energy to achieve desired results or the opportunity to find what the person couldn’t previously, or to gain what truly belongs to them, even if they were unaware of it.
Chitra – the power to accumulate good karma (Purva Punya) and merits. Those who are tired of difficult life events receive good fortune through a Chitra personality.
Swati – the power to create change and transform, the ability to disperse, like the wind. With a Swati personality, one can undergo significant transformation, whether it’s letting go of certain habits or reaching a new level. Such individuals can help foster inner change, let go of the old, bring more ease, create changes, and provide opportunities to reach a new level materially (in business, for example) or spiritually.
Vishakha – the power to attain and reveal the hidden, to make the unseen visible. Beneficial for those seeking to unravel a secret, a truth, or to discover something long concealed. Talking to a Vishakha personality can help with this. If you yourself are a Vishakha personality, it will be very difficult for others to hide anything from you.
Anuradha – the power of worship, faith, and spiritual practices. This does not include material life. You need someone to support your spiritual efforts. The power of worship – people who engage in spiritual practices, pray, fast, worship the divine, or are spiritual teachers. Anuradha Shakti gives such people power. It is also suitable for those engaged in Eastern psychology, esotericism, and astrology.
Jyeshta – the power to rise above the fear of death and dangers, the power of mastery over the subconscious. This is connected to material life and attachment to materiality. Jyeshtha Shakti helps to overcome the fear of death and other phobias, helping one to rise above them, granting freedom and strength. It teaches not to belittle life or act foolishly out of fear.
Mula – the power to destroy and eliminate things. For example, if something brings good, Mula Shakti will not assist with it. However, it will help in destroying something harmful.
Purva Ashadha – the power of enthusiasm and inspiration. Purva Ashadha Shakti grants inspiration for action. If enthusiasm is needed, it will be beneficial to discuss matters with a Purva Ashadha personality or begin something when the Moon is in this nakshatra.
Uttara Ashadha – the power to grant lasting victory in all directions. This can be related to business or competitors. Consulting a Uttara Ashadha personality will help secure victory.
Shravana – the power to unite people into a group or community. This Shakti helps to bring people together, form an organization, support group, or unite friends.
Dhanishta – the power to grant honor, fame, and material wealth. A Dhanishta personality can help achieve respect in society, money, and fame.
Shatabhisha – the power to heal, cure, and provide both physical and psychological support. It is beneficial if your doctor is a Shatabhisha personality, as the treatment will be correct and effective.
Purva Bhadrapada – the power to develop and progress (to evolve along the path of evolution). It is good if you are a student of a Purva Bhadrapada personality, receiving knowledge from them. This will inspire a desire to learn and grow spiritually continuously, without losing interest.
Uttara Bhadrapada – the power to provide stability and opportunities for growth. If we lack stability or consistency in something, Uttara Bhadrapada Shakti will help with this, providing security for the future, and solutions to issues related to income and prosperity.
Revati – the power to nurture and protect, to nourish and fulfill. Suitable for those who work with children. It provides security, calmness, and confidence in fulfilling all that is good.
You will feel comfortable with a Revati personality, especially if they are your partner. They will fill you with spirituality and provide material prosperity, optimism, energy for completing tasks and creation, and freedom from fears related to your future and that of your children.
Using the table here, you can observe what a particular day or person brings to our lives (for this purpose, the first table on page 3 is also used, located above). Detailed information about each Janma Nakshatra can be found further in the text. In the first table, you find the birth Nakshatra (Janma under number 1 in the second table indicates the beginning of activity). The second row is Sampat (in the first table, this is found in the second row after Janma Nakshatra, days, and people who bring wealth, three Nakshatras in the row, and so on, checking all nine Tara positions).
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