The harmonization of the natal chart, and therefore of life, occurs through understanding and fulfilling one’s karmic tasks, harmonizing, and working through the planets according to their positions in the houses and signs.
People born in January must be charismatic, bright, and express their creative talents. It will be difficult to do so because, even if they are aware of their talents, it feels as if something is preventing them from realizing them. The reason may be that their thoughts, feelings, and creativity were ridiculed by parents, relatives, or teachers. Under such treatment, a person feels unworthy, tries not to express themselves, or does something in a way that no one notices.
A person born in January must undergo the lesson of maturation—revealing their talent despite external circumstances. It is beneficial to express oneself everywhere: at school, in higher education, at work, talking about oneself, sharing ideas, maintaining social media presence, improving one’s activities, and, upon starting a business, actively promoting one's services.
It is recommended to actively meet new people, take the initiative, not wait for others to approach, and not be shy about inviting someone on a date.
One should not be afraid of opportunities and should boldly engage in creative projects. This will not only help in self-expression but will also attract material resources. It is important to remember that you are a creator, and therefore, you should try everything if an opportunity arises. This can include self-expression through sports, voice, singing, poetry, painting, and many other forms.
Sometimes, such a person may be shy about speaking or singing in public because they struggle to pronounce a certain letter or because their words or singing were devalued in childhood by others. It is recommended to develop public speaking skills, vocal training, or acting. It is also beneficial to use one's voice in professional activities. You must know that you possess a magical voice capable of attracting and influencing people. Through your voice, you can attract clients. However, it is important to remember that your voice has the power to create both positive and negative effects. Your positive thoughts and words can generate something good, while negative thoughts and words can create negativity. A curse or ill wish toward someone may come true, but it will eventually return to you. Therefore, learning to control your thoughts is of great importance.
Unveiling creative talents is your karmic task. Through your creativity, you will help unlock the creative potential in others. You can start by incorporating creativity into your activities, sharing it with at least a small audience. If you sing somewhere, post a video on social media; do the same if you write or draw something. This way, you will gradually become a bright and charismatic individual.
An important task is not only accumulating knowledge but applying it in practice.
Such individuals need to work on relationships with siblings, peers, and classmates. Those born in January may struggle with the arrival of younger siblings in their lives, as it challenges their ego. Those with older brothers or sisters may have experienced ridicule or bullying from them. These situations were given to you for the development of your ego, to teach you independence from others’ opinions, to help you cope with such circumstances, and to learn to express yourself.
The next karmic task is growing up, meaning achieving financial independence through professional activity.
Once you have completed all the tasks described above, it will be necessary to ensure that your ego does not negatively affect you. This can happen if you express yourself excessively and seek approval from others. In such cases, people will start devaluing, criticizing, or ignoring you. You need to maintain a realistic view of your strengths and weaknesses without depending on others' opinions. There is no need to please everyone (as this would make you dependent on others, which you must avoid). The desire to be liked by everyone stems from a lack of self-confidence, whereas your confidence must be unwavering.
You need to understand who you truly are, regardless of what others say. Since childhood, people may have told you how you should be and what you should do.
Those born in February tend to adapt to others and help everyone, often without realizing who they really are. It is necessary to stop trying to please others and learn to set boundaries, to refuse requests if something does not suit or appeal to you. Esoteric knowledge can help in this process and aid in discovering your true self.
Self-care and nature also contribute to this understanding. Spending time alone in nature is particularly beneficial, as this is when answers about oneself emerge. Additionally, cleansing rituals, lighting candles, and keeping semi-precious stones in the home are recommended.
Another lesson you need to learn is self-sacrifice. You will always encounter people who demand sacrifices from you. This will continue until you learn to stand up for yourself. The primary focus should be on yourself.
Another important lesson for you is emotional dependency on others. A person born in February often invests heavily in others, but the effort is not reciprocated. They may feel unwell but find themselves unable to change the situation, especially if they are financially dependent. It is essential to build relationships in a way that ensures you can always walk away, achieving financial and emotional independence.
Sometimes, such individuals become very passive, doing nothing or focusing solely on household chores. This should not be the case. Meditation, yoga, walks, water treatments, and physical exercise can help.
Hidden knowledge, esotericism, and Vedic astrology can also be beneficial, especially if these topics interest the person. They can study them for personal growth, but if someone asks for help, they can offer guidance.
Improving relationships with the mother, separating from her, and establishing clear boundaries in the relationship are also crucial.
A regression therapist can help uncover the root cause of issues with the mother, which may stem from past lives.
For these individuals, spiritual growth is supported by self-care, external beauty, and the beauty of their surroundings.
First and foremost, a person born in March must achieve material stability through work that brings them great joy. This is crucial because financial resources for creativity and pursuing one’s passions come through this enjoyment. Those born in March need to learn how to take pleasure in their work, as they often struggle with this from the start. Simply studying, working hard, setting goals, and forcing oneself to do things will not be effective. Work should be fulfilling, though it does not necessarily have to be creative.
If material wealth is not important to them, they may become passive, failing to develop or grow. In such a case, they will not derive joy from life and may feel as though it is passing them by. Therefore, it is essential to establish financial stability and truly enjoy the fruits of one’s achievements.
Another important task for those born in March is learning to enjoy life in general. It is vital to experience pleasure in all aspects of life, including personal relationships. Your ability to experience joy may be somewhat blocked. You need to learn to take pleasure in every moment, in different aspects of life—food, clothing, home decor, music, and much more. Do everything that brings you joy without hesitation, sparing neither money nor time.
Developing creative talents is another key lesson for you. You can discover many things about yourself through creativity. If you do not consider yourself a creative person, visit museums and exhibitions, dance, sing—anything that awakens your artistic inclinations. The purpose of this is to express in the material world what exists within your soul.
When you create something new, your fertility energy increases. As a result, you may develop multiple projects, not just one. You also have the potential to give life to more than one child. You may have two related projects or more than two ongoing at the same time. You possess an energy that brings new life into the world.
Women born in March may exhibit masculine traits, which can negatively affect their personal lives and relationships with other women. Therefore, it is important for them to cultivate and develop their femininity. This can be achieved through feminine spiritual and physical practices, dance, and spending time in the company of women.
Another crucial area for development is one’s relationship with the mother. The mother of a child born in March often takes on a leadership role, offering little tenderness and affection, showing little interest in the child’s emotions, and sometimes criticizing their appearance or comparing them to other children. As a result, when such a child grows up, they may struggle to express affection and tenderness in relationships, even when experiencing deep emotions.
It is important for these people to develop self-confidence, become goal-oriented, set high future goals, and become the master of their own life.
It is essential to start earning quickly to achieve financial stability, which will help them gain inner self-confidence.
If the energy of a person born in April is used incorrectly—that is, if they earn little or do not advance in their career—they may begin to suppress those who are weaker than them and become a tyrant within their own family. If such a person does not invest in achievements or growth, circumstances will develop in such a way that they will have to work a lot. Financial problems may arise, and they will then be forced to negotiate with their superiors and climb the career ladder.
When financial stability comes, it will be necessary to learn to rest, relax, and stop worrying about their career. Since the person has already become a workaholic and a perfectionist, it will be difficult for them to do so. If, for some reason, they are unable to return to work, emotional burnout may occur.
It will be important to distribute energy evenly across different areas of life, paying attention to personal relationships, hobbies, sports, family, travel, and friends.
One must work on their relationship with their father. Competition with him is possible. Additionally, due to competition, relationships with relatives, friends, and colleagues may deteriorate.
Women born in April may compete with men, suppress them, and also struggle to get along with other women. Such a woman must learn to be soft and feminine (which will improve her personal life) while being strong at work. It also happens that a woman expects everything from her man and does not pursue her own career. This may be due to her father’s influence in childhood—he may not have allowed her to do anything. In cases where a woman competes with men, her father may have praised her and shown love only when she achieved something.
These people are often authoritative figures whom others look up to. Their main task is to acquire and transmit knowledge.
Such a person must build their own system of values, as they may know better than any guru what they truly need. This applies to both personal life and profession. In this way, the person matures and does not waste themselves due to the influence of a mentor.
На этой странице вы можете прочитать онлайн книгу «Harmonizing the Natal Chart», автора Иланы Либ. Данная книга имеет возрастное ограничение 12+, относится к жанрам: «Учебная литература», «О бизнесе популярно». Произведение затрагивает такие темы, как «астрологический прогноз», «эзотерические учения». Книга «Harmonizing the Natal Chart» была написана в 2025 и издана в 2025 году. Приятного чтения!
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