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Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie

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Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie

347 печатных страниц

Время чтения ≈ 9ч

2018 год


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Подробная информация
Год издания: 
Дата поступления: 
15 декабря 2018
Время на чтение: 
9 ч.
5 321 книга
"Mr. President, no man can dishonor me except myself. Honor wounds must be self-inflicted
14 ноября 2020


Burroughs and Seton both enjoyed the trap I set for them. True it is, we only hate those whom we do not know. It certainly is often the way to peace to invite your adversary to dinner and even beseech him to come, taking no refusal. Most quarrels become acute from the parties not seeing and communicating with each other and hearing too much of their disagreement from others
14 ноября 2020


"My idea is that the Company should be known as determined to let the men at any works stop work; that it will confer freely with them and wait patiently until they decide to return to work, never thinking of trying new men—never
14 ноября 2020


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