Резюме совещания George, Предмет обсуждения Here are t...➤ MyBook

Цитата из книги «Kind Regards. Деловая переписка на английском языке»

Резюме совещания George, Предмет обсуждения Here are the notes from the March 8, 2007 Business Unit meeting at Vector HQ with Roberto, Kathy, Mateo, Mei and Ana. Вопрос 1 1. Mateo questioned the date when the 35/45 arrangement will expire. Vector needs to clarify. Action: Roberto. Вопрос 2 2. Mateo also asked whether Vector has any other clients in the same boat. If so, what plans are in place for them? Action: Roberto. Вопрос 3 3. Lumina needs to confirm plans/progress on the Poetics upgrade at de Bracy. Action: Mei.
8 июля 2018
