We saw several Ships, in our Way, bound to and from th...➤ MyBook

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We saw several Ships, in our Way, bound to and from the Red Sea, as we suppos’d, and, at another Time, we would have been sure to have spoken with them: But, we had done Pirating; our Business now was, how to get off, and make our Way to some Retreat, where we might enjoy what we had got; so we took no Notice of any Thing by the Way; but, when we was thus sailing merrily along, the Weather began to change, the Evening grew black and cloudy, and threaten’d a Storm: We were in Sight or a little Island, (I know nothing of its Name) under which we might have anchor’d with Safety enough, but our People made light of it, and went on. About an Hour after Sun-set the Wind began to rise, and blew hard at N. E. and at N. E. by N. and in two Hours Time encreas’d to such a Tempest, as in all my Rambles I never met with the like; we were not able to carry a Knot of Sail, or to know what to do, but to stow every Thing close, and let her drive; and, in this Condition we continu’d all the Night, all the next Day, and Part of the Night after; towards Morning the Storm abated a little, but not so as to give us any Prospect of pursuing our voyage; all the Ease we had, was, that we could just carry a little Sail to steddy the Vessel, and run away before it; which we did at that violent Rate, that we never abated ’till we made Land on the East Side of Madagascar, the very Island we came from, only on the other Side of the Island.
2 декабря 2021



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