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A General History of the Pyrates: from their first rise and settlement in the island of Providence, to the present time

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A General History of the Pyrates: from their first rise and settlement in the island of Providence, to the present time

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2017 год


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читайте онлайн полную версию книги «A General History of the Pyrates: from their first rise and settlement in the island of Providence, to the present time» автора Даниэль Дефо на сайте электронной библиотеки MyBook.ru. Скачивайте приложения для iOS или Android и читайте «A General History of the Pyrates: from their first rise and settlement in the island of Providence, to the present time» где угодно даже без интернета. 

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5 321 книга
AS the Pyrates in the West-Indies have been so formidable and numerous, that they have interrupted the Trade of Europe into those Parts; and our English Merchants, in particular, have suffered more by their Depredations, than by the united Force of France and Spain, in the late War: We do not doubt but the World will be curious to know the Original and Progress of these Desperadoes, who were the Terror of the trading Part of the World. But before we enter upon their particular History, it will not be amiss, by way of Introduction, to shew, by some Examples drawn from History, the great Mischief and Danger which threaten Kingdoms and Commonwealths, from the Increase of these sort of Robbers; when either by the Troubles of particular Times, or the Neglect of Governments, they are not crush’d before they gather Strength.
4 декабря 2017


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