Цитаты из книги «Cause to Kill» Блейка Пирс📚 — лучшие афоризмы, высказывания и крылатые фразы — MyBook.

Цитаты из книги «Cause to Kill»


This world is what we make of it, Avery. Anything we wish can be ours. My actions are based on my beliefs.
2 марта 2021


People are afraid of what they don’t understand,
2 марта 2021


That’s not love,” Avery said. “Love is when you’re willing to give up something you care about for someone else. It’s when you care more about the other person than your own desires, and you act on it – that’s love. It has nothing to do with sex.” Ramirez raised his brows in respect. “Whoa,” he said. “That’s deep, Black.”
24 февраля 2021


What are they? Only vessels, nameless, faceless vessels – so few among billions – waiting to find their purpose.
23 февраля 2021


Life is hard,” she mused. “You think you know something one day and then the next day, the veil gets pulled down and everything changes.”
23 февраля 2021


stuck-up girls getting drunk and cheating on their boyfriends,
19 февраля 2020


He had short black hair, a shaved face, and although he wore a nice gray suit, there was an ease about his stance and appearance. A sip of coffee and he continued to stare without emotion.
14 ноября 2019



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