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3D drawing
Artist Farit

Illustrator Farit Artist

Cover designer Farit Artist

Photograph Farit Artist

Translator Google

© Artist Farit, 2021

© Farit Artist, illustrations, 2021

© Farit Artist, cover design, 2021

© Farit Artist, photos, 2021

© Google, translation, 2021

ISBN 978-5-4498-9130-3

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Artist Farit.


Detailed course 3D drawing

Volume One.

The Introduction.

Table of contents


Errors in 3D drawings.

Instructions on how to photograph a 3D drawing.


The story of one of my 3D drawings.

This drawing lasted only one day on the stairs of the shopping center. One woman, seeing the drawing, was frightened, but when she looked closely, she laughed. Later, one of the visitors was more seriously afraid, and complained to the director of the shopping center. The director said – Remove the drawing, I do not need heart attacks on the stairs of my shopping center.


Keep learning. Learn more about computers, about crafts, gardening – about anything. Never leave your brain lazy. “An idle brain is the devil’s workshop.” And the name of the devil is Alzheimer.

George Carlin.

At a fairly late age, I learned to draw 3D drawings. I learned on my own, not finding instructions in books or on the Internet. I came up with a very simple and visual way to learn how to draw 3D drawings. The course teaches an understanding of how to draw a 3D drawing. Detailed explanations of the fundamentals and principles, thoughtful exercises, will help readers master the secrets of the art of 3D drawing.

The course is intended for a wide range of readers. The course will be useful to novice artists, and experienced. Errors in building the perspective of 3D drawing I have met even experienced artists. If you draw at a professional level, the book will help you deepen your perspective building skills.

The course may be of interest to teachers of geometry, drawing and drawing of secondary schools, drawing schools, colleges and higher educational institutions. 3D drawing lessons will help to make drawing, sketching and geometry lessons more interesting for teenagers, youth and students. The course will be useful for the development of spatial, geometric thinking. For a better understanding of geometry.

My course is a good way to interest geometry, adolescents and youth. Learning to draw a 3D drawing, a good way in a fun way, explain some of the laws of geometry. An interesting intellectual occupation, which can captivate adolescents and youth. To improve spatial vision and imagination.

Drawing a 3D drawing (in some cases) is much easier than painting a portrait or landscape.

3D drawing, it is more – GEOMETRY. Geometry that is not studied at school. But from this it does not cease to be geometry. Many objects can be drawn using only a ruler and a dividers. Perhaps if my course becomes quite popular, a new section will appear in school geometry – geometry 3D drawing. 3D drawing is a kind of offshoot of geometry.

The course may be of interest to parents of adolescents and children. Joint development of the ability to draw 3D drawings is a good activity for spending family time. Occupation useful for the development of the brain of children, adolescents and parents. To distract teenagers and children from computer games and gadgets.

ATTENTION to producers of video and TV programs.

offer to producers of video and TV programs.

I bring to your attention a NEW EDUCATIONAL and entertainment TV project.

My TV project is about the relationship between three-dimensional drawing and geometry.

My TV project is 3D drawing lessons. TV lessons based on my course and my books on the basics of 3D drawing.

A bit of background.

I suggested to the Discovery channel to make a TV course “3D drawing”.

Here’s what they answered.

– — – — – — – — —

Dear Farit,

Thank you for contacting Discovery.

We regret we are only able to accept proposals from established production companies. If you are an individual with a programme idea or are interested in being on a programme, we suggest you do some research into production companies and contact them directly.

If you are a producer and wish to submit a programme, please visit the Discovery Producer’s Portal at http://producers.discovery.com

Kind regards,

Colin | Discovery Viewer Services | discoveryuk.com

– – – – – – – – - –

The course will be useful even to parents of 6—7 year old children. The sooner you show your child what perspective and geometry are, the better. I began to draw “voluminous” (NOT 3D) drawings in kindergarten, aged 5—6 years. Then I did not understand what geometry or perspective is. The kindergarten teacher showed me one small “trick” how to make “voluminous” drawings from my flat drawings such as “side view”.

I am many years old; this lesson in kindergarten was a very long time ago. I don’t remember the details, but I well remember what effect the conversion of my “flat” drawings into “voluminous” had on me. It was like an insight. Thanks to this effect, I remember that case. Perhaps that lesson, with a little “trick”, started the process of mastering and understanding geometry in my brain. After that “lesson”, I drew “flat” objects and turned them into “voluminous” ones. For me it was one of the most interesting activities.

Reconstruction of my children’s drawings, such as “side view”.

The kindergarten teacher showed me a little “trick”. She drew to my “flat” drawings, segments of the same length, and in one direction.

The teacher connected the ends of the painted segments. And a “miracle” happened! “Flat” cars and the house became “voluminous”.

Preschoolers should watch similar lessons. If they have a predisposition to spatial vision, it will be very useful and interesting for them. Unless they are predisposed to drawing and geometry, they will not suffer from these lessons.

Perhaps if the kindergarten teacher did not show me this “trick”, I would not be able, at an older age, to independently master the 3D-drawing and write this guide on the basics of 3D-graphics.

The brain in childhood is particularly tuned to learning. The first, main and main goal of the children’s brain is learning. Learning, everything that will help to survive in the race for survival, in conditions of natural selection. Therefore, children can quickly learn a second, non-native language. Learning a second language for adults is very difficult.

Surely, both the basics of perspective and the beginning of geometry, children can master in childhood better than later, as adults.

My “voluminous” drawings in childhood were not 3D drawings. 3D drawing is a bit more complicated than simple “three-dimensional” drawings. The prospect of “volumetric” drawings, in childhood, was not central, but axonometric, or parallel to oblique projection.

This type of perspective was used in drawing and painting before the central perspective was discovered and mastered during the Renaissance.

The axonometric (parallel, oblique) perspective was used in Byzantine and Old Russian painting. The Chinese and Japanese also used axonometric perspective in their paintings. Perhaps because an axonometric perspective is the easiest to understand perspective.

If young children themselves cannot master the prospect, they will be able to be proud (and show off) of their parents who can draw 3D drawings. There is such a good saying – “Do not raise a child, he will still become like you, educate yourself.” Therefore, advice to parents of young children – Learn to draw! Children looking at you will also learn.

3D drawing is not only an interesting and developing activity for free time (hobby), but also an interesting work. Being able to draw 3D drawings, you can draw advertising (commercial) or entertaining 3D drawings. Having spent several dollars on the book, you can earn ten or one hundred times more. A small 3D drawing of medium complexity can cost from 250—500 dollars/euro. Complex and large 3D drawings can cost a lot more.

Thanks to the ability to draw simple 3D drawings, I went to the international street art festival for the cost of just one 3D drawing. Moreover, I traveled abroad of my country, to a fairly large distance. 3000 km one way. Part of the road (2 hours) flew by plane, traveled by train for two nights, and this is only one way. At night I rode on the train, and during the day I walked around the cities, around Moscow, around Riga, along Bremen.

In addition, the organizers of some festivals compensate for the cost of the road, provide accommodation, partially provide food and give out some materials.

Being able to draw a 3D drawing, you can increase the number of views and the number of subscribers to your YouTube channel, or social networks. Many videos with 3D drawing, gaining thousands of views. Some videos with 3D drawing, gaining millions of views.

Drawing 3D, like any intellectual action, very good training and “gymnastics” for the brain. A diversified brain in any direction works more efficiently. Learning to draw 3D drawings, you will train your brain, and the brain will last you longer. Your brain will remain clarity and health longer.

By drawing 3D drawings, you will postpone the meeting of your Alzheimer, Parkinson and other older satellites for several years.

Drawing a 3D picture on the pavement is


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