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3D drawing
Hole on paper
Artist Farit

Дизайнер обложки Farit Artist

Иллюстратор Farit Artist

Фотограф Farit Artist

Переводчик Google

© Artist Farit, 2021

© Farit Artist, дизайн обложки, 2021

© Farit Artist, иллюстрации, 2021

© Farit Artist, фотографии, 2021

© Google, перевод, 2021

ISBN 978-5-4498-9710-7

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Artist Farit


Detailed course 3D drawing

Volume Two.

Hole on paper.

Table of contents


3D drawing on paper.



The story of one of my 3D drawings.

This drawing lasted only one day on the stairs of the shopping center. One woman, seeing the drawing, was frightened, but when she looked closely, she laughed. Later, one of the visitors was more seriously afraid, and complained to the director of the shopping center. The director said – Remove the drawing, I do not need heart attacks on the stairs of my shopping center.


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Keep learning. Learn more about computers, about crafts, gardening – about anything. Never leave your brain lazy. “An idle brain is the devil’s workshop.” And the name of the devil is Alzheimer.

George Carlin.

At a fairly late age, I learned to draw 3D drawings. I learned on my own, not finding instructions in books or on the Internet. I came up with a very simple and visual way to learn how to draw 3D drawings. The course teaches an understanding of how to draw a 3D drawing. Detailed explanations of the fundamentals and principles, thoughtful exercises, will help readers master the secrets of the art of 3D drawing.

The course is intended for a wide range of readers. The course will be useful to novice artists, and experienced. Errors in building the perspective of 3D drawing I have met even experienced artists. If you draw at a professional level, the course will help you deepen your perspective building skills.

The course may be of interest to teachers of geometry, drawing and drawing of secondary schools, drawing schools, colleges and higher educational institutions. 3D drawing lessons will help to make drawing, sketching and geometry lessons more interesting for teenagers, youth and students. The course will be useful for the development of spatial, geometric thinking. For a better understanding of geometry. To improve spatial vision and imagination.

My course is a good way to interest geometry, adolescents and youth. Learning to draw a 3D drawing, a good way in a fun way, explain some of the laws of geometry. An interesting intellectual occupation, which can captivate adolescents and youth.

Drawing a 3D drawing (in some cases) is much easier than painting a portrait or landscape.

3D drawing, it is more – GEOMETRY. Geometry that is not studied at school. But from this it does not cease to be geometry. Many objects can be drawn using only a ruler and a dividers. Perhaps if my course becomes quite popular, a new section will appear in school geometry – geometry 3D drawing. 3D drawing is a kind of offshoot of geometry.

The ability to draw a 3D drawing can enhance the credibility of a geometry teacher in the eyes of students.

The course may be of interest to parents of adolescents and children. Joint development of the ability to draw 3D drawings is a good

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