Цитаты из книги «The Little Prince» Антуана де Сент-Экзюпери📚 — лучшие афоризмы, высказывания и крылатые фразы — MyBook.

Цитаты из книги «The Little Prince»


“Eyes are blind. One should look with his heart…”
15 марта 2023


“The stars are beautiful because of the flower that can’t be seen.”
15 марта 2023


“You are nothing like my rose”, he said. “At the moment, you are nothing. Nobody has tamed you, and you haven’t tamed anyone. You are like my fox when I first met him. He was like any other thousands of foxes. But we became friends and now he is the most unique fox in a whole world.
15 марта 2023


“I thought I was rich because I had the most unique flower in a whole world. But all I had was a simple rose. A simple rose and three volcanos which could hardly reach my knees and one of them is most certainly dead… I am not such a prince afterwards…”
15 марта 2023


The Little prince started to doubt the beauty in spite of his love for the flower. He took the words seriously that were not important and because of this, he felt unhappy.
14 марта 2023


The Little Prince realised at once that it wasn’t modest at all, but it was so touching and alluring!
14 марта 2023


Once, a new flower grew up from an unknown seed, and the Little Prince watched very carefully a new sprout that was so unlike any other on the planet.
14 марта 2023


What an unreachable place is this land of tears.
14 марта 2023


“You know, people like sunsets when they are sad…”
14 марта 2023


You will never get rid of baobabs unless you catch them in time.
14 марта 2023
