Цитаты из книги «Матрица Судьбы. Зона Талантов. Вишудха» Анны Гаджибек📚 — лучшие афоризмы, высказывания и крылатые фразы — MyBook.
As a result, objectivity and reliability are their ability to delve into the topic, apply an analytical approach, rely on facts and be decent.
8 июля 2023


This will help to be a source of reliable information and make important decisions.
8 июля 2023


However, in order to achieve objectivity, it is necessary to rely on facts, be decent and balanced.
8 июля 2023


After all, they know that it is from mistakes that you can learn the most valuable lessons and grow, becoming even better. Objectivity and understanding of order and harmony play an important role in achieving the right conclusions drawn from the basis of tracking connections.
8 июля 2023


deeply penetrate into the essence of the issue
8 июля 2023


they think globally. They do not just want to change the world, they are ready to take responsibility for their actions and go against generally accepted norms and values.
8 июля 2023


change the course of history and destroy everything that is built on illusions and lies.
8 июля 2023


Their projects become unique in history and make a significant contribution to the development of society.
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Each new project is an opportunity for them to show their talent and implement unique ideas.
8 июля 2023


Such people are able to see opportunities where others see only restrictions. They are not afraid to take risks and go forward, implementing their ideas.
8 июля 2023
