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When Allen Carr’s method failed to help you to quit smoking or how to overcome Your nicotine addiction, how to stop smoking

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When Allen Carr’s method failed to help you to quit smoking or how to overcome Your nicotine addiction, how to stop smoking

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О книге

How to quit smoking? Every smoker thinks about it from time to time. According to official statistics, at least 35% of the Russian population is addicted to smoking, and millions of people are searching for an answer to this question. So, how do you quit smoking? The author shares what he’s learned from his 35 years of smoking – the knowledge he gained during this time and his method for breaking nicotine addiction. The way to quit smoking is presented in a simple manner but requires punctuality, discipline and regularity.

читайте онлайн полную версию книги «When Allen Carr’s method failed to help you to quit smoking or how to overcome Your nicotine addiction, how to stop smoking» автора Андрей Андреев на сайте электронной библиотеки MyBook.ru. Скачивайте приложения для iOS или Android и читайте «When Allen Carr’s method failed to help you to quit smoking or how to overcome Your nicotine addiction, how to stop smoking» где угодно даже без интернета. 

Подробная информация
Дата написания: 
1 августа 2020
Год издания: 
Дата поступления: 
11 января 2021
Yury Subachev
Время на чтение: 
1 ч.

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