«Своя-чужая жизнь, или Верни мою любовь» отзывы и рецензии читателей на книгу📖автора Алены Винтер, рейтинг книги — MyBook.

Отзывы на книгу «Своя-чужая жизнь, или Верни мою любовь»

отзыва и рецензии на книгу


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I am from Serbia
I have watched ,, Верни мою любовь ,, without translation your language is beautiful I can understand almost everything but I can't read Rusian.
Please tell me is there a translation of this book (English)? Maby in Serbian? I can guess that it is as beautiful as the show.
If there is not tell someone that the show is a great hit in Serbia and we always read the book before or after.
We are watching all your shows and we love them. Once more our languages are very similar and it is easy to follow.
17 апреля 2016



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Интересный сюжет, события разворачиваются быстро, читается легко
17 февраля 2015
