Цитаты из книги «Английский язык. Темы для экзаменов. Уровень В2» Александра Владимировича Павленко📚 — лучшие афоризмы, высказывания и крылатые фразы — MyBook.
I have been in September and October, and that was really cold, the kind of cold that gets into your bones.
30 декабря 2020


One of my favourite times of the year is spring. I think it feels optimistic, after a long winter, when the flowers come out and it starts getting warmer.
30 декабря 2020


When I was at university, I had many opportunities to see concerts.
27 декабря 2020


I remember going once, after a party, when my cousin Sarah had hiccups through the whole service, which was quite embarrassing.
27 декабря 2020


She’s very artistic, one of these people who’s very intense and highly-strung, so she can be very sensitive, or then suddenly she can be very affectionate, and then very angry…
27 декабря 2020


we lost touch with each other for quite a long time.
27 декабря 2020


We’re all quite easy-going, hard-working, and enjoy being busy all the time and don’t like just sitting around and doing nothing. I
27 декабря 2020


He’s still quite cheerful generally, but the pain makes him really grumpy and depressed at times.
21 декабря 2020


I don’t like sewing or knitting or any of those typical female pursuits. I’m terrible at knitting. We used to have to knit at school, knit scarves, which they said they would make into blankets for the poor or something like that.
21 декабря 2020


I think everybody hates doing the hoovering wherever they are. Although some people really like ironing, I can’t say I do. I don’t really like any household chores that much.
20 декабря 2020
